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The Dumping Grounds


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NASA Just Published the Best PR Video of All Time


Every Single ‘League Of Legends’ Champion Explained


Crazy crash at the Macau GP


Here’s How You Teach Someone to Drive Stick in Five Minutes or Less – Road And Truck


The Mitsubishi Mirage Is the Worst New Car You Can Buy


Problem X’s M. Bison is on another level!


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The rush to change our children’s sex will be one of the darkest chapters in medicine – Daily Mail

Nazis Explain Why They Became Nazis – VICE

Japanese Engineer’s Gift to Lonley And Unfulfilled Women – Amazon

Inside the Flat Earth Conference, Where the World’s Oldest Conspiracy Theory Is Hot Again
The Daily Beast

10 Clever Kitchen Gadgets That Will Make Your Life A Whole Lot Easier – Awesome Galore

What to Eat to Live to 100 – Medium

Browns want to interview former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for head coaching job – ESPN

Why You Shouldn’t Leave Your Phone Plugged in Overnight – Make Use Of

This 29-Year-Old Makes Up to $2,000 a Month Selling T-shirts Online. Here’s Her Fascinating Strategy – TIME

Creepy Photos Reveal A Different Side To History – History Daily

Stores use these tricks to get you to spend money. Don’t fall for it – VOX

I Found the Best Burger Place in America. And Then I Killed It – Thrillist

9 CEOs share their favorite productivity hacks – Fast Co

Watch And Record TV Everywhere — No Cable Package Required – Amazon

Meet Busty InstaModel Hannah Palmer – Hollywood Tuna

Disney’s Star Wars Park Will Come With Original Music From John Williams – The Verge

Why 536 was ‘the worst year to be alive’ – Science

Rammstein to begin mixing new album; three-year tour planned – COS

Hot Instagram babe Rachel Cook totally naked – Drunken Stepfather 

Tips from public radio’s renowned interviewer Terry Gross on how to have better conversations anywhere – NY Times

The ‘Kivin Method’ Will Take Your Oral Sex Game to the Next Level – Men’s Health

Young Jaime Pressly was a hotter version of Margot Robbie – GFY

Celebrities with 3m-7m followers can charge, on average, $187,500 for a post on YouTube, $93,750 for a post on Facebook and $75,000 for a post on Instagram or Snapchat – Economist

Amazon’s Long Game Is Clearer Than Ever – Rolling Stone

Meet Australian Insta Model Abby Dowse – G-Celeb

The Trial of El Chapo – The Ringer

Jem Wolfie Posted a Topless Pic (nsfw) – BB Blog

Inside The Pricey War To Influence Your Instagram Feed – Wired

Spice Girl Mel B Left With $936 Out Of $100M Fortune After Brutal Split From Ex-Husband – Telegraph

PAWG Raver Booty – Imgur

Texas students to be taught slavery played ‘central role’ in Civil War – NPR

Ex-WWE Star Enzo Amore Tackled, Removed from Crowd at WWE Survivor Series – Bleacher Report

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Beautiful Asian Girls



















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A Few Glorious Videos For Your Consideration


It doesn’t stop!




Disgraceful to the badge






 0 to 100 back to 0 real quick 


Pay ya bills ya broke bitch




Lucky AF!


They found the No Neck guy!


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Confessions Of A Dude Who Is Pursuing The MGTOW Lifestyle


(photo: @tegan)

What is MGTOW?

Men Going Their Own Way are guys who’ve decided to forgo relationships due to a perceived imbalance of power between men and women, and have modified their lifestyle and outlook on life to continue without women.

I’m a red pill man (red pill is the umbrella that MGTOW falls under), but may or not be mgtow. I’ll wait until they define what is or isn’t mgtow before I say, since it fluctuates. Either way, I’ve had some tragic and rather traumatic experiences with women, or have seen it in close friends.

  • Actually had a woman in college say to my face that she would never date me unless absolutely no one else wanted her and she’d need a man to take care of her. The female friends I had said nothing as she insulted me for nothing.
  • An incident in college where I was guilt-tripped into escorting two female friends to a campus event that I did not wish to attend (due to a rape scare that was going on at the time). The guy they were both crushing on didn’t want to take them. I had to walk all the way across campus to get them, and all the way back to the event. When it was announced the event was cancelled, both girls got on the phone and called the guy who refused to escort them. All I got for my trouble was a rude goodbye…not even a thank you or an acknowledgment.
  • Was beaten by my ex-mom when I was 10 and accidentally hit her in self-defense (she was slapping me and I was trying to stop her from hitting me…hitting her by accident in the process). For years afterwards, my family claimed that I attacked her.
  • Was accused of molesting a girl in college. Later found out from a mutual friend that she actually liked black men, but came from a racist family. I was one of many that she’d shown sexual interest in then tried to say she’d been molested. Even years later, she was so remorseless that she couldn’t understand why I never spoke to her again.
  • An incident where a girl had a crush on a friend of mine. He didn’t return her advances, so she took out her frustration on me (since I’m ugly to her).
  • The realization that everything I’d been taught about being good to women gives them a free pass to walk all over me.
  • Seeing how my ex-mom treated my ex-dad, especially in recent years. When he was poor and she had money, he had to give her money “for the kids”. Now that the shoe is on the opposite foot, he has to pay for her crap while she not only spends needlessly, she costs him more money by being super wasteful and buying the most expensive items she can…putting him in debt.
  • Seeing the attitude women have when a man doesn’t let her run his life.
  • Blatant sexism I’ve seen women commit on men, but yet they’ll blow up if a man says something small like “women spend money.”
  • Seeing NAWALTS (not all women are like that) who actually ARE like that when push comes to shove.
  • Having my ex-grandmother say to my face that she’d always take my mom’s side over mine if we were ever in a confrontation, even if my mother was in the wrong and I was in the right.
  • Having a good friend from High School have his heart utterly broken by a woman he dated making him believe their son was his until after she’d spent his entire nest egg.
  • Having two of my 4 exes leave me for other men (remnant of hypergamy).
  • Paternity fraud is not illegal in the United States, and men not only have to pay for the women and children in the event of a divorce/break-up, they have to give her the house, the car, and continue to support her. Women largely don’t find this unfair or appalling. I think it’s absolutely disgraceful!
  • Times I got in trouble as an adult since I refused to placate to my ex-mom or ex-baby sister’s whims.
  • Seeing incidences where women lie and say a man did something horrible to him to keep from getting in trouble herself.
  • Saw a case on the news where a woman tried to have a hit man kill her husband, then pretended to be hysterically upset when he was “killed”. When it turned out one of the men she asked to kill him notified the police and her husband, she pretended she did nothing of the sort…despite there being audio and video evidence of her talking to the alleged hit man.
  • Ex-mom called the police on me over a verbal altercation. Lied and said that I had threatened and intimidated her in an attempt to have me thrown from ex-dad’s house (a place she did not own).
  • Many instances where men have given up or postponed their dreams for a woman.

These are just a few incidences in my lifetime that I’ve experienced or witnessed, but there are many more. I do not believe all women are mean-spirited and evil, but I believe that many of the women who claim they’d never do such horrible things actually would if given the opportunity.

My movement towards being red pill came when I read an article about why nice guys never get the girl back in college. It was very disheartening to find…it described my relationship with women TO A T! Since then, I’ve seen many examples of what happened to men like me who never wisened up to what women were doing to them. Most of them had their lives destroyed, and I didn’t want that to be me. I still like women and date, but I will probably never get married due to the reasons above.

Honestly, I hate the fact that people (especially women) think I need to have a woman in my life for it to be happy. They think it’s impossible for a man to be an utter success or find happiness without a woman by his side. I started listening to Tom Leykis and have found many instances where being with a woman killed a man’s dream. So, I decided that I would never get into a serious relationship until I’ve achieved my dream.

Being a red pill/mgtow is just the better choice when so many women are running around messing life up for us.

– Paulie

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They Do Things A Bit Differently In Florida…


Florida Man Arrested For Practicing Karate By Kicking Swans In The Head (article)

A Florida man interested in karate is alleged to have found an elusive and illegal target for his kicks: bird faces. Last week, the Orlando Sentinel reported that Rocco Joseph Mantella was arrested for “practicing karate” by kicking swans in the head at a park in downtown Orlando, and further details of his arrest—are wild as shit.

According to an Orange County (Fla.) arrest affidavit, Mantella was spotted by a few witnesses around 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 26, kicking a bunch of animals. Someone saw him kick one swan in the head and another in the butt while “practicing karate.” His kicks were enough to knock one swan down, and a witness said he was kicking “as hard as possible.” Mantella also apparently targeted a small duck enjoying a morning nap. When one witness saw what he was doing, he apparently began to laugh at her.


Entrepreneurial Florida Man and his wife built a drive-thru window into their trailer… to sell fentanyl (article)

A Florida couple was arrested last week after they were caught allegedly selling drugs out of a drive-thru window they constructed out of the side of their mobile home.

William Parrish Jr. and McKenzee Dobbs of Ocala, Florida, were arrested on August 23 after investigators raided their mobile home following reports of four drug overdoses in the area, WFTV reported.

Ocala Police said the couple had turned a kitchen window into a drive-thru so customers would not have to constantly enter and exit their home, potentially drawing unwanted attention, WFTV reported. The house had signs directing people where to drive and indicated whether it was open or closed, police said.


Florida Woman Tells Judge she’s been dead 30 years, has mastered immortality (article)

 A South Florida woman accused of stalking a local doctor for more than 30 years told police she will never give up when she was arrested Wednesday, police said.

Tamarra Nichols, 67, violated a restraining order protecting the doctor, who the suspect has stalked for the past three decades, police said.

Nichols has been arrested numerous times in the past for persistently calling the victim and showing up to his Aventura clinic.

During Thursday’s bond court hearing, Nichols burst into laughter when a judge set her bond. She also called her arrest a “complete scam.”

“It’s been a hostage situation, and I’ve been taken under to confront you and tell you the truth about what has happened. I have mastered immortality with two others. Two very brave men,” Nichols told the bond court judge.

She added that she’s been dead for 30 years.


Man pulls out replica AR-15 rifle after a McDonald’s ran out of ice cream (article)

A Delray Beach man wasn’t happy that a nearby McDonald’s didn’t have any ice cream, so he pulled out a replica AR-15 rifle while he waited in the drive-thru line, police said.

Jerry Henry was arrested Monday after the incident at the McDonald’s on Linton Boulevard.Delray Beach police said Henry was a passenger in a car at the drive-thru when the driver, who was ordering food at the intercom, became upset with the employee who was taking his order.

According to a probable cause affidavit, the driver, identified as Michael Delhomme, was upset because the ice cream machine wasn’t working.

The employee told police that he watched from the store’s surveillance video as Henry got out of the front passenger seat and went into the trunk to remove what appeared to be a rifle. The employee told his co-workers, and they went into the bathroom to hide and call 911.


Florida man released from jail then arrested again in the jail parking lot for trying to steal a car (article)

A New Port Richey man who was just released from prison was arrested for attempted vehicle theft again before he even left the jail parking lot.

Klaid Karpuzi, 41, was arrested when deputies say he tried to steal a truck with a teen in the backseat just three days earlier.

“The fear that my husband and I had to go through on Sunday, you can’t explain it and I just don’t want that to happen to anyone else,” said Stephanie Seaton, the mother of that teen.

As Karpuzi was walking through the jail parking lot following his release, he reportedly tried to get into a vehicle by walking around it, then pulling on the passenger door handle.

Inside the vehicle was an off-duty deputy who happened to be at the jail to take a class.

“It’s kind of odd you would just walk up to a car that’s running after you just were arrested for vehicle theft,” said a Pasco County deputy on body camera video. He told Karpuzi that it was no mistake. “You’re trying to get in with her, or you’re trying to steal the car.”

When Karpuzi pulled on the handle, Deputy Brunner stepped out of the vehicle, where she and another deputy detained him.


Florida Woman concerned about the meth she was smoking, so she took it to her doctor (article)

An elderly woman is accused of taking her methamphetamine to the doctor for testing after she became concerned about the drug’s effect on her.

Barbara Lee Ray, 73, of Polk County, Florida, asked her doctor to test the meth because she was worried it was doing harm, the Miami Herald reported.

Ray had been using the drug for about a month, but it remains uncertain where she got it or why she was smoking it, according to the paper.

Deputies said she went to Complete Care Family Medicine Associates on Nov. 5 to test the product, which came back positive for meth.

Ray was booked into the Polk County jail on two counts of possession of methamphetamine and two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia.


Florida man robs bank, strips naked, then runs down the street throwing stolen money everywhere (article)

Authorities in Florida say they arrested a man who robbed a bank, stripped naked and ran down the street throwing stolen money — a spectacle that he somehow thought would jump-start his career as a comedian.

Instead, the FBI says 25-year-old Alexander Sperber is charged with bank robbery.

A federal complaint says the man told authorities he parked his car at the bank, made a gun motion with his hand and demanded money from the teller, who gave him about $4,700 in a bag. Officials say a red dye pack exploded, staining his clothes and a cast on his left wrist.


Florida Man breaks into house, eats salad, masturbates, plays with toy helicopter (article)

If you’re at home and hear a mysterious “fapfapfap” noise, it might be a helicopter outside — or it might be this guy. Jason Lee Vickery, 23, broke into a home in St. Augustine, Fla. Wednesday and was about to masturbate when he got distracted by a green remote-controlled helicopter, according to a St. Johns County Sheriff’s report obtained by HuffPost Weird News. Vickery sought out the toy’s batteries and flew the helicopter for a while, “thus depriving the owner of the item” and its battery life, the report states. At some point while inside the home, he ate a salad he happened to have with him, investigators told Action News Jax. After getting his fill of leafy greens, Vickery allegedly masturbated in the bathroom on the second floor, but stopped and went to the backyard because he heard voices coming from outside. The voices belonged to deputies, who arrested him. Officials say they confiscated a bag of marijuana, as well as other drug paraphernalia, a pouch of chewing tobacco, a towel and a wig. Vickery was charged with larceny and burglary.


Florida woman crashes her teen daughters party, has sex with two underage teenage boys (article)

A 40 year-old woman from Bradenton has been arrested and charged with ‘Unlawful Sexual Activity of Certain Minors’. It comes after Jaimie Ayer crashed her own teenage daughter’s house party and seduced two underage teen boys.

She lured the two drunk boys into the shower and conducted illicit and unlawful sexual activity with the pair. Her daughter thought her mother would be out, but when Ayers caught wind of the party she returned to the house. But instead of kicking the teenagers out, she bought and plied them with alcohol and seduced the young boys.

Ayer apparently told one of the victims that she had to take a shower and that he was welcome to ‘help her’. He was then lead to a bedroom by the woman. She then began to take off her clothes and perform an erotic act on the victim, according to police.


Florida man doesn’t drink while he’s driving, just while at stop lights and stop signs (article)

Earle Stevens Jr. told investigators he wasn’t drinking while driving. Instead, he was downing bourbon only while stopped at traffic signals and stop signs. Stevens’s explanation, however, didn’t keep him out of jail on a DUI charge following a June 27 incident in Vero Beach, an arrest affidavit states.

Indian River County sheriff’s officials went to a McDonald’s in the 700 block of South U.S. 1 in Vero Beach for a possible disturbance. A woman said a vehicle behind her in the drive-thru kept striking her rear bumper. She pointed to a vehicle driven by Stevens, 69, of Vero Beach. Stevens said he’s never had a valid Florida driver’s license. Deputies noticed he did have an open bottle of liquor in a brown paper bag in the passenger seat. Stevens smelled of booze, saying he felt “pretty good.”

He said he was drinking Jim Beam bourbon from the bottle in the passenger seat. He said he was drinking at “stop signs.”

“He further explained that he was not drinking while the car was moving and only when he stopped for stop signs and traffic signals,” the affidavit states.

At the Indian River County Jail, breath tests measured Stevens’s blood alcohol content at 0.153 and 0.147 – greater than the 0.08 legal limit.

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The Daily Man-Up


"I have hunted our Thanksgiving turkeys for ages. I had an opportunity to harvest and take home a turkey straight from the land on which it was raised and roamed naturally @roamranch are creating opportunities to connect people to their food on deeper level. 

Your food does not come from the freezer or the store—it comes from the earth. Even if you don’t hunt/harvest your own food, consider the life and existence that preceded it being on your plate. Stop pretending that seeing words like “sustainable, renewable, organic” are anything other than marketing tools to make you buy them. Start believing in regenerative farming and that we can still save this planet. We have been jacking it up for 100 years. Be thankful for this earth and realize it’s time we start healing it."

Tim Kennedy

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The Unsettling TRUTH About Factory Farming


Chickens Used for Eggs

Chickens used for egg production are among the most abused of all farm animals. In order to meet the consumer demand for eggs, 280 million hens laid 77.3 billion eggs in 2007. From hatching to slaughter, egg-laying hens are subjected to mutilation, confinement, and deprivation of the ability to live their lives as the active, social beings they are.

  • Because male chicks will not grow up to lay eggs and, therefore, have little value to the egg industry, 260 million are killed each year upon hatching. Methods include being sucked through a series of pipes onto an electrified “kill plate,” being ground up alive and fully conscious in a “macerator,” or being gassed.
  • Female chicks are “debeaked” at a young age, most commonly having a portion of their beaks seared off with a hot blade. Debeaking is meant to prevent the abnormal feather-pecking that can result from the stress of confinement in a battery cage. A chicken’s beak is filled with nerves, and debeaking can result in severe and possibly chronic pain.
  • 95% of egg-laying hens spend their lives in battery cages. Battery cages commonly hold 5–10 birds, and each chicken may be given an amount of floor space equivalent to less than a sheet of letter-size paper. Constantly rubbing against and standing on wire cages, hens suffer severe feather loss, and their bodies become covered with bruises and abrasions
  • Today’s hen, selectively bred and artificially induced to yield high egg production, will produce more than 250 eggs annually, compared to 100 eggs annually a century ago.
  • In order to shock their bodies into another egg-laying cycle when production declines, hens are sometimes starved and denied any food for up to two weeks — a process known as “force molting.”
  • The lifespan of an industry chicken would be 5–8 years. However, when egg production declines after 1–2 years, hens are considered “spent” and sent to slaughter. Chickens and turkeys are exempt from the Humane Slaughter Act, a federal law that requires some animals to be rendered insensible to pain before slaughter.
  • Due to a declining market for “spent” hens, producers often elect to kill them by gassing them with high concentrations of carbon dioxide. In some cases, the gas does not kill the birds, and there have been reports of live hens found at landfills crawling out from piles of decomposing chickens.

Chickens Used for Meat

Every year, 9 billion chickens are slaughtered for meat in the United States. Called “broilers” by the industry, these curious, social birds are treated simply as production units, selectively bred and fed for abnormally fast growth without consideration for their well-being. The resulting large size contributes significantly to suffering, disease, and early death.

  • Chickens raised for meat are selectively bred to grow to “market weight” at an alarming pace. In the past 50 years, the amount a chicken used for meat grows each day has increased by more than 300%.
  • Chickens in the meat industry typically spend their lives confined to warehouse-like buildings, each packed with as many as 20,000 chickens. On average, the space per chicken is only slightly larger than a sheet of letter-size paper. This crowding can result in scratches and sores from the birds being forced to walk all over each other.
  • A 2006 study found that 55% of uncooked chicken purchased from supermarkets contained arsenic, which is known to cause cancer in humans. Arsenic is added to the feed of approximately 70% of the broilers raised each year because it is believed to promote growth.
  • Since more than one flock is sometimes kept on the same litter before the floor is cleaned, floors can be covered in the waste of tens of thousands of chickens. Excessive ammonia levels that can result from the waste breaking down can lead to health problems for chickens, including difficulty breathing.
  • The lights are kept on nearly constantly in the buildings where chickens raised for meat are confined. This can stimulate eating and unnaturally rapid growth and limits the opportunity for chickens to sleep and rest, all of which leads to serious health problems.
  • Studies have consistently shown that approximately 26–30% of broiler chickens suffer from difficulty walking because their skeletons have trouble supporting their rapidly growing bodies. This can also lead to deformities and lameness.
  • The rapid growth of broiler chickens is often associated with acute heart failure. The hearts and lungs of the rapidly growing birds are not able to effectively get oxygen circulated throughout the body. This problem is the leading cause of death in chickens as they reach “market weight.”
  • With bodies taxed beyond belief, chickens who survive their time in production are often slaughtered at just 42 days old. They are still “peeping” the sound of baby chicks when they are killed – even though their bodies have ballooned to the size of giant adult chickens in this short time due to industry practices.
  • At the slaughterhouse, there is no law in place requiring chickens to be rendered unconscious before slaughter, and the electrified water bath stunning used has been shown to cause painful shocks before it stuns the birds.

Pork Production on Factory Farms

The life of a breeding sow in the U.S. pork industry is one of extreme confinement, stress, and suffering. There were more than 5.8 million pigs used for breeding in the United States in 2011, most of whom were confined to gestation crates, typically lined up row after row in large sheds. These naturally curious and intelligent animals are first impregnated at 7 months of age and live out their lives in a cycle of pregnancy, birth, and nursing until they are eventually sent to slaughter.

  • The majority of breeding sows spend nearly the entirety of each pregnancy confined to a gestation crate, which is only slightly larger than their body, making it impossible for them to lie down comfortably or even turn around.
  • Gestation crate floors are usually made of slats, which allow manure to fall through, meaning that sows live directly above their own waste. This design exposes sows to high levels of ammonia, and respiratory disease is common in confined sows.
  • Standing on the hard, unnatural slatted flooring of a gestation crate takes a toll on pigs’ feet, causing excessive foot injuries, damage to joints, and even lameness.
  • The intense boredom and frustration pigs suffer in gestation crates have been blamed by researchers for abnormal, neurotic behaviors confined pigs sometimes exhibit, like repetitively biting at the bars of the gestation crate or chewing with an empty mouth. These behaviors can lead to additional suffering by causing sores and mouth damage.
  • Shortly before piglets are born, sows are moved to “farrowing crates” where the piglets will be nursed. The crates, meant to separate the mother from the piglets to avoid crushing, are restrictive to the point that the mother pig can only stand and lie down — she cannot even turn around to see her piglets.
  • At only 17–20 days old, the piglets are taken away from their mothers and undergo a series of mutilations, including being castrated and having a portion of their tails removed without any sort of pain relief. The piglets spend the next 6 months of their lives confined to pens until they reach “market weight”; they are then trucked to slaughter.
  • Once piglets are weaned, their mothers are put back into the restrictive gestation crates and re-impregnated, and the cycle continues at an average of 2.1–2.5 litters per year until the sow is considered spent and is sent to slaughter herself.

Cattle Raised for Dairy and Meat Production

More than 9.3 million cows were used to produce milk in the United States in 2008, and more than 2.5 million dairy cows were slaughtered for meat. Cows used by the dairy industry are intensively confined, continually impregnated, and bred for high milk production with little concern for their well-being. Far from being the “happy cows” the industry makes them out to be, these typically playful, nurturing animals endure immense suffering on factory farms.

  • Like all mammals, dairy cows must be impregnated in order to produce milk. Cows in the dairy industry spend their lives in a constant cycle of impregnation, birth, and milking with just a few short months of rest between pregnancies.
  • Nearly all cows used for dairy in the U.S. are eventually slaughtered for human consumption. At an average of less than 5 years of age, exhausted cows are considered “spent” and sent to slaughter, and millions of them are eaten by Americans as hamburger. In a natural setting, a cow can live more than 20 years.
  • Usually just within hours of birth, calves are taken away from their mothers. Calves can become so distressed from separation that they become sick, lose weight from not eating, and cry so much that their throats become raw.
  • Because male calves will not grow up to produce milk, they are considered of little value to the dairy farmer and are sold for meat. Millions of these calves are taken away to be raised for beef. Hundreds of thousands of other male calves born into the dairy industry are raised for veal. Many people consider veal to be cruel, but they don’t realize that veal production is a product of the dairy industry.
  • In the vast majority of dairy operations in the U.S., cows spend their lives indoors, typically on hard, abrasive concrete floors, frequently connected to a milking apparatus.
  • In 2007, the average cow in the dairy industry was forced to produce more than 20,000 lbs. of milk in one year — more than double the milk produced 40 years before. Breeding cows for this unnaturally high level of milk production, combined with damage caused to the udders by milking machines, contributes to high levels of mastitis, a very common and very painful swelling of glands of the udder.
  • In the name of increased milk production and profit, some dairy cows are repeatedly injected with bovine growth hormone, a genetically-engineered hormone that has been shown to increase the risk of health problems like mastitis and lameness.
  • Arguing that it improves hygiene, dairy producers cut off cows’ tails, called “tail docking,” either by placing a tight rubber ring around the tail until it falls off or by cutting it off with a sharp instrument. Each method causes chronic pain. Cows use their tail to swish away flies and can suffer immensely during fly season.
  • Investigations have found that cows who collapse because they are too sick or injured to walk or stand, known as “downers” by the industry, are routinely prodded, dragged, and pushed around slaughter

Cows Used for Meat

In 2010, 34.2 million cattle were slaughtered for beef in the United States. Often beginning their short lives on rangeland, calves are soon separated from their nurturing mothers and endure a series of painful mutilations. Before they are a year old, young calves endure a long and stressful journey to a feedlot, where they are fattened on an unnatural diet until they reach “market weight” and are sent to slaughter.

  • After being taken from their mother, calves’ cries can be so intense that their throats become irritated.
  • Calves raised for beef may be subject to a number of painful mutilations, including dehorning, castration, and branding. Even though each of these procedures is known to cause fear and pain, pain relief is rarely provided.
  • Because it is thought to improve meat quality and tenderness, male calves are castrated at a young age. Methods include removing testicles surgically with a scalpel, crushing spermatic cords with a clamp, and constricting blood flow to the scrotum until testicles die and fall off. Each method is known to cause pain that can last for days.
  • Cattle in the U.S. are often branded by having an iron hotter than 950 °F pressed into their skin for several seconds. This is done so that beef producers can identify cattle and claim ownership.
  • Between 6 months and a year of age, cattle are moved from pasture to feedlots to be fattened for slaughter. Calves gain weight on an unnatural diet and reach “market weight” of 1,200 pounds in just 6 months.
  • The majority of cattle are fattened in feedlots in just four U.S. states. Since calves are born all over the country, they often endure long and stressful trips from their place of birth to these states without food, water, or protection from the elements.
  • Once they reach “market weight,” cattle in the beef industry are trucked to slaughter. The Humane Methods of Slaughter Act requires that livestock be rendered insensible to pain before shackling and slaughter; however, investigations have found that some animals are still conscious when they are shackled and have their throats cut.


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The Dumping Grounds


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This Hedge Fund manager just lost all of his clients’ money over the course of a couple weeks (hundreds of millions of dollars), made this cringy “apology” video while wearing a Rolex, then shut his site down and went dark


Your friends from high school who fell for pyramid schemes 


Hansen Vs Predator: Former Mail Carrier Sting


Man is found not guilty after spending 25 years in prison


I Owe $430,000 of Student Loans!


Mouthwatering Fried Rice made in Japan


The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.



50 Bad Movies That Are Absurdly Fun to Watch – Thrillist

How to Accept Your Partner’s Flaws – The Art of Manliness

An Ingeniously Simple Way To Protect Your Privacy Online – Amazon

What 100 Percent Pure Cocaine Actually Does to You – VICE

‘Out! Out!’ Tijuana Protesters Call for Migrant Caravan to Leave – TIME

5 Principles for Making Better Life Decisions – Mark Manson

Secrets of the Creative Brain – The Atlantic

A man escapes being shot in the head because the suspect’s gun jams! – Fight or Flight

Curvy yoga goddess shows us her downward dog – Jess Taras

6ix9ine Facing Possible Life Sentence in Prison – Billboard

These chairs for your apt/house make you look like you have tons of style and class – Amazon

Lily Allen calls herself an ‘idiot’ for declining Bitcoin payment now worth millions – Independent

Germany ends all arms sales to Saudi Arabia – Haaretz

Rams Coach Sean McVay’s girlfriend is a hottie – Sports Gossip

‘You disgust me’: Christian parents cut off lesbian daughter after she refuses to leave college for conversion therapy – Raw Story

It’s now cheaper to build a new wind farm than to keep a coal plant running – CBS

Jordyn Jones Instathot of the Day – Drunken Stepfather

The inside tale of how Nokia lost a market it dominated – Economist

We’re All Guinea Pigs in a Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment – Tonic

Housing Can’t Be Both Affordable and a Good Investment – City Lab

5 Things Guys Do That Creep Women Out – Brass Pills

The American Dream Is Alive. In China – NY Times

This Instagram Model Was Refused Entry To The Louvre Because Her Outfit Was Too Revealing – Maxim

Marvel Finally Shares Official MCU Timeline – Hype Beast

‘You’re not going to die’: how to survive an edible marijuana overdose – The Guardian

Hot Math Teacher Charged With Sleeping With Three Students – Trending Views

Rita Ora in a See Through Dress! – The Slip

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Makayla McLovin


Welcome To Caveman’s Fight Club!


Smokin Jo Nattawat is a savage!


Cinder block knockout


Conor McGregor vs Max Holloway 


Nieky Holzken puts his opponent to sleep


Stop learning martial arts from anime young man


A flurry of combos sets up the submission


Whoever said leg kicks aren’t effective needs to watch this


Nice grappling in street fight


Johnny Walker just put the whole LHW division on notice!


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The Daily Man-Up: The Transformative Power of the Gratitude Habit


(photo: @sidelinejones)

There’s a small habit that I practice, that can turn difficult situations into much better ones — and it won’t surprise you. It’s the habit of gratitude.

This is such a simple habit, and it’s one that we o

ften forget to practice. But when we do, it can transform our entire perspective, and with it our whole life.

Let me give you an example. About 10 years ago, I remember being caught in a rainstorm and being soaked, and also feeling generally stressed about being broke and hating my job and unhappy with my health. I was a bit depressed about it all, actually.

Then I decided to make a mental list of everything I was grateful for, right there in the rain. It was a long list, and while I can’t remember everything on it, some of the things I remember include:

  • I’m married to a beautiful, loving, supportive wife.
  • I have five wonderful kids (at the time — now I have six).
  • I am employed.
  • I am relatively healthy (maybe I was overweight, but I didn’t have chronic illness or pain).
  • I have loving family (parents, siblings, extended family) who I love dearly.
  • I live on a tropical island where the rain is actually refreshing when you’re sweating from the heat (I now live in northern California, but I was on Guam at the time).
  • I am alive.
  • I can taste delicious food, smell flowers, see art, hear music. What miracles!
  • I have friends.
  • I can run.
  • I can love.
  • I can pick mangoes from the huge tree in my yard.
  • I can read novels, my dearly beloved novels!
  • I am not starving, homeless, destitute, alone, destroyed by a natural disaster.

The list was probably 4-5 times as long, but you get the idea. The things I was taking for granted were now put front and center before me. The things I was feeling bad about didn’t go away, but they were put in perspective. They were blended with more powerful elements of my life into a mix that is ultimately true beauty and love.

Yes, there are bad things in my life, and it’s OK to feel bad about them. But it’s also important to remember the rest of my life, and to remember that even the bad things make life as complex and interesting as it is. Life would be boring without challenges!

The transformation of how I felt about my life, in that moment in the tropical downpouring rain, was really remarkable. All from making a simple list.

Check out the rest of the article at Zen Habits

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Hot New Music Of The Day


The homie sent over this new track from London artist Caspian Lennox.  Its called “The Brightest Star” and fuses 90s esque rock with cinematic compositions.  Think The Jesus and The Mary Chain meets Nick Cave with Mozart throw in. 


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Christian Missionary Killed With Arrows By Tribe On Remote Indian Island


john allen chau killed by tribes people on remote island in India

An American tourist was killed by a tribe on a remote island in the Indian Ocean as soon as he set foot on their home.

The American missionary named John Allen Chau had travelled to North Sentinel Island – one of the world’s most isolated islands – with the intention of converting the people who live there to Christianity.

North Sentinel Island is situated within the Andaman Islands and to say the people of this particular island wish to be left alone is something of an understatement.

The 27-year-old paid fisherman to help him get across to the island, but it appears as if he was killed by the locals as soon as he arrived there.

The indigenous people of North Sentinel are protected by law and it is illegal to go over to the island – not that you’d want to, given that they have a reputation for killing anyone who tries.

It is also important that the Sentinelese are left alone because they could be susceptible to diseases.

Police have since arrested seven people in relation to the case, believed to be the fishermen who took Chau across to the island.

According to International Christian Concern, Chau had become very keen to meet with the Sentinelese after hearing of their existence. He had made several trips to the nearby islands before finally paying the fishermen to get him out to North Sentinel so that he could interact with the tribe.

A spokesperson for International Christian Concern said: “We here at International Christian Concern are extremely concerned by the reports of an American missionary being murdered in India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to both John’s family and friends. A full investigation must be launched in this this murder and those responsible must be brought to justice.”

Police sources said: “He tried to reach the Sentinel island on November 14 but could not make it.

“Two days later he went well prepared. He left the dingy midway and took a canoe all by himself to the island.

“He was attacked by arrows, but he continued walking. The fishermen saw the tribesmen tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body.

“They were scared and fled but returned next morning to find his body on the sea shore.”

There are thought to be around 150 people on North Sentinel Island and they violently shun all contact with the outside world.


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This IKEA Opens Their Doors To Keep Stray Dogs From Sleeping In The Cold


There is an IKEA located in Catania, Italy that keeps its doors open to stray dogs. The store will allow dogs to come in, lay on the rugs inside the store, and stay warm so they don’t have to sleep in the cold. This IKEA store keeping their doors open in the cold weather for pups went viral on Facebook by a user named Vittoria Taccia Gabrielli who said she was ‘amazed’ by the gesture.

Taccia posted a video of the dogs in the store lounging about on the furniture and rug displays; happy, warm, and sleeping!

“The dogs receive daily food and pampering from IKEA’s employees and customers,” Taccia said. “Some dogs have even found a family, going home with customers.”

“A good initiative to shelter the strays while it’s raining outside,” Gabrielli wrote in Italian on her Facebook page, “All this happens in the shopping center of IKEA(Catania).”

The video she shared, which was actually recorded by her daughter, has nearly 18,000 shares and over 1 million views. Many people have reached out to IKEA, praising them for opening their doors to stray dogs.


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Grandma Accidentally Texts Wrong Teen Her Thanksgiving Plans — Invites Him Anyway!


jamal hinton thanksgiving wanda

Sometimes a text from a wrong number can lead to a free Thanksgiving meal!

When Phoenix teenager Jamal Hinton received a text from an unknown phone number inviting him to Thanksgiving dinner, he thought it was “pretty funny, but kinda weird.”

“The text said, ‘Thanksgiving at my house’ and it was from a grandma, but I was like, ‘When did my grandma learn to text!?’

“So I asked her for a picture and it definitely was not my grandma.”

Hinton exchanged selfies with Wanda (she prefers her last name be omitted), a grandmother who meant to send the Thanksgiving text to her actual grandson, 24-year-old Brandon Burgoyne.

“Brandon recently switched his number and I actually ended up getting his old number,” says Hinton. “So it was all a big mix up. She meant to text him.”

But then something extraordinary happened. Hinton jokingly texted Wanda, “Can I still get a plate tho?” to which she replied, “Of course you can. That’s what grandma’s do…feed every one.”

“It was so unexpected, but she was just so sweet about it,” he says. “It was a reminder that there are still some good people left in this world.”

“Oh, and I’m definitely taking her up on her offer to join her family for Thanksgiving dinner!” he adds.

Hinton met Wanda on Wednesday and says the two had a “great bond.”


“She is a very sweet lady, she told me her husband was a veteran and she always invited his friends over for dinner, so she’s used to having a lot of people over,” the Desert Vista High School student explains. “I just got a vibe from her that made me feel at home.”

The teen says his family will join Wanda’s family on Thanksgiving for dinner.

“I’m bringing the pumpkin pie!” says Hinton with a laugh. “I honestly think we’ll hang out again. It’s the power of technology, you know? But for a good reason.”

The Dumping Grounds


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4 Levels of Spaghetti & Meatballs: Amateur to Food Scientist


Living On $150K A Year In NYC


The Anarchist Commune in the Rainforest: Poole’s Land


Diablo Immortal Leaked Gameplay


Man brings pizza to teen’s house, meets Chris Hansen instead


The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.



The Night I Got Drunk Enough to Tell My Wife I’m Gay – Mel Magazine

This Is How People Can Actually Afford to Live in Seattle – VICE

The minimalist’s Swiss Army knife—minus the knife – Amazon

We Put Normal Sports Cars Up Against A $1 Million Hypercar And A Cheap Car Won – Road And Track

The Predatory Lending Machine Crushing Small Businesses Across America – Bloomberg

High score, low pay: why the gig economy loves gamification – The Guardian

The human costs of Black Friday, explained by a former Amazon warehouse manager – VOX

This mug is exactly the thing I wish I’d had around when I worked in an office every day – Amazon

Guy Pushes His Truck To The Absolute Limit, Things Go Spectacularly Wrong – YouTube

Meet Chicago Bears Wide Reciever Allen Robinson’s GIrlfriend Alyssa – Sports Gossip

Hot Girls With Muscles (nsfw) – Leenks

Your Brain on Drugs: Dopamine and Addiction – Big Think

The Fleeting Magic of Scholastic Book Fairs – The Atlantic

How a 6-Year-Old Survived Being Lost in the Woods – Outside

The secret to being witty, revealed – Quartz

Jordyn Jones Is Alexis Ren 2.0 – Hollywood Tuna

McDonald’s employee tried kicking kids out of store after man pulled gun on them – Trending Views

Couple Found Passed Out in Car in the Weirdest Way and Other Videos of the Day – Drunken Stepfather

How to Create a Chain Reaction of Good Habits – James Clear

Inside the Hunt for the World’s Most Dangerous Terrorist – Politico

This is what happens when the migrant caravan comes to town – National Geographic

Man meticulously documents affair with his secretary 1969-1970: Here are his records – Dangerous Minds

This town in Alaska won’t see the sun again until January 23 – Insider

Here Are the Best (and Worst) Reasons People Take out Personal Loans – The Penny Hoarder

Georgia Gibbs Still Looks Amazing a Year After Her ‘Sports Illustrated’ Debut – The Blemish

She’s Asian, she’s hungry, and her boobs are big! – BB Blog

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