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The Daily Man-Up: The Most Important Life-Changing Habit in Two Words: START NOW



(photo: @dsmacinnes)

Millions of people are convinced that something must change in their lives to be better, to live life to the fullest or pursue something meaningful.

That project, that blog, that podcast, that ebook, that art, that side project is what I’m talking about.

Many people consistently hold back, and waste precious time.


Here’s the truth. If you lack time to do work that matters to you, you’re probably wasting a lot of your free time.

If you deeply care about your life’s work, you will make time, even if it’s just 30 minutes a day building or creating something that doesn’t feel like work.

Instead of the excitement of experimentation, many people feel self-doubt and fear. They just go through life. Just like that.

Passing through. Letting time tick away. Fast.

Letting things happen.

Letting every day be just like the day before and the day after.

Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing you read about in history books.

Nothing unique. Just average.

Despite the many inspirational content encouraging us to chase after what we believe, we often fall victim to procrastination and a fear of even just starting.

We inadvertently hurt ourselves by focusing on short-term pleasure at the cost of the long-term.

An important obstacle to pursuing our best self is what behavioural economists call time inconsistency — the human brain’s tendency to value immediate rewards more highly than future rewards.

“Our motivation to start any task depends on us seeing value in it, yet we place more value on what is happening currently over what the future holds and justify this decision by emotionally disconnecting ourselves from our future self”, writes Jory Mackay.

The good news is, you can overcome your brain’s sabotage.

Check out the rest of the article here

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Your Weekly Dose Of All Things Jiu-Jitsu



Black Friday shopper almost had that triangle! 


Americana to armbar


Fake a shot to a arm-spin/arm-throw


Crazy armbar


Stylin on a black belt


Scorpion Death Lock


Single leg counter


How to deal with bullies


Putin teaches a kid some Judo




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People Who Used To Be “Ugly Ducklings” Share Their Incredible Transformations

Christian Group Wants Native Tribe “Brought to Justice” for Death of Missionary


Last week, we learned of John Allen Chau—a missionary who was killed by an isolated, Indigenous tribe after he illegally invaded their remote island. Now a Christian organization is demanding retribution for the death of the John Allen Chau. International Christian Concern crafted a statement on the “murder” of the missionary by tribesmen on North Sentinal Island. Even though the Indian government protects the Sentinelese, the group is demanding that the Indian government holds the “murderers” responsible.

In a statement uploaded on November 20th, International Christian Concern outlined their take on the death of John Allen Chau. Even though laws prohibit travel to the island, the group wants the Indian government to charge the Sentinelese with murder.

A spokesperson for International Christian Concern said:

“We here at International Christian Concern are extremely concerned by the reports of an American missionary being murdered in India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Our thoughts and prayers go out to both John’s family and friends. A full investigation must be launched in this this murder and those responsible must be brought to justice.”

In its own press release, International Christian Concern actually tied this incident to reported discrimination against Christians throughout the country of India.

This murder comes at a time when Indian Christians report ever escalating levels of persecution across the country…

India has a history of attacks on foreign Christian missionaries. In January 1999, Graham Staines, an Australian missionary, was burned alive along with his two sons Philip, age 10, and Timothy, age 6. A mob of Bajrang Dal fundamentalists attacked the missionary and his children while they sleeping in their station wagon in Manoharpur village, located in the Kendujhar District of India’s Odisha State.

Across India, reports of persecution continue to escalate in both number and severity. Much of this escalation in persecution followed the rise of the current BJP-led government in May 2014. Using religiously divisive rhetoric for political gain, BJP officials incite Hindu radicals to take action against religious minorities. In 2014, the year the BJP-led government took power, the Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) documented 147 incidents of Christian persecution. In 2017, after three years of the current government, EFI documented 351 incidents of Christian persecution.

ICC’s regional manager, William Stark, also said new reports of persecution are being documented in India “every day.”

Many Christians fear this may be the new normal for their community as Hindu radicals and others have been allowed to attack Christians and other minority communities with impunity. India must take steps to counter the growing wave of intolerance and violence.

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A Damn Fine Collection Of Fascinating Photos And Videos


The Social Media Queue


Doctor’s office has a discreet way for victims of abuse, violence, or human trafficking to get help.


Migrants climb up a bank of the nearly dry Tijuana River as they make their way around a police blockade toward the El Chaparral port of entry on Sunday in Tijuana, Mexico. U.S. Customs and Border Protection temporarily suspended northbound and southbound crossings for both pedestrians and vehicles at the San Ysidro port of entry after hundreds of migrants pushed past Mexican riot police and rushed the U.S. border.


This Restaurant wears 1 star Yelp Reviews on their T-Shirts


Australian tax return shows where your money went


 Toothpaste describes what each of its ingredient is and its purpose 


Chef Boyardee’s hair turned white as the franchise aged


In Hong Kong, tiny apartments within apartments are known as “coffin cubicles.”


Last sunset in Alaska


Jim Can’t Swim is a channel that observes police interviews of murderers, rapists, psychopaths etc. He describes in detail the psychological tricks the police use to trick the suspects into confessing, their body language and the psychology behind the suspects who are being interviewed


Police found a homing pigeon with 200 ecstasy pills in its backpack 


What happens when 50 million men can’t get laid? China’s “one child” policy, coupled with a longstanding cultural predilection for male babies, has created a market where marrying-age men outnumber women by the millions. The fabric of this social engineering has thrown old-fashioned courtship out the window and created a lucrative business catered to matchmaking.


The cost of having a baby in 1933


The saddest thing at the grocery store


These are the High Times best strains of 1977


Robots sorting system helps Chinese company finish at least 200,000 packages a day in the warehouse


Wisconsin School District Won’t Punish Students in Viral Nazi Salute Photo


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The Dumping Grounds


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funny pictures

funny pictures

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funny pictures

The Zombies Came Out For Black Friday 2018


The Mind of an Anti-Vaxxer


Counting Calories with a Ballerina


Pickle Expert Guesses Cheap vs Expensive Pickles


Putin’s Playbook To Spread Disinformation And Disrupt The World Order!


Forearm Forklift…furniture moving made easy…moved three times using these bad boys. Next to a huge roll of moving plastic, one of the best investments for making a move.


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Hot girls in yoga pants compilation – Leenks

The Rules of Being Good at Sex – Tonic

Fit An Entire Tool Box In Your Pocket With This Multitool – Amazon

Here Are 5 Ways Men Can Have Multiple Orgasms – Maxim

Hitler Probably Spent WWII High on Cocaine and Oxycodone – Atlas Obsucra

What a $15 Million Home Looks Like in 15 Cities – Architectural Digest

Why Your Health Is the Key to Your Success in Business – Entrepreneur

This is what you’re getting wrong about your pursuit of happiness – Fast Co

The Genius and Jazz of A Charlie Brown Christmas – Pitchfork

The Beginner’s Guide to Deliberate Practice – James Clear

Diary of a concussion…It’s hard to understand a brain injury until you have one – The Verge

This $38 Security Camera Is Better Than Cameras 5x More Expensive – Amazon

Female athlete has incredible determination we can all admire – Trending Views

How Long Can People Live? – NY Times

Jordyn Jones Is Alexis Ren 2.0 – Hollywood Tuna

Brain implant lets paralyzed people turn thoughts into text – Engadget

Cheating wife’s lover hangs off window in nude – Live Leak

Alexis Ren Topless of the Day – Drunken Stepfather

15 Signs You Are a Beta Male – Brass Pills

BBC Debuts British-Iraqi, Gay, Non-binary Muslim to Explain Quantum Physics And Gender Identity – BBC

For $1,000, These ‘Sitters’ Will Save You from a Bad Acid Trip – VICE

How Plastic Surgery Dramatically Changed These Celebrities – Bright Side

500 Greatest Albums of All Time – Rolling Stone

Demi Rose Mawby in a Blue Gown! Panty Flash! – BB Blog

This Poor Vegan Had Her Entire Family Cancel Going Over For Thanksgiving Last Minute Because They “Don’t Do Tofu” – Barstool

South Koreans lock themselves up to escape prison of daily life Link – Reuters

#vanlife The Bohemian Social-Media Movement – New Yorker

Alexandra Daddario, Natalie Portman and Other Random Women – G-Celeb

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Beautiful Black Women





















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A Few Glorious Videos For Your Consideration


When there’s no hand dryer


Good boy


This will make you angry


Two choices. Face the husband or jump out the window


Corrections officer blows kiss to inmate


We’ve all been there


Barbers Assemble!


Footage shows a gunman shooting two men in front of a Metro bus stop in Houston, Texas earlier this month. Both suffered non-life threatening injuries


An armed Idaho couple heard a intense domestic disturbance in the apartment next door. In fear for their safety the husband quickly sets up a camera to record anything that may occur. That’s when suddenly the suspect blasts through the front door with several kicks wielding a machete! With no choice and little time to react the homeowner shoots the bad guy several times.


A cleaner way to eat corn


When you successfully land on Mars 


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The Daily Man-Up


(photo: @soulsaperture)

If you are wondering whether you should stay in a relationship or go back to your ex, I have a mental exercise for you.

Close your eyes and imagine you are holding a puppy- any breed you like. Feel it’s warm weight against your chest, it’s soft sweet breath on your neck. Stroke the puppy’s soft fur, feel the fineness of its skin and the delicate bones beneath, touch it’s tiny paws, smooth and soft against your skin, kiss its little domed skull and look into its gentle, trusting eyes.

Are you holding your puppy? Do you feel its softness, it’s warmth, its vulnerability- that soft little mouth, peach like nose and all those fragile little bones? Do you feel its weight in your arms, snuggling up against your heart- trusting and relying on you.

OK, now give that puppy to your partner/ ex.

If the breath stills in your lungs, if your heart clenches, if you hesitate, then you need to ask yourself why.

Is it because they are a bully- who would shout at and hit the puppy, bruising that thin skin and breaking those fragile bones? Is it because you know that they’d neglect the puppy, leaving it alone, possibly hungry and cold and ignoring its cries for attention and affection. Is it because they are contradictory- a person who is nice whilst the world is going their way but who will turn on you for breathing if something goes wrong in their life?

And, if you’d hesitate over giving that puppy to your partner, why the hell are you giving yourself to them?! Aren’t you worth as much as an imaginary dog?

Too often, in life, we seriously undervalue ourselves and excuse away behaviours which we’d find inexcusable if another person was subjected to them. However, we are just as vulnerable and breakable as the next person- and just as valuable.

So, don’t put up with behaviours which you wouldn’t wish on a dog. If someone abused a puppy, you’d take that puppy out of the situation- do the same for yourself. If someone ignored their puppy, spending all of their time with other people/ doing other things, you’d know that the puppy was not getting the physical, mental and emotional stimulation it needed and you’d find someone who had time for the puppy- again, do the same for yourself. If someone abandoned a puppy, leaving it crying, you wouldn’t chase after the person to give the puppy back to them… You’re getting the drift?

Value yourself. And, if it helps, think of your soul as that puppy you imagined. Look into its trusting eyes- its relying on you to find someone kind, someone patient, someone with love and time to give. You are responsible for your own health and happiness and that loving, caring person might be sitting there lonely, waiting for someone just like you to come into their life.

– TheFriendlyGrimm

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Fascinating Photos Collected From History


Camp guards at concentration camp Buchenwald, who were captured and beaten by the prisoners on the day of liberation. April 1945


Crowd in Times Square, New York City celebrating the surrender of Germany, May 7th, 1945.


The McDonald brothers in front of the not yet opened first McDonald’s, November 1948, San Bernadino, CA


John F. Kennedy consults with his brother Robert Kennedy during campaigning. 1960


Men celebrating the end of prohibition, December 5, 1933


The first public demonstration of a computer mouse, graphical user interface, windowed computing, hypertext and word processing, 1968


Nurses in their bomb trenches between hospital wards. France 1918


 A lone African-American man attends a Klan rally in Jackson, Mississippi (1950)


Reverend Carter, expecting a visit from the Klan after he has dared to register to vote, stands guard on his front porch, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, c. 1964 – Photograph by Bob Adelman


An old Italian woman shows her gratitude to one of the American soldiers following the liberation of Italy, 1945 


Jewish women before their execution in Skede, Latvia, December 15-17, 1941


One the warehouses filled with victims’ shoes up to the ceiling. Auschwitz, Occupied Poland 1944


Gay club in Paris, France in 1934


A British couple sleeps inside a “Morrison shelter” used as protection from collapsing homes during the WWII ‘Blitz’ bombing raids March 1941


The lottery used by the Selective Service to determine who would be drafted for Vietnam. United States, 1969 


The 12 women in this photo had 775 confirmed nazi kills


A victim of American bombing, ethnic Cambodian guerrilla Danh Son Huol is carried to an improvised operating room in a mangrove swamp on the Ca Mau Peninsula, September 15, 1970

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Feed Your Brain With These Fascinating Facts


Freddie Mercury of Queen held a party in New Orleans in 1978, which featured nude waiters and waitresses, a man biting heads off live chickens, naked models wrestling in a liver pit, and dwarves walking around with trays of cocaine strapped to their heads. (article)

Fortified by “lines of marching powder as long and as thick as your grandmother’s arm”, the guests are free to choose from a menu of exotic diversions.

The hotel ballrooms, made up to resemble labyrinthine jungle swamps, are swarming with magicians, Zulu tribesmen, contortionists, fire-eaters, drag queens and transsexual strippers. Drinks are served by naked waiters and waitresses who politely request that any tips are placed not on trays but in bodily crevices.

Naked dancers cavort in bamboo cages suspended from ballroom ceilings. Nude models of both sexes wrestle in huge baths of shimmering, uncooked liver, while 300lb Samoan women lounge on banquet tables, smoking cigarettes from various orifices.

As a bonus, visitors to the hotel’s grand marble bathrooms are orally serviced by prostitutes of both sexes.

“Most hotels offer their guests room service,” quips a passing Mercury. “This one offers them lip service.”


If a beta male mandrill wins a fight, it physically morphs into an alpha male over time, gaining facial coloration, bigger testicles, and the ability to breed.


Eduard Bloch, Hitler’s childhood doctor, and a Jew. When Hitler’s mother couldn’t afford cancer treatment, Bloch reduced his prices. Teenage Adolf declared undying gratitude, and when Austria was annexed, Hitler kept his word and granted the doctor special protection by the Gestapo


Mark Zuckerberg spent $30 million to buy 4 houses surrounding his home, because he wanted to have privacy (article)

The houses cost him more than $30 million, including one 2,600 square-foot home that cost $14 million. (His own home is twice as large at 5,000 square-feet and cost half as much.)

Larry Page made a similar move a few years ago so he could build a 6,000-square-foot mansion. But Zuckerberg’s reason is different. He doesn’t want to live in excess, he just wants a little privacy.

Zuckerberg reportedly took action after he learned that a developer wanted to purchase one of his neighbor’s homes and use the fact that Zuckerberg lived close by as a marketing tactic. He started purchasing the homes last December. Zuckerberg will lease the four homes he just bought back to its current residents.


There is only one person registered as a “Rectal Teaching Assistant” in the UK, traveling the country offering his anus to be examined by trainee doctors. He has since lost his job to a robot anus (article)


In 1989, then Prime Minister of Japan Sōsuke Uno resigned after a geisha revealed she had an extramarital affair with him. The key of the scandal wasn’t morality, but that he had failed to properly provide and support his mistress with an appropriate amount, and was branded as a stingy man

I read in Liza Dalbys book Geisha (great non fiction book on the subject) that often Geisha would visit the widows of their clients bearing gifts and offering emotional support. The wives were never jealous and would accept and be grateful of the offered help.

In their society of past a man would visit a geisha to relax and drink and flirt whereas his wife at home was viewed as a caretaker and mother figure. Not that the wives didn’t have any power, they controlled the purse strings and their word at home was law with the husband often looking up to them like a mother. Hence you don’t go to wife for sensuality. So wives never got jealous of geisha because they understood it was two different roles. A man would never leave his wife for a geisha. His wife will have known about it and accepted the situation without complaint.


Steve Jobs often went to his biological father’s Mediterranean restaurant in San Jose and even shook his hand. At the time, his dad didn’t know that Jobs was the baby he gave away for adoption, and Jobs didn’t know that he was his father (article)

Given up for adoption as a baby, Jobs never knew he had a sister, until the biological mother he tracked down revealed her to him: the novelist Mona Simpson. Jobs met and bonded with Simpson and the two set out to find their father. Simpson found him, a man named Abdulfattah “John” Jandali. He was managing a coffee shop. Isaacson says Simpson had not told Jandali who his son was before he said to her, “‘I wish you could have seen me when I was running a bigger restaurant.’” Jandali said he ran a popular Mediterranean restaurant in Silicon Valley. “‘Everybody used to come there,’” Isaacson says Jandali told Simpson. “‘Even Steve Jobs used to eat there. Yeah, he was a great tipper.’”

Simpson did not reveal who the big tipper was. She instead reported back to her brother, says Isaacson. She told him who his father was and where he had encountered him. In the taped interview, Jobs says of his father:

“When I was looking for my biological mother, obviously, you know, I was looking for my biological father at the same time, and I learned a little bit about him and I didn’t like what I learned. I asked her to not tell him that we ever met…not tell him anything about me.”


Walt Whitman’s friend, Silas Soule. At 17, he was escorting slaves on the Underground Railroad. By 22, he’d staged two prison heists & become a blacksmith. At 26, he defied orders to participate in a massacre of Native Americans, testified against its architect, and was murdered for it. (article)

The massacre he defied orders to participate in:

“The massacre lasted six or eight hours, and a good many Indians escaped. I tell you Ned it was hard to see little children on their knees have their brains beat out by men professing to be civilized. One squaw was wounded and a fellow took a hatchet to finish her, she held her arms up to defend her, and he cut one arm off, and held the other with one hand and dashed the hatchet through her brain. One squaw with her two children, were on their knees begging for their lives of a dozen soldiers, within ten feet of them all, firing – when one succeeded in hitting the squaw in the thigh, when she took a knife and cut the throats of both children, and then killed herself. One old squaw hung herself in the lodge – there was not enough room for her to hang and she held up her knees and choked herself to death. Some tried to escape on the Prairie, but most of them were run down by horsemen. I saw two Indians hold one of another’s hands, chased until they were exhausted, when they kneeled down, and clasped each other around the neck and were both shot together. They were all scalped, and as high as half a dozen taken from one head. They were all horribly mutilated. One woman was cut open and a child taken out of her, and scalped.”


Syndrome K: a fake disease that Italian doctors made up to save Jews who had fled to their hospital seeking protection from the Nazis. Syndrome K “patients” were quarantined and the Nazis were told that it was a deadly, disfiguring, and highly contagious illness. They saved at least 20 lives. (article)


"Drinking 8 glasses of water a day” is based on a 1945 recommendation that had no medical basis. The current recommendation is “drink when you are thirsty, unless you are outside on a hot day or are elderly- then drink a bit more.” (article)


MSG is generally accepted as harmless by the scientific community, with the negative stigma arising from a handful of anecdotal complaints in the 1960’s (article)


A member of Al Capone’s gang promised federal agent Eliot Ness that $2000 (around $33,250 in today’s money) would be on his desk every Monday if he turned a blind eye to their bootlegging. Ness refused the bribe and in later years struggled with money; he died almost broke at the age of 54. 


Most of the actors that auditioned for the role of Al Bundy on the sitcom Married with Children played him as angry and yelling. Ed O’Neil was the only one that portrayed him as a resigned loser 


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“I turned around and saw my wife – the love of my life, the mother of my son – attempting to catch my turd in her mouth”


My (28m) wife (26f) and I have admittedly had very vanilla sex throughout our 3 year marriage. We had our first kid a year ago and it seriously slowed down our sex life. However, a little under a month ago she approached me about “trying new things”. She has been hanging out with a group of moms in our neighborhood and one of them told her that she and her husband tried pegging and it completely transformed their marriage. My wife told me that she wanted to try pegging as well to “spice things up”. At first I thought it was a joke, but soon realized she actually wanted to peg me. I had never done assplay before and had always lived by the philosophy that the anus is solely an exit, but my wife made it clear that this was important to her so after a few days I obliged.

That next weekend, she pegged me and everything was surprisingly enjoyable. Additionally, the week following the pegging was one of the best weeks we’ve had together since the birth of our child. We were back to our old sex life, doing things like having sex before work and even waking each other up with head. However, that next weekend she told me she wanted to peg me again. I was slightly confused as to why this last week of sex wasn’t cutting it for her, but I agreed.

This is when things took an extreme turn. During this second pegging while my wife was inside of me, she grabbed my hair, craned my neck to the right, and pressed our foreheads together. I had never seen her take control like this and thought it was very hot until she looked me in the eye and whispered “I want your shit”. I pulled my face away and asked her to repeat and she said “I want you to shit on me”. I pushed her off of me and asked her if she was joking and she started crying. I felt like a fucking dick because she thought I was kinkshaming her. In a way, I was because I thought the request was far too extreme. I ended up leaving for the night and stayed with one of my close friends, but didn’t tell him what happened.

After that incident, my wife and I hardly talked all week unless it related to our son. At the end of the week, I asked my wife to talk about what happened. She told me again that she wanted me to shit on her and that it meant a lot to her. I thought it was sickening, but she claimed this was her deepest, darkest kink. I couldn’t understand how and why my shit excited her, but she insisted that she has always wanted this.

We fought about this for about a week and after watching some scat porn and reading articles by people who also shared this kink, I tried to put myself in my wife’s shoes. I told her that I will shit on her if that is what will turn her on. She was so happy and even though I was still completely nauseated by this desire, I wanted to satisfy her.

That brings us to tonight. We were having sex for the first time this week when I (regrettably) confessed to her that I had to take a shit. She perked up with a smile, sensed my discomfort, and began stroking my hair and whispering encouraging things to me. I still really didn’t want to go through with it, but since I had promised her I pulled out and we ran to the bathroom.

She got into the bathtub and I hung my ass over the side of the tub. I started pushing, but unsurprisingly found it very difficult to successfully shit on my wife. I turned my head around to see my wife staring up and smiling at me waiting for me to finish. With enough time, I was finally able to get a turd to start coming out. I could hear my wife breathing heavier beneath me as my asshole started opening. However, before the turd was able to drop on her chest, I felt a sensation around my asshole.

I turned around and saw my wife – the love of my life, the mother of my son – attempting to catch my turd in her mouth as it fell out of my asshole. I was horrified that she would try to do this, and tried to pull the shit back into my body so she couldn’t receive it in her mouth. Seeing what looked like an attempt by her to eat my shit brought me close to throwing up.

As I clenched my buttcheeks together to try to stop the shit from reaching my wife, the clenching cut off a very small piece of my shit and I heard it land somewhere beneath me. I was too scared and disgusted to look at my wife to see what she had done with it, so I ran to the other bathroom to clean myself. As I was sitting in the other bathroom thinking about how I will ever be able to look my wife in the eye again, I heard footsteps approaching. My wife lightly knocked on the door. I didn’t respond and was on the verge of throwing up the more I thought about what just happened. She walked away and then I got a text from her thanking me for fulfilling her wish and asking me to come to bed.

I’ve been sitting in the living room typing this for the last half hour scared to face my wife. We have plans to take our son to the zoo with another family tomorrow, but I don’t think I can look at her after what she did to me. I feel deceived and violated by the woman I love and trust. During our initial conversations about this, there was never a question that my shit would go anywhere other than her chest. She knew how uncomfortable I was with this in the first place, yet she still tried to push the boundary that we had established.


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The Dumping Grounds


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Quadriplegic shows us his bowel program and morning routine. The mom is an absolute superhero


The original ending of the 1988 movie Mac and Me has the wheelchair kid shot dead by the cops


Why Communists Sucked at Making Cars 


What to Do If You Hate Small Talk


Coffee Expert Guesses Cheap vs. Expensive Coffee


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How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) – Wait But Why

10 Rules That Rich People Follow – Bright Side

5 Specs You Shouldn’t Ignore When Choosing Your Next Phone – Gizmodo

You can wash your dishes or your genitals with this multipurpose soap – Amazon

Migrants Literally Storm U.S. Border – Live Leak

The Weird and Disturbing World of Chinese Livestreamers – The Daily Beast

A List Of 8 Core Values I Live By – Darius Foroux

The 3 Minutes It Takes To Read This Will Improve Your Conversations Forever – Medium

How Political Opinions Change: A clever experiment shows it’s surprisingly easy to change someone’s political views, revealing how flexible we are – Scientific American

The Unexpected Effects Of The HIV Prevention Pill – Digg

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Big Bikini of the Day – Drunken Stepfather

Scientists agree: Coffee naps are better than coffee or naps alone – VOX

First gene-edited babies born in China, scientist claims – Big Think

Dick pills that will give you a raging hard boner for 3 days – Amazon

Redhead with curves – Instagram

More than 100 ‘uncontacted’ tribes exist in total isolation from global society — here’s what we know about them – Insider

The Scariest 25 Minutes on U.S. Television – Mental Floss

Seven Things Not to Do at a Car Dealership – Car And Driver

I’d have a hard time eating this pizza with those knockers staring at me – Ehowa

I Spent a Week at a Swingers Resort and Learned Way Too Much About ‘the Lifestyle’ – Thrillist

Getting Over the Horror of the Same Old Thing – The Art of Manliness

13 Insights About Relationships That Could Save You A Lot of Pain – Tiny Buddha

Madison Beer Bikini Camel Toe + Pokies! – The Slip

The Worst Dudes on the Internet Are Ratting Out Sex Workers For Not Paying Taxes – The Blemish

Meet Insta Model Anastasia Karanikolaou – G-Celeb

Mom catches daughters twerking, immediately takes her shoe off – Trending Views

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Redheads Are The Best!


















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Welcome To Caveman’s Fight Club!


Dana White rips ‘Cokehead Oscar De La Weirdo’ for promoting Liddell vs. Ortiz 3

“I love Chuck Liddell and I don’t ever want to bad mouth Chuck Liddell. People even think I’m remotely bad mouthing Chuck Liddell, but the reality is — first of all, I heard last week the cokehead ‘Oscar De La Weirdo’ is talking shit that I don’t have any place to tell guys when to retire. First of all, it’s called ‘friendship’ you f—king cokehead. I’ve been friends with Chuck Liddell for 20 years and the reality is that Chuck Liddell retired when he should have retired. Eight, nine years ago, however long it was. And Chuck Liddell’s almost 50 years old and has no business fighting anymore. The fact that the state of California even let that fight happen is disgusting. Disgusting.

“Chuck Liddell has an incredible legacy. He’s a huge superstar in this sport, so of course as a friend, anybody who claims to be a friend of Chuck Liddell and was anywhere near this fight is full of shit. They’re not a friend of Chuck Liddell. To let him go in and fight this fight is terrible.”

“The problem is Chuck Liddell was a fighter,” White said. “Chuck Liddell loves to fight, that’s his passion, it’s what he loves in life. But there comes a day and age, fighting is a young man’s game. You can’t do it. And Oscar f—king De La Hoya says, ‘Oh, come over to Golden Boy where we respect the fighters and it makes me sick what these fighters were paid’ and all this shit. Out of 14 fights on the card, five bouts were amateur fights. Which means he didn’t pay them jack shit, right? And 12 of the professional fighters on the card made less than [$3,000 show and $3,000 to win]. What the fuck are you talking about you cokehead junkie?

“Some of the guys on the card made $1,000 and $1,000. And he respects the fighters so much, he couldn’t remember their fucking names at the press conference.”


Tito vs Chuck 3


Jeremy Stephens nearly decapitates Rafael Dos Anjos 


Park Dae Sung was falsely accused of sexual harassment because he grabbed a ringgirl by the waist (with gloves on) to take pictures. Since he got into trouble for nothing, he refused to stand near another ring girl to do the traditional winner photo


Somrak Khamsing Head movement 


Deontay Wilder’s right hand is the most devastating weapon in boxing


Sugar Ray Robinson takes his Middleweight title back by knockout


Fedor vs 7′ 3″ 353lbs Hong-man Choi


Knocked out into next week!


Brian Ortega vs Cub Swanson


Max Holloway vs Jose Aldo 1


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The Daily Man-Up: Confidence Is Felt


(photo: @authorkylebearden)

Confidence is felt. It’s intuited by women. It’s instinctual. Women unconsciously detect it by watching a man’s behavior carefully. It’s why women can often become turned off at the most innocuous moment or by the most unimportant statement. Consciously, the action or statement may seem harmless, but unconsciously, it conveyed everything they need to know about your status: by your lack of confidence. As you are probably aware, women can be unconfident as well. And although a lack of confidence is a turn-off for most men, it’s not as influential as it is for most women. To most women, a man with True Confidence is like a woman with perfect tits and a gorgeously sculpted ass. To a woman, a man with no confidence is like having the worst breath and missing teeth. Ideally, two emotionally healthy individuals will begin a relationship both with low investments in one another and they will steadily let the investment deepen as the relationship grows. In a healthy relationship, the gap in investment between the two parties would never grow too far apart and both man and woman should never let their investment in the other person ever surpass their investment in themselves. This should not be mistaken for NOT being invested in the other person. If a man is attracted to a woman, then he should be affected by her – that’s why he’s with her, after all – but never more than she is by him. The minute he lets her dominate him emotionally, he demonstrates a lack of True Confidence and a lack of status. He’s no longer dependable. He loses his ability to make her feel secure. And his attractiveness slowly slips out the window.

Models – Mark Manson

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Writer Says ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Is Racist Because It Discriminates Against Orcs


orcs lord of the rings racist

J.R.R. Tolkien’s famous and influential series, The Lord of the Rings, has been accused of purporting racism and discrimination due to its depiction of orcs.

Appearing on the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast, hosted by Wired magazine, science-fiction author Andy Duncan states his views on The Lord the Rings concerning racism during a conversation about his work Senator Bilbo:

But it’s hard not to miss that repeated notion in Tolkien that some races are just worse than others. That some peoples are just worse than others. And this seems to me, in the long-term, if you embrace this too much, it has dire consequences for yourself and for society. So, Senator Bilbo is a parody in which you have a racist demagogue stomping around the world of the halfings in a sort of desperate holding pattern to keep at bay all the change that is coming about as they resolve the Lord of the Ring.

Think about it this way. I’m not questioning that in this parodic middle-earth-like setting that I am imagining, I am not questioning that there was a Sauron, anymore that I am not denying all that bloodshed and all that wickedness that needed to be beaten back any more than I would be, in our world a holocaust denier. On the other hand, I can easily imagine that many of those people that were doing the Dark Lord’s bidding were doing so out of simple self-preservation and so-forth. That a lot of those creatures that were sort of raised out of the Earth by Sauron, had not a great deal of choice in the matter of what to do. So, I had this very complicated sense of the politics of all that.”

According to the Daily Mail, “Duncan has previously written a parody set in Tolkien’s Middle-earth universe called Senator Bilbo about a right-wing Hobbit politician opposing the immigration of orcs into The Shire.”

“It is easier to demonize one’s opponents than to try to understand them and to understand the complex forces that are leading to, for example, refugees trying to cross the southern border legally or illegally,” he proclaimed. “It’s easier to build walls and demonize them as ‘scum’.”

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