Mixed Race Girls
A Few Glorious Videos For Your Consideration
“I could give you the best 2 minutes of your life”
NFL QB Drew Brees plays catch with his sons before bed
Michael Rappaport runs into a cat
Nice haul
Oldie but goodie …just looked him up, he has officially become a woman
Girl casually dipping her chicken tenders in her soda
Beast mode
Suddenly razor blade cartridges doesn’t seem that expensive anymore
Fire LED Bulb
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The Daily Man-Up: The Impatient Mind
Shit’s not going to happen overnight! In a world that moves so fast, you must be able to slow your mind down. Most of us are willing to try to push ourselves harder to achieve our goal but the second we hit a setback, we get down on ourselves and allow our minds to spin out of control. Don’t let your setback define you!!! Don’t get all poopy-pants, kicking rocks with your head down! Always have your head up and shoulders back during setbacks. That body language sends a direct message to your brain that you are still in the game until you hear the whistle!
If you goal is to lose weight, your setback might be that you have plateaued. I remember when I was trying to lose the weight to go to BUD/S and for the first three weeks, I lost 15lbs a week and then in the 4th week…I lost 4lbs. I pushed extra hard the 5th week and again, lost a staggering 3lbs. The clock was against me as I had just a few weeks left in order to make the cut-off date so I had to realize that while I wasn’t dropping the weight as quickly as I was initially, my new norm was 52lbs lighter than where I started and from there I had only 54lbs to go! I was no longer looking at 106lbs, I had just 54lbs left and it happened in the weeks to follow.
What works for me during a long setback is to look at your setback as your new normal for a while until you get past your plateau.
The key is to quiet your mind while in mental hell and embrace whatever obstacle is in front of you with open arms. We must learn to conserve energy and to control the emotional and mental stresses of our setbacks.
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Hasbro Reveals Monopoly For Millennials, Which Removes Property Buying From The Game, Because “You Can’t Afford It Anyway”
Monopoly has put a twist on its classic board game, this time appealing to millennials.
Monopoly for Millennials is exactly what its name suggests: a board game targeted to adults under the age of 30 who may not be able to relate to the original version.
For example, in this updated rendition of Monopoly, players don’t pay rent on their properties but instead focus on gaining experiences.
“Money doesn’t always buy a great time, but experiences, whether they’re good — or weird — last forever. The Monopoly for Millennials game celebrates just that. Instead of collecting as much cash as possible, players are challenged to rack up the most experiences to win,”
These experiences include your friend’s couch, a three-day music festival, vegan food options, bike-sharing services and even a yoga studio.
Other modifications include replacing Monopoly’s iconic tokens, such as the thimble, with game pieces like a hashtag, a smiley face emoji and a smartphone.
Options for the Chance and Community Chest cards also include $0 internships and “Get Into Jail Free Card,” in which jail is the only space on the board where a player doesn’t lose money.
And if you’re wondering who gets to roll first, it’s the player with the most student debt.
But why did Hasbro, the company behind the legendary board game, create this version of Monopoly?
“According to Hasbro’s own market research, only 28 per cent of younger players could identify the purpose of a thimble outside the context of the game and just 15 per cent could understand the concept of ever affording their own home. These findings helped shaped the updates for Monopoly’s new Millennial Edition, which include raising the minimum rent charge to $1,500 and having each player start the game with $20,000 of student debt.”
So “forget real estate,” as the tagline on the box says, “you can’t afford it anyway” — just enjoy your life experiences while you can.
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The Horrifying Reality Of Contracting Rabies
Let me paint you a picture.
You go camping, and at mid-day you decide to take a nap in a nice little hammock. While sleeping, a tiny brown bat, in the “rage” stages of infection is fidgeting in broad daylight, uncomfortable, and thirsty (due to the hydrophobia) and you snort, startling him. He goes into attack mode.
Except you’re asleep, and he’s a little brown bat, so weighs around 6 grams. You don’t even feel him land on your bare knee, and he starts to bite. His teeth are tiny. Hardly enough to even break the skin, but he does manage to give you the equivalent of a tiny scrape that goes completely unnoticed.
Rabies does not travel in your blood. In fact, a blood test won’t even tell you if you’ve got it. (Antibody tests may be done, but are useless if you’ve ever been vaccinated.)
You wake up, none the wiser. If you notice anything at the bite site at all, you assume you just lightly scraped it on something.
The bomb has been lit, and your nervous system is the fuse. The rabies virus is multiplying along your nervous system, doing virtually no damage, and completely undetectable. You literally have NO symptoms.
It may be four days, it may be a year, but the camping trip is most likely long forgotten. Then one day your back starts to ache… Or maybe you get a slight headache?
At this point, you’re already dead. There is no cure.
(The sole caveats to this are extremely rare natural survivors and some recipients of the Milwaukee Protocol, which left most patients dead anyway, and the survivors mentally disabled, and was seldom done).
There’s no treatment. It has a virtually 100% kill rate.
Absorb that. Not a single other virus on the planet has that kill rate. Only rabies. And once you’re symptomatic, it’s over. You’re dead.
So what does that look like?
Your headache turns into a fever, and a general feeling of being unwell. You’re fidgety. Uncomfortable. And scared. As the virus that has taken its time getting into your brain finds a vast network of nerve endings, it begins to rapidly reproduce, starting at the base of your brain… Where your “pons” is located. This is the part of the brain that controls communication between the rest of the brain and body, as well as sleep cycles.
Next you become anxious. You still think you have only a mild fever, but suddenly you find yourself becoming scared, even horrified, and it doesn’t occur to you that you don’t know why. This is because the rabies is chewing up your amygdala.
As your cerebellum becomes hot with the virus, you begin to lose muscle coordination, and balance. You think maybe it’s a good idea to go to the doctor now, but assuming a doctor is smart enough to even run the tests necessary in the few days you have left on the planet, odds are they’ll only be able to tell your loved ones what you died of later.
You’re twitchy, shaking, and scared. You have the normal fear of not knowing what’s going on, but with the virus really fucking the amygdala this is amplified a hundred fold. It’s around this time the hydrophobia starts.
You’re horribly thirsty, you just want water. But you can’t drink. Every time you do, your throat clamps shut and you vomit. This has become a legitimate, active fear of water. You’re thirsty, but looking at a glass of water begins to make you gag, and shy back in fear. The contradiction is hard for your hot brain to see at this point. By now, the doctors will have to put you on IVs to keep you hydrated, but even that’s futile. You were dead the second you had a headache.
You begin hearing things, or not hearing at all as your thalamus goes. You taste sounds, you see smells, everything starts feeling like the most horrifying acid trip anyone has ever been on. With your hippocampus long under attack, you’re having trouble remembering things, especially family.
You’re alone, hallucinating, thirsty, confused, and absolutely, undeniably terrified. Everything scares the literal shit out of you at this point. These strange people in lab coats. These strange people standing around your bed crying, who keep trying to get you “drink something” and crying. And it’s only been about a week since that little headache that you’ve completely forgotten. Time means nothing to you anymore. Funny enough, you now know how the bat felt when he bit you.
Eventually, you slip into the “dumb rabies” phase. Your brain has started the process of shutting down. Too much of it has been turned to liquid virus. Your face droops. You drool. You’re all but unaware of what’s around you. A sudden noise or light might startle you, but for the most part, it’s all you can do to just stare at the ground. You haven’t really slept for about 72 hours.
Then you die. Always, you die.
And there’s not one… fucking… thing… anyone can do for you.
Then there’s the question of what to do with your corpse. I mean, sure, burying it is the right thing to do. But the fucking virus can survive in a corpse for years. You could kill every rabid animal on the planet today, and if two years from now, some moist, preserved, rotten hunk of used-to-be brain gets eaten by an animal, it starts all over.
So yeah, rabies scares the shit out of me. And it’s fucking EVERYWHERE.
(Source: This guy spent a lot of time working with rabies, and would still get vaccinations if he could afford them.)
The post The Horrifying Reality Of Contracting Rabies appeared first on Caveman Circus.
9 Male Rape Victims Reveal Their Experiences And How It Has Affected Their Lives
(photo: @natural)
1. I was kidnapped by my father, and tortured, molested and sodomized for over a week while it took getting state police across multiple states to get me back. There isn’t a news report of this, I’ve already checked. The worst part, my mother never believed me, and I while I wasn’t ever too afraid to talk to people about it, I never can tell anyone how deep the pain runs.
Even when you think you are a success, no matter how many mountains you climb, or what you accomplish, it is still overshadowed by your past. When you talk to other people they have no idea how deeply the pain runs through you. What it does, the power that it carries. Even as someone who is viewed externally as being successful, I still feel like a failure at anything. I don’t want to give too much away, because i don’t want this traced back to me.
A simple, senseless act from another person, turns you into a zombie. You fake emotion to others, you fake your attitude, but what really rattles around inside of your head is something that can’t be described. Such overwhelming, crushing force that is involved with everything.
Sexuality wise, I’ve still a virgin, and I’m in my late 20s. I don’t even know who to look at, what I’m attracted to, what gender, what sexual roles, etc. I don’t have a mental construct or feeling of what love is, that side of me is very dead. I fake it that I suck at relationships when talking to others, but the truth is, I feel pain for not being a success at them, but I’m largely emotionless at the actual connection of love. I haven’t ever had anyone in my life that really had that bond with me. I’ve had mentors, sure, close friends as well. But a romantic relationship, I have no idea of what that is like.
2. I was assaulted by a grown man in a public pool shower when I was 12. He compelled his son, who was younger than me, to watch.
I mention these details because every single aspect of healthy male sexuality is scrambled for me, even now at 30. Things are better now, but if I’m too passive, or too horny, or too surprised by any sexual situation, my mind will flash back to that afternoon and I’ll either relive it through my own eyes or be terrified of resembling the predator dad.
While I have benefited from sympathetic therapists, I can count the number of people I’ve told on one hand (and told nobody, to my unfortunate shame, until I was almost 20). The stigma of being a child rape victim as a man is a scourge– being seen as a potential sexual predator simply because I was targeted by one myself.
3. The absolutely secrecy behind it all and how much it can change your personality. In general and by my family in particular.
When I was 10 or 11, my mom, her best friend, my brother and sister and I were at the beach not too far from where we lived. We were the little shopping area by this particular beach, it was about 2 blocks square of the typical kitschy beach side shops with apartments on the second story you’d find in the early 80’s. While looking at shoes through a window, this Hispanic guy walks up to me.
“Hey, you look like a strong guy, I need help moving something out of the door by my apartment around the corner, can you give me a hand real quick?”
Being the helpful kid I was, I told him yes. We go around the corner and he goes through this door and its the place where they keep the dumpsters. He points to the door that leads into the building.
“You first, you can squeeze by the rug and push it out.”
As I move by him, I feel him touch my head and everything goes dark as he slammed my head up against the dumpster. I come too at some point, and realize I am bent over something and there is a sharp pain in my ass. I manage to turn my head to look back as I see a fist coming and everything goes dark again.
I wake up and look around. My shorts are around my ankles, its dark and stink in the room, the taste of blood in my mouth and he’s no where to be seen. I pull up my pants and walk outside to see my mom and siblings just down the street. They’d been looking for me for about 10 min. I tell mom what happened while her friend kept my bro and sis away, she grabs a towel, wipes away the blood and tears on my face, and she puts us all in the car to drive home.
I am immediately put into the shower and told to scrub everything. My mom sits on the toilet and tells me never to tell anyone what happened ever. She tells me what happened was bad and to forget it ever happened. If anyone asked about the bruises on my face and neck, I slipped going into the pool It was the summer and I was usually covered in bruises from doing typical 11yo boy stuff anyway. After probably 20 min in the shower, scrubbing myself multiple times I get handed a towel and clean clothes.
That was the last time my mother spoke or acknowledged what happened. My mom or her friend didn’t go to the police, hospital or anything. There was no consulting or support. Hell, I don’t think my father got told what happened. He probably saw the bruises and figured I did something stupid, which I was known for in the best of circumstances.
After that, my personality changed. Neighbors commented how much I’d withdrawn and wasn’t my usual helpful self. I overheard my mom and our elderly neighbor talking about my personality change not too long after the incident. She told my mom it was normal for boys to do that as they approach puberty and that I’d be fine. So as far as anyone knew my personality change was just puberty.
Time went on and I’d like to say it didn’t affect me at all. I don’t have nightmares about it or anything. I can’t stand the smell of dumpsters or landfills without getting panicky. I don’t go out of my way to help people any more, especially people I don’t know. In a way its made it hard for me to make friends, especially guy friends. The number of people who I’ve told I think I can count on 1 hand, maybe 1 finger on the second. I carry my wounds deep and try not to make it a big issue. I don’t act the victim. Not because mom told me too, but because I am stronger than that and living in fear only let’s that guy win.
My mother went to her death bed never talking to me about that day that happened 30 years earlier, same with my mom’s friend. As far as they were concerned, it never happened. I’ve have thought it was my imagination because of how people handled it. But that little divot under my eye from where he punched me and chipped part of the bone is a daily reminder when I look in the mirror.
male sexual assult is a thing. But its treated as something lesser because it is a guy. Rape is rape regardless of the gender of the rapist and victim.
4. My brother’s older friend molested me twice when I was around 11 or 12? He was 15….The actual fact that it happened is what people don’t know about. I am 26 and my current partner is the third person in the world to know about it. For me, I knew I was gay from a young age and was worried if I told people they would think that the situation “made” me gay. Ironically after it happened I remember running up to my room and crying from relief because I did not like it and thought that meant I was straight….Turns out I just didn’t like rape.
5. No one takes me seriously about it. I was made to feel like garbage, so I just don’t talk about it anymore.
Once a year I obsessively try to keep tabs on him. For 24 hours it just sits in my brain until I do it. This last time I found out he moved back into the area. He’s a convicted rapist too, but I didn’t know that originally. Also a sociopath, theres a literal transcript of him trying to get taken off the sex offender registry where both the court expert and his own expert said he’s either socially naive or without remorse. He isn’t naive, he knows what he does.
He’s getting fat and old and bloated, so hopefully no one will let him get near them anymore.
6. That it’ll fuck you up for years to come. I was a little kid when my older cousins boyfriend started coming around the house, and they dated for three years. I actually have to make a solid effort to not be homophobic now that I’m an adult. My knee jerk reaction when I see two men is to throttle them. I fucking hate myself.
7. When i was 2 my mom left my dad and started dating (unbeknownst to her) a sadistic pedophile. This man beat me raped me and starved me for 2 years. I still remember it all very vividly and he also did these things to my mom and is also the father of my (recently deceased) sister. The ptsd I endured (And still struggle with) were hell and I’m lucky to be a functioning adult. However i still hear jokes every single day about how horrible men are and how men can’t be raped and these comments kill me every single time. People suck regardless of gender and anyone can be raped.
8. I was raped when I was 5 years old. I was in the hospital having my tonsils out. The night before the surgery a man came into my room and raped me orally and anally. He told me “if I talked to anyone he would have to come back in the middle of the night while I was sleeping and kill my parents”. My 5 year old mind read this as don’t talk to anyone anymore or my parents will be killed. I had the surgery the next morning and of course I couldn’t talk. So I just stopped talking to people and would only speak to my parents by whispering in their ear. I’m guessing my parents thought this change in behavior was because of the surgery. Throughout my life I never told anyone what happened. One day I was driving along in the car and it suddenly dawned on me that I was 50 years old and I had never told anyone about that night. I turned to my wife and started telling her what happened, with tears streaming down my cheeks.
I realized I been following my rapist’s instructions for 45 fucking years!!! Well, now I do talk about it but only on rare and in appropriate situations. It’s a weird thing. I really don’t have any emotions about it, I don’t have any hatred, I don’t feel afraid but when I tell the story tears always come to my eyes because it makes me sad to think of it happening to me as a child. Sort of like seeing a family pet hit by a car, it’s just something you carry with you for ever.
The experience of rape imprints a pain/sadness we wear for life. In my case I can’t say how it changed me because I’ve never known anything else. I only wish I was my attackers sole victim but I realize that’s not likely.
Life is a strange uncertain journey but we walk the path that lies before us.
8. Just how fully it fucks you up. I was raped multiple times as a child and I’ve never had a real friend in my life. I’m constantly aware of it in a college environment and usually go to bed highly suicidal.
I’m at an age where no one wants to deal with helping someone learn basic social skills, so I feel screwed despite innumerable efforts. I’ve been kicked/iced out of multiple university clubs. There was only one survivor group thing in my hometown and I wasn’t allowed in there either. Something about male presences triggering other victims, which really didn’t do me any good.
I also feel indescribably lonely. I’ve never so much as held hands with a girl and will probably die a virgin through no fault of my own. I envy that people don’t know about this.
9. The stain never goes away. Never. You can’t drink it away, you can’t scrub it away, you can’t pretend it away, therapy and medication can only do so much. The stain is always there. Even if you somehow manage to drug yourself enough and so many times that the original memories of it are gone, the hole is there, and you know the shape of it and the feel of it as well as you used to know the smell of their breath and the feel of their hands. It’s kind of like having the bed to yourself right after the end of a long-term relationship, in that the person is gone, but their absence might as well be them due to all the emotions it triggers.
I’m not doing a great job of explaining this. You are forever marked. You either have the memories, or the hole where the memories used to be, or you have them repressed (but never well enough to get away from triggers, because they’re everywhere, only this way you don’t understand why you feel panic and shame and hate and all of that when certain things happen, only that you do, so you get another healthy helping of helplessness…). There will always be triggers, and the only thing that will change is the intensity of the response, and this isn’t always predictable. Sometimes a trigger that you think you’ve overcome (or as close as you can get to that) hits you like it’s the first week after. Out of fucking nowhere. And you might never figure out why. The next day, the same trigger might do next to nothing. It’s infuriating.
Then we have sex. Male victim of a male monster, here. Too passive and I feel like a victim again, too aggressive and I feel like a rapist, even if the person states in no uncertain terms they prefer it a certain way and I’m into it at the time. Sometimes it just hits me after, and that’s always fun. Explain why I’m suddenly upset and ruin the mood? Hide it and have to wear a mask in front of one of the few people I’ve allowed to get this close? Neither are appealing choices. Have a person who already understands and loves me and is fine with it? Yeah, okay, assuming I believe them, which is hard enough, I now have someone who is dealing with something they shouldn’t have to because I had to deal with something I shouldn’t have had to, and even if they say they don’t mind and they love me and all the other “right responses”, the guilt is still there. Why choose me, when there are other partners without these hangups? Maybe I avoid these situations entirely? Well, now I’m unfufilled sexually. He’s still in control, because his crime is still influencing what I do, and don’t do, and seek out, and avoid. No appealing choices. Even not playing isn’t the winning move, because every move of every piece is on a board that will FOREVER have his fucking mark on it, because of what happened.
Or maybe you go the casual-sex, fuck-everyone, rape-isn’t-as-big-a-deal-if-sex-isn’t route. You can’t fuck it away. That feeling of empowerment some people get from this? That’s still in relation to the original act that made you, rather us, choose this. No choice in a vacuum, no future decision unmarked by what came before, as far as sex goes.
Then there’s the whole thing where many predators were victims themselves. Yes, most victims don’t go on to become monsters, but knowing this stuff is like knowing you have a genetic predisposition towards alcoholism: yeah, forewarned is forearmed, and it won’t happen to you, but maybe one month you drink a bit too much, or you find yourself looking at stuff that, while totally legal, is still perhaps leaning a bit too uncomfortably in the direction of that potential you. For clarification, no, not child pron or drawn images of children or anything like that, just bdsm and fresh-18 stuff. There are lines I don’t cross. But then I wonder, did he have lines he didn’t cross, and he just kept leaning and and leaning and leaning until he fell face-fucking-first into that abyss? So you stop and go vanilla, or cold turkey. Again, the control is still there. You still feel the hand, the weight, as it influences your decisions. There is no getting away from it.
Oh, and the response to unexpected physical contact. No, I don’t dislike you (probably, I mean, fuck some people), I might even love you, but that brief moment where you startled me and I looked like I wanted to hurt you? I didn’t, I wanted to hurt him, but for that moment you were him, even though you weren’t. Over two decades of therapy and I’ve mostly been able to work through this with relationships, but sleeping over is still something that needs work at first. I’ve gotten pretty good at pretending to be asleep, partly from watching other people sleep (creepy, I know), because if I wake up and I see someone within arm’s reach of me, near me in that vulnerable state, and I don’t immediately know who they are and that they’re “safe” and all that shit? My brain sees Him. So the first handful of nights I spend “sleeping” next to someone, I’m lying. I’m lying to them, right after they let me get that close to them, and I’m spending hours and hours trying to train myself to instantly react “Person X good, person X not going to hurt you” just so I can fall asleep holding them or in their arms.
You know, I thought this would be cathartic. It’s not. Sometimes it is, but not right now. Think I’m done for tonight.
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The Dumping Grounds
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Toy Story 4 – Official Teaser Trailer
The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.
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How to Date a Lot of Billionaires – NY Times
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Men now afraid to give women CPR in fear of being accused of sexual assault and #MeToo – Trending Views
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Erica Fontaine
Welcome To Caveman’s Fight Club!
Hail Mary comeback knockout
Old school UFC. No gloves. No weight class. 3 fights in 1 night
Brutal elbows from the crucifix by
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Vasyl Lomachenko: The Tricks
Death in the Ring: Experts describe what went wrong in fatal kickboxing fight at Eagles Club
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The Daily Man-Up: The Importance of Eye Contact
(photo: @marcvcci)
How often have you talked with another guy who never looked you in the eye during the entire length of the conversation? Or perhaps he did meet your gaze a few times, but then his eyes shifted back to his shoes or to some point off in the distance.
I’d like to say that the ability to make good eye contact is one of the social skills a lot of young men seem to be struggling with these days, which would be true, but I’ve encountered enough gaze-averting middle-aged men to know that it’s a multi-generational problem. And actually, it’s probably something men have always struggled with—females are on average better at making and holding eye contact than males, and in fact, it’s been found that the higher the levels of testosterone a fetus is exposed to in utero, the less eye contact they make as infants—across genders. Interestingly, the exception to this rule are male babies who have the very highest levels of T; they end up being as adept at eye contact as their female counterparts—alpha babies aren’t afraid to look you in the eye!
But just because making eye contact doesn’t come naturally to us men, doesn’t mean you should just shrug your shoulders and accept this predisposition. The ability to make high-level eye contact is a skill every man should work on, as it has been shown to create some incredible benefits for the gazer. Numerous studies have shown that people who make higher-levels of eye contact with others are perceived as being:
- More dominant and powerful
- More warm and personable
- More attractive and likeable
- More qualified, skilled, competent, and valuable
- More trustworthy, honest, and sincere
- More confident and emotionally stable
And not only does increased eye contact make you seem more appealing in pretty much every way to those you interact with, it also improves the quality of that interaction. Eye contact imparts a sense of intimacy to your exchanges, and leaves the receiver of your gaze feeling more positive about your interaction and connected to you.
In short, making greater eye contact with others can increase the quality of all of your face-to-face interactions; there’s no area of your life where being seen as more attractive, confident, and trustworthy wouldn’t be a boon. Being able to look people in the eye and hold their gaze can help you better network with others, land a job, pitch an idea, make a moving speech, woo the ladies, and intimidate your enemies. It can help a lawyer win over a jury, a boxer psych out his opponent, and a minister connect with his congregants. It can even aid a musician in winning over new fans; studies have shown that the more eye contact a musician makes with his audience, the more they enjoy his music—take note ye members of struggling bands!
And the best part of all this is that improving your eye contact is something you can do relatively quickly and easily. Next week in the second article of this two-part series, we’ll cover all the practical nuts and bolts on how to do that, and offer some really helpful eye contact tips for both general conversational situations as well as specific scenarios.
But today we’d like to begin with an exploration of why making eye contact is so important in forming relationships with other people, and why it can be so hard to do.
Check out the rest of the article here
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Feed Your Brain With These Fascinating Facts
A study titled “Where Are They Now?” in 1978 followed up on 515 people who were prevented from attempting suicide using the Golden Gate Bridge from 1937 to 1971. About 90% were either alive or had died of natural causes, concluding “suicidal behavior is crisis-oriented” rather than inexorable. (study)
In Medieval Christianity, Satan was not feared. He was more ‘comic relief’ and the butt of jokes. It was the increased belief in Witchcraft which eventually caused Satan to be feared
Lyndon B Johnson worked 18-20 hour days without breaks and had no leisure activities. He also smoked heavily, knew every senators’ ambitions, hopes, and tastes were and used it to his advantage in securing votes. And was the “[most] powerful majority leader in American history” as a congressman
He had a phone line installed in his bathrooms so he could make calls while in the shitter, he would also have staff follow him into the bathroom and continue giving instructions while using the throne. He took multiple showers near the Senators gym when he first came to DC so he could chat up and get to know his colleagues faster
Nellie Bly, America’s first investigative journalist who faked being crazy and was sent to an asylum, where she experienced misdiagnosis, abuse, and harassment. In 1887, “Behind Asylum Bars” was printed. A grand jury investigation soon forced NYC to allocate more money for the mentally ill. (article)
Committed to the asylum, Bly experienced the deplorable conditions firsthand. The food consisted of gruel broth, spoiled beef, bread that was little more than dried dough, and dirty undrinkable water. The dangerous patients were tied together with ropes. The patients were made to sit for much of each day on hard benches with scant protection from the cold. Waste was all around the eating places. Rats crawled all around the hospital. The bathwater was frigid and buckets of it were poured over their heads. The nurses behaved obnoxiously and abusively, telling the patients to shut up, and beating them if they did not. Speaking with her fellow patients, Bly was convinced that some were as “sane” as she was.
While assisting displaced Vietnamese refuge seekers, actress Tippi Hedren’s fingernails intrigued the women. She flew in her personal manicurist & recruited experts to teach them nail care. 80% of nail technicians in California are now Vietnamese—many descendants of the women Hedren helped (article)
Lack of personal hygiene and body smell is such an issue at Super Smash Bros tournaments that some tournaments now disqualify players not keeping up with hygiene and even resorted to passing out deodorant. (article)
Ernest Hemingway lived through anthrax, malaria, pneumonia, dysentery, skin cancer, hepatitis, anemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, two plane crashes, a ruptured kidney, a ruptured spleen, a ruptured liver, a crushed vertebra, and a fractured skull
The creators/directors/writers for Parks and Rec, Bob’s Burgers, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Silicon Valley, Modern Family, The Good Place, American Dad, and Rick and Morty all got their big breaks on King of the Hill (article)
Vanna White, the letter presser lady on Wheel of Fortune makes 8 million a year. Her net worth is 140 million
WW1 could have ended hours earlier, but one man wanted to wait until “the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month”. ~11,000 men were wounded or killed waiting for the Armistice to take effect
The last person to be killed during WWI died just one minute before the Armistice.
The US government had a secret military operation called Project Eldest Son during the Vietnam War. It involved leaving behind thousands of rounds of faulty ammo that would backfire in Vietcong AKs while also leaking fake docs that questioned quality control in Chinese munitions factories. (article)
THE U.S. MILITARY’S Studies and Information Group might sound like a dull Washington policy think thank, but during the Vietnam War, the SOG planned and carried out some of the most daring, not to mention devious, operations of the long and bloody conflict.
Case in point: Beginning in 1967, the notorious unconventional warfare unit flooded communist ammo depots throughout Southeast Asia with thousands of sabotaged rifle, machine gun and mortar rounds. Each of the ordinary looking bullets was packed with enough high explosives to destroy any weapon that fired it while also maiming (or perhaps even killing) the unlucky shooter. Charges hidden within spiked mortar shells were powerful enough to wipe out an entire gun crew.
The objective of the scheme was two fold: thin the enemy’s ranks and sapping his confidence in his own equipment.
The Sioux have refused $1.3 billion in restitution for the seizure of the Black Hills by the U.S. Government, holding out for the return of some of their sacred ancestral lands (article)
The refusal of the money pivots on a feud that dates back to the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie, signed by Sioux tribes and Gen. William T. Sherman, that guaranteed the tribes “undisturbed use and occupation” of a swath of land that included the Black Hills, a resource-rich region of western South Dakota. But in 1877, one year after Gen. George Armstrong Custer’s infamous defeat at the hands of Crazy Horse at Little Bighorn and without the consent of “three-fourths of all adult male Indians” stipulated by the treaty, the government seized the Black Hills, along with their gold, and began profiting from the protected land.
Driving from nearby Rapid City to the reservation on Pine Ridge, it’s easy to see why the tribes want to reclaim some of that unused land — and why it was parceled as it was. Unlike the barren stretch of land that encompasses the reservation, the Black Hills are green, resource-rich, and thick with the smell of Ponderosa trees. Stretching across western South Dakota to neighboring Wyoming, they’ve been a draw for tourists and investors alike. In addition to gold, timber and minerals have been extracted, reaping profits for people other than the Sioux.
Fast forward to 1980. The Supreme Court agreed with the Sioux: The land, long since settled, had been taken from them wrongfully, and $102 million was set aside as compensation. The trust’s value continues to grow well beyond $1 billion, but the Sioux have never collected.
One key problem: The tribes say the payment is invalid because the land was never for sale and accepting the funds would be tantamount to a sales transaction. Ross Swimmer, former special trustee for American Indians, said the trust fund remains untouched for one reason: “They didn’t want the money. They wanted the Black Hills.”
There is a species of jellyfish whose sting inflicts the victim with an impending sense of doom. The sensatation of constant imminent dread is reportedly so severe, patients beg their doctors to kill them to end it.
Alduos Huxley was injected with LSD on his deathbed and essentially tripped into death (article)
Huxley died on the same day as CS Lewis. Both deaths were overshadowed by a third, the assassination of John F Kennedy.
A Japanese rail company has apologised after a train left a station 25 seconds early. The operator said, “the great inconvenience we placed upon our customers was truly inexcusable" (article)
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A Damn Fine Collection Of Fascinating Photos And Videos
Dan Bilzerian reveals his training regiment
The effects of different anti-tank rounds
1. HE (High explosive) 2. HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) 3. APFSDS (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) 4. HEAT-FS (High Explosive Anti Tank Fin Stabilized)
At the local Magic the Gathering gameroom
Found in a Doctor’s office
Tyson Fury transformation
One of the most advanced car cassette players ever made
This electron microscope lets you literally see the atomic bonds like on a diagram
Lincoln, before and after the civil war
The Day WW1 Ended, 100 Years Ago
Recording reveals the moment guns fell silent at the end of World War 1
A photo of Pluto, 24 years apart. (1994-2018)
Table saw with built-in finger protection
How It Works:
This is what depression looks like
In Chile, after the end of Pinochet’s dictatorship, a director showed students a previously banned documentary about the coup. This is their reaction
ONE FC Muay Thai bout loser and his huge hematoma caused by an elbow in the final round
Grocery store shelves are rented by companies to put their products out. Eye level and the perimeter are the most expensive
Crazy photo from the California Wildfires
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Poll Of The Day
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The Dumping Grounds
What To Do If You’re Too High On Weed
Joe Pera Talks You to Sleep – Adult Swim
Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Sno Balls
Casually Explained: Is She Into You?
7 Common Phrases That Show You Lack Confidence
How guys respond to being catcalled
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The 21 Most Important Questions Of Your Life – Darius Foroux
As we get older, the production of collagen slows down, causing the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin. Taking a collagen supplement can increase your skin’s elasticity, make it smoother, more plump, and more youthful looking – Amazon
Police Cruiser Runs Over Homicide Suspect – Live Leak
Fox News stands with CNN: ‘Passes for working White House journalists should never be weaponized’ – Fox News
Boyfriend Running For His Life.. Gets Run Over By His Girl After She Caught Him Cheating – Worldstar
Are you forgetful? That’s just your brain erasing useless memories – The Verge
A damn fine collection of bewbs and awesomeness – Leenks
The Best Mail-Order Pies In America, Ranked – Bloomberg
How to retire early: Early retirement by the number – Get Rich Slowly
The Horror Of The Check Engine Light And The Joy Of Fixing It – Jalopnik
We wash our hands, we wash our hair, so why don’t we wash our butts? – Amazon
CHEAPSHOT: Fitchburg State’s Kewan Platt hit Nate Tenaglia with a right elbow as he shot a 3-pointer – Sports Gossip
‘Ego Death’ Is the Trip Competitive Psychedelic Users Are Chasing – VICE
U.S. could potentially lose a war against China or Russia as military edge has eroded – Los Angeles Times
Instagram Fitness Model Amanda Lee Tells Us How She Went From 0 to 10 Million Followers – Men’s Health
Police Shoot and Kill Black Security Guard Who Stopped Gunman Inside Bar – Boston
Lego’s latest set targets stressed adulds – Fast Co
UK jails far-right couple who named son ‘Adolf’ – Mirror
Ashley Graham Tries Out A Horrifying Duct Tape Bra – Drunken Stepfather
Nobody has claimed the $1.5 billion Mega Millions lottery prize – Business Insider
Achieving Financial Independence On A Modest Income: $40,000 In Manhattan – Financial Samurai
How to Change Your Mindset for a Happy And Successful Life – Life Hack
Emily Ratajkowski Wearing Micro Bikinis in Australia! – The Slip
Hotel Chain Offers Guests “Instagram Sitters” That Post on Their Accounts While They Relax – Oddity Central
A Japanese Man Spent 2 Million Yen on a Wedding to a Hologram – The Blemish
Alexis Ren, Aly Michalka and Other Random Women – G-Celeb
Massive jugs flowing out of her dress (nsfw) – Ehowa
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Julia Muniz
Reaction GIFs Up In This Beeeyotch!
When your mom just got done yelling at you and now she wants to be friends
When I see anybody. Anywhere. Ever.
Me tackling life’s challenges
Waiting to pull my credit card out of the chip card reader
When I see everyone handing out homework at the start of the class except me
When I let my girlfriend drive
When we get a light dusting of snow and I drive past someone in the ditch
When a celebrity posts photos of their burned out mansion
When I learn that PornHub organizes its ‘Hottest’ category by the last videos people watch before leaving the site
My butthole after eating spicy ass Thai food
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There Are Some Things You Just Can’t Argue With
A Few Photos To Help You Scratch That Nostalgic Itch
The Prevue Channel
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