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The Daily Man-Up: Why You Should Try No-Fap November


This process changes – and usually improves – the life of every man who even attempts it. Here’s the best part: You can channel that change and focus it on your sex life, if you choose to, and it will get you laid. IF you do it correctly, that is…. and don’t cheat.

Here’s how: you have a primal, almost irresistible urge to procreate. That biological urge, when mixed with your testosterone, is intended to motivate you to jump out of bed in the morning ready to fight and fcuk your way through the herd, leaving vanquished foes and satiated hoes in your wake. Unfortunately, our advanced brains and opposable thumbs over time have discovered an almost perfect and flawless cheat: Masturbation. After all, it’s so much easier, so much less of a hassle, to simply cut all the corners, skip through the level, and polish that platinum trophy really fast until the end credits roll.

Here’s where this wonderful thing we’re discovering called NoFap comes in: You, being the horny, over-sexed, perverted woman crazy fiend that you are, have a choice in how you get off.: Your hand or a vagina. You may feel like only one of those choices is viable, but that’s merely because it’s the EASY choice, so it appears to be the preferred one. Guess what: If you actually stop jerking off, and I mean STOP – eliminate it as a possibilty from your life (as I and many others have) – your sex starved brain and testicles will literally lead you out into the world and between the legs of a female. It just HAPPENS. Try it, you numbskull. You’ll see that I speak the truth.

“But….but…. Chinesegangster, that’s easy for you to say but I have bad acne, back hair, a harelip, and my breath smells like a circus chimp’s used diaper!”

Fine. Lower your standards and look again. The only reason your standards are so irrationally high in the first place is because of that damn computer screen you’ve been sitting in front of half your life. Hint: now that you’re no longer wasting your life in your comfy jerk-off chair, you will have plenty of time to apply Clearasil, shave your ape nape, and brush your teeth. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, THERE ARE REAL WOMEN OUT THERE WHO WILL HAVE SEX WITH YOU. They’re just waiting for you to poke your head into their personal space and say “Hello beautiful. You look bored. Can I help you with that?” Don’t believe me? Go to the Manga section at Barnes and Noble right now. There are three (3) nerdy girls on the floor at this very moment feeling lonely and unattractive, faces pressed into some crappy Japanese rape comic, dreaming of the day that someone like you comes along and says those exact words.

Stop mentally objecting to the wisdom of what I’m saying and automatically trying to make yourself the exception to this absolute rule. You’re not different, you’re not unique, and you’re not a hopeless case. You’re a MAN, and mother nature wants your penis to hang out inside wet vaginas. PORN HAS BEEN COCKBLOCKING YOU FROM YOURSELF. SNAP OUT OF IT! Stop jerking off, and sex will happen to you. You will do it for yourself on an unconscious and biological level and you will literally marvel as it’s happening. And it will be FUN. Trust me, meeting and flirting with young women may be effort, but it sure as hell isn’t work.

I’m speaking undeniable truth here. This place has changed my life for the better, and I’m just like YOU.

– Chineseg0angster

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White Man Who Says He’s ‘Born Again African’ Won A Grant Meant For ‘People Of Colour’


Anthony Ekundayo Lennon, born Anthony David Lennon was one of four people who won a paid traineeship as a “theatre practitioner of colour” last year.

The two-year opportunity was funded by a £406,500 grant from Arts Council England to “deliver a comprehensive programme of talent development for future BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) leaders”.

However, the Sunday Times uncovered a copy of a book written by Lennon in 1990 in which he recalled receiving jibes in the street from people who thought he was mixed race despite his 100% white Irish heritage.

The actor describes himself as a “born-again African” and stated in 2012 that “although I’m white, with white parents, I have gone through the struggles of a black man, a black actor”.

He also claims a caretaker at his school once called him a “n****r” and threatened him with a dog.

The paid traineeship was advertised as “open to people of colour” and Lennon applied as a “mixed-heritage” individual.

Lennon, an artistic director at a black-led theatre company in east London – Talawa Theatre – previously discussed his identity on an episode of the BBC series Everyman in the early 1990s.

“Anthony Lennon was born in Kilburn, west London. His parents both come from Ireland and are both indisputably white,” read a synopsis for the show.

“Anthony now earns his living as a black actor, because ever since he was a child he has looked black.


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A 69-Year-Old Man Who Identifies As A 49-Year-Old, Wants Courts To Change His Age So He Can Meet More Women On Tinder


A 69-Year-Old Man Who Identifies As A 49-Year-Old, Wants Courts To Change His Age So He Can Meet More Women On Tinder

A 69-year-old Tinder user is asking the court to change his age because “he identifies” as a 49-year-old.

Emile Ratelband says if transgender people are legally allowed to change sex, he should be allowed to give himself a new age. He argues that he doesn’t get any messages when he lists his real age on Tinder. Although he says he feels 20 years younger, and doctors have told him that he has the body of a 45-year-old, his application was refused by his local authorities.

The pensioner was born on March 11, 1949, but says he feels at least 20 years younger and wants to change his birth date to March 11, 1969.

Mr Ratelband said: “I have done a check-up and what does it show? My biological age is 45 years. When I’m 69, I am limited. If I’m 49, then I can buy a new house, drive a different car. I can take up more work.

“When I’m on Tinder and it say I’m 69, I don’t get an answer. When I’m 49, with the face I have, I will be in a luxurious position.

“Transgenders can now have their gender changed on their birth certificate, and in the same spirit there should be room for an age change.”

The Dutchman said he is discriminated against because of his age, and that he encounters problems in society on a daily basis. He complains that companies are reluctant to hire someone the age of a pensioner as a consultant.

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The Dumping Grounds


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funny pictures

Heart-wrenching moment as father announces his son was killed in Thousand Oaks mass shooting


Man recalls Thousand Oaks shooting, and not being able to save more people


Reagan reacting to a balloon popping 2 months after he was shot


Here is why Fear Factor was canceled – Donkey Cum Challenge


Police Comissioner’s kids get vehicle towed. Acts over-entitled, believes she is above the law, gets fired because of this video


The opening of Bram Stroker’s Dracula is epic!


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The Instagram Economy of Phat-Ass White Girls – Mel Magazine

10 Impressive Questions to Ask in a Job Interview – The Cut

How to make your dog Instagram-famous, according to an agent for “pet influencers" – VOX

High school football team are facing rape charges after allegedly using a broomstick to assault teammates as part of a “hazing” ritual – AOL

The Is The Absolute Best Portable Speaker On Amazon And Is Nearly Indestructible – Amazon

California bar shooting leaves 12 dead, including sheriff’s sergeant, police say – Fox News

Man dies after injecting silicone in genitals, mom blames sex ‘cult’ master – NY Post

Emily Ratajkowski Got More Attention Than the Laker Girls – Sports Gossip

The Math Behind The 5-Hour Rule: Why You Need To Learn 1 Hour Per Day Just To Stay Relevant – The Mission

5 Things Women Do That Secretly Annoy Men – Brass Pills

Yep, Weighted Blankets Are As Good As Everyone Says – Amazon

Samsung Just Unveiled Its Revolutionary ‘Infinity Flex Display’ Folding Smartphone – Maxim

Skill Stacking: A Practical Strategy To Achieve Career Success – Darius Foroux

Right-Wing Hate Groups Are Recruiting Video Gamers – NPR

China Debuts AI-Generated ‘News Anchor’ And He Is Deeply Unsettling – YouTube

The Netherlands’ New Train Cars Are Nicer Than Your Office –

Kara Del Toro Is InstaModel Goodness – Hollywood Tuna

Where’s Maury? Two Potential Fathers Shows Up To Watch The Baby Be Delivered – Worldstar

This Half-Finished Mustang Shelby GT350H Project Car Is One Serious Barn Find – Road And Track

An Important Key To A Lasting Relationship – Not Salmon

Cut The Cord: Dish Loses 341,000 Pay TV Subscribers in Third Quarter – Hollywood Reporter

Aubrey O’Day Slutty Outfit of the Day – Drunken Stepfather

Where to Find the Best Coffee Around the World – Traveler

The Best and Worst Celeb Halloween Looks of 2018 – The Blemish

Why is the movie Seven Samurai so good? – BBC

Instagram Comedian Mike Ruga Gets Beat Up Bad For Allegedly Taking Dudes Girl – YouTube

This Grandpa Loves ‘Pokémon Go’ so Much He Plays It Using 11 Phones at Once – Thrillist

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Pretty Girls Make The World Go Round






















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The Daily Man-Up: 5 Ways Social Media Can Cripple Your Self-Esteem


(photo: @erik_lucatero)

#1: Thirst for Validation

Imagine this: you open your phone and post a photo to Instagram. 

Think about what happens next…

Do you continue your day as normal? Or do you sit around waiting to hear your phone vibrate with a new notification? Be honest with yourself.

The harsh truth is that most of us are just looking for validation. We just want a bunch of people to “like” our post. It makes us feel important. It makes us feel popular.

You love hearing that notification come in. You love getting other people’s attention. You love the feeling of approval that comes with each and every “like” your new post receives.

This is natural. It’s simple human nature. The problem is that social media allows you to “indulge” this instinct with incredible ease. And then you get addicted. You “need” to feel this validation every so often to feel good about yourself…

You begin to rely on “likes” in order to be confident.

#2: Pedestalization of Women

The same way that men use social media to get validation, women do too.

This means there are hordes of women out there who are always trying to post photos that will get them the most “likes” possible.

And let’s be honest here: there’s a lot of extremely attractive women engaging in this behavior. It’s easy to open up Instagram and waste an hour of your time staring at hot fitness chicks who turn you on.

After you browse through a certain amount of these images, something interesting happens: You begin to place attractive women on a “pedestal”.

It’s shockingly similar to the negative effects of porn addiction. They’re not naked – and they’re not having sex – but you’re still browsing through hundreds of carefully curated and meticulously edited photos.

Rather than seeing women as real humans to interact with, you begin to see them as pixels on a screen… for your viewing pleasure only… but never to actually talk to or date.

No, because you don’t feel “good enough” for them now.

Check out the rest of the article at How To Beast

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A Few Videos Guaranteed To Make You Feel Better About Life


When this South Carolina police officer spotted a little boy playing football alone, he got out of his patrol car and played catch with him.


Sea lion being released, stops to make sure his buddy’s with him


When you’re caught cheating


The Best Bro In The World 


Customers swooped in to rescue diabetic cashier after he collapsed


Man who loves Chick-fil-A gets surprise 100th birthday party from staff


Grandfather to Granddaughter First Salute


Pictures are always better with a good friend


This little boy and his dog became best friends the second they met


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A Few Photos To Remind You That Life Is Beautiful

Poll Of The Day


Spinner or Snu Snu?


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The Dumping Grounds



Nine Things I Learned From Driving A Supercar For Three Days – ARS Technica

Tax Nightmare: Student Invested $5k in Ethereum & Now Owes $400k in Taxes – CCN

Sorry, Every Other TV Is Gonna Suck After You See This One – Amazon

The Former Noma Chef Taking Over School Cafeterias – Eater

Calif. shooter posted to social media during rampage – AOL

The Absolute Best Documentaries on Netflix – Thrillist

Reap the anti-aging benefits of a good night sleep. Here are our top tips to get rest – Tata Harper

The Real Reason Costco Employees Check Receipts at Exits – Mental Floss

The Truth About Boderline Personality Disorder In Relationships – Psychology Today

The Gadget For That Friend Who Always Loses Their Stuff – Amazon

Man With 3 Wives Punishes Them By Banning Sex For A Month If They Annoy Him – LAD Bible

9 Weird Things Girls Do When They Start To Like You – Thought Catalog

Fit Girls Are Fine – Leenks

Why don’t Americans save? – Get Rich Slowly

This Woman Threw a Birthday Party on a Subway Car and It Looks Really Fucking Annoying – Jezebel

Illegal Border Crossers Now Ineligible For Asylum, White House Says – Daily Wire

Cord Cutters Just Dealt Cable and Satellite Their Biggest Loss Ever – Gizmodo

10 Things Your Father Should Have Taught You About Style – The Art Of Manliness

Las Vegas Sportscaster Arrested For Jerking It While At A Slot Machine At 9:15 A.M – Busted Coverage

Why Moving Didn’t Solve Any of My Problems – Tiny Buddha

Can a Man Be Friends With a Woman?- Brass Pills

People are claiming video shared by Sarah Sanders of Jim Acosta was doctored — here’s why – Live Leak

Angie Varona has really stepped up her Thotness – Instagram

GTA V, the highest grossing video game of all time, has made 6 billion dollars whereas Avatar, the highest grossing movie, has made only 2.7 billion dollars – BeeBorn

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Get At This Motivation And CONQUER Your Week!

Hotness Galore!



















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Your Weekly Dose Of All Things Jiu-Jitsu



Old school UFC. No gloves. No weight class


Donald Cerrone submits Mike Perry with an armbar


Crazy side control escape to the back! 


Nasty guillotine! 


Some nice ground game in this street fight


Harai Goshi in the streets!


Imanari roll to heel hook


Reverse X-Guard to Saddle 


Side control escape


Girl destroys boys with Jiu Jitsu in the park


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The Daily Man-Up: How to Stop Comparing and Start Winning


(photo: @katerinapavlickova)

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt

Nothing good comes from comparison. Not good can come from comparison, and even those things that are good turn sour by that nasty little habit that’s become far too common today.

It’s easy to compare. We know far more people than we used to (without truly knowing them at all). We have visual access to snapshots of their lives that they want us to see, without the visuals that they do not want to show.

There are so many paths in life that yield so many different results, give varying benefits, and provide results at different times in life that comparing is even more futile than it once was.

The young fella who has a great business idea early in his life and makes a buttload of money has a far different path than the fella who works for a company, learns the ins-and-outs of the industry, finally creates his own business, and makes a buttload of money later in life, regardless of if they both earn the same amount in their lifetime.

The only certainty is that comparison would rob the guy who finds success later in life of the energy, motivation, happiness, and perspective that would warrant that eventual success.

Comparison Adds Worry, Fear, And Stress

When you’re comparing yourself to another person, you never have the full story, for one, but you’re also going to look down on yourself if they’ve in some way done more than you or earned more than you. You’re going to miss a lot of what’s going on because you’re not looking at your own life but at a piece or part of someone else’s.

You’ll fear that you’re not on the right path. You’ll get off the path before you should, having to start from scratch in an entirely new endeavor. The fella who you were comparing yourself to is ignorant of this comparison, he’s just working. He’ll stay on his path, and persistence and consistency in a focused manner is far better than massive amounts of work done in constantly differing focuses.

You’re going to win in life if you stay the course, more than you would if you constantly jump ship, into another field.

If you compare you’re also going to worry that you’re not doing enough, doing the right things, or you’ll create some new thing to worry about that really doesn’t need to be worried about.

You’re going to be consumed by unnecessary stress. The good stress is the kind that we need for growth, the bad kind is worry.

It’s futile and destructive to compare your path, life, journey, business, home, land, truck, income, and so on, to someone else’s. It’s a cancerous thought-process that eats away at the host.

Check out the rest of the article at Average2Alpha

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Poll Of The Day


I am a straight male. I have been seeing a transgender girl for a while and it has been going well. However, bringing it up with my friends has been a hassle. They seem to be convinced that we have a gay relationship because we both have penises. It is very frustrating because they act like I am an in the closet gay guy who is using trans women to avoid actually saying I am gay and that I should just come out.

Does dating a trans woman make you gay?


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What Was It Like In The Trenches Of World War 1


trench warfare world war 1

It’s not nearly as dramatic as you may think. The unfortunate truth for Hollywood is that most of WWI was sitting around improving defenses and doing basically nothing. The conditions were horrific the entire time for most parts but you were not constantly getting out of trenches and charging enemies most of the time. One of the biggest jobs of men on the front is to constantly check, repair and lay down barbed wire outside of their trenches. This was generally done at night for obvious reasons and generally required hundreds of men to cover the workers doing this. At first they had to use mallets and even if they tried to muffle the sound by putting sandbags between the mallet and the stake to hold the barbed wire down, it was still noisy business. This brought the attention of many snipers. Eventually a corkscrew type of device would be universalized which would allow men to ‘screw’ the stake into the ground silently.

However the amount of fighting and what fighting you got depended on your sector. There were generally two types, quiet and loud sectors. Loud sectors were ones where the trenches were extremely close to the Germans — at times less than 25 yards away but usually no further than 100-200 yards away. You are in constant threat of rifle fire but not so much artillery lest each side hits their own men. So your entire existence is painted by avoiding snipers, being under sniper fire, and having bursts of machine gun fired in your general direction in your daily life. The quiet sectors were generally very different. You could easily be 600-800 yards away from the other trench and both sides adopted a ‘live and let live’ philosophy and your greatest threat would be random artillery barrages from miles away. Capt. Dugdale described the experience:

Time passed very peacefully, as the Germans were very quiet. My battalion snipers had the time of their lives; never before had they been given such targets. We literally kept a game book of hits for the first three days; after that the Germans did not show themselves so much; also they started to retaliate.

Wiring was carried out nearly every night, but not in the style we were accustomed to in the days of the SOmme. Our men did not creep through the wire carrying coils of wire, stakes, etc.; instead, a general service wagon was driven into No Man’s Land with the materials on board, which were dumped out when required. At first we expected bursts of machine gun fire every minute, but nothing happened. It must have become a well-established custom, as the enemy did the same thing themselves; we did not interfere.

Nonetheless in the general, the Germans were very keen on disrupting workers parties; particularly with machine guns and offensive patrols. The need for quiet was imperative but not always followed by the more reckless green horns. One account by Henry Gregory describes a particularly loud worker party shouting orders and joking with each other while his company was covering their duties. After about 30 minutes of it the Germans (who were previously pretty quiet) got fed up and unleashed a massive mortar barrage and machine gun attack on the position, killing dozens of men who had no reason to.

Conditions in the trenches were universally pretty shit however. That is one universal thing that can be applied. Many trenches had water up the knees of men and you would have to wade around in this grungy, dirty mud water all day and everything you had would be almost constantly wet. When digging new trenches it was not uncommon to get a sudden and sharp scent of a dead body lying there for weeks or months as you pierced his flesh in the dirt, especially in when repairing trenches taken over from the enemy after large artillery barrages. Everything, once you got up to the front, had to be carried by hand for obvious reasons. Usually in the dark. In knee to waist high water. While being shot at by snipers consistently. You can imagine the frustration and how it could wear on a man.

That’s really what made the war so horrible. You didn’t attack all that much if you were a soldier but your life was still a miserable hellhole. You sat in a crappy trench while being shot on constantly by snipers or being bombarded constantly by artillery depending on where you were — if you were in a perfect spot both at once! You were constantly slightly hungry because of poor rations and if someone slipped and dropped a box of steak in water they were done for and you had just go without. Something that happened enough for men to justify writing about it as a part of their experience. However, for all that, the actual combat was pretty minimal and dare I say cushy, especially for quiet sectors. Your duties if you were a rifleman were essentially forward patrols from time to time and covering worker parties (usually the two duties were combined) which was a dangerous job but not really an all out attack and otherwise maintaining the trench system through constant labor. If you were a machine gunner or a sniper your life was essentially to sit in one spot for hours and harass the enemy and discourage them from performing their own maintenance or making them do it under great duress. And if you were an officer your job was basically to walk around and make sure everyone was doing their job correctly.

How did charges actually work?

At first it was a crude type of deal, the Generals were literally learning on the fly. The original tactic through 1915 and 1916 was essentially bombard the enemy trench with so much firepower that they couldn’t possibly survive and then mop up the rest with your infantry. This was basically what The Battle of Somme was supposed to be — one of the biggest failures of the war where the British men advancing quickly found that the artillery barrage did nothing to the enemy barbed wire and the Germans just huddled up underground ,waited for the barrage to stop, and then just manned their machine guns again once the assault started. Things like the creeping barrage were developed as well where basically the artillery would ‘creep’ to the German trench as the infantry marched behind it. The idea was that the artillery would hit the trench and within seconds be struck by British and French troops in the immediate aftermath.

Again, the issue was coming with that all out artillery barrages where the men were marching was a horrible strategy. This is most demonstrated at the Battle of Passchendaele, or the Third Battle of Ypres, where the British attempted to break out of the Ypres salient in Belgium by taking surrounding ridges. The British absolutely unloaded artillery on these positions and when the men went into battle the ground was so utterly destroyed the entire battlefield was composed of flooded craters. The men were literally getting stuck in the mud and could barely move and they were cut down endlessly. The battle was only a half success, only capturing a few ridges with egregious casualties no one predicted even at this stage in the war.

What generals realized by 1918 was that artillery can not win this war. It could not single handedly destroy the enemy like they believed and the principle of combined arms was developed. Combined arms stated that every component of the army must be used together in equal parts to support each other and win the battle and that’s precisely what happened. Artillery was used in short, concentrated bursts and barrages not meant to obliterate the enemy defense but just shock them and generally create temporary weak points. Infantry stopped being a force that charged into trenches trying to overwhelm a position “shattered” by artillery but rather began doing something we are more familiar with — squad based infiltration tactics. Small squads of men would independently infiltrate enemy weak points, neutralize key points and create an open path for friendly mortars and flamethrowers to move in to create a combined mortar, machine gun and flamethrower assault on the more fortified positions with the infiltrated elite troops attacking from all sides inside the trench as well. Combined with aerial reconnaissance, armor to shield advancing infantry, and short but sweet ‘hurricane’ barrages trenches became all but a stepping stone in the March 1918 offensive by the Germans and then for the Allies in the Hundred Days counter-offensive in August which ended the war.

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The Dumping Grounds


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The Great War Series has just ended! Here is its final episode – Week 225


This video from 1936 explains spinning levers and gears better than any modern video I’ve seen


If I Paid for This, I’d be PISSED


The Sexless Marriage


A Fascinating Look Inside Of A Luxury Doomsday Bunker From The 1960s


Lucky Marine Survives Sniper Headshot, saved by helmet


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I Tried Renting Out My Hallway Cupboard for £350. The housing market is so bad that it made me wonder: how bad does a room have to be to actually put people off? – VICE

Gamer Who Left House 10 Times In 7 Years Creates Game To Improve Social Skills – Lad Bible

The Pre-Internet Phenomenon Of Boys Hiding Their Porn In The Woods – Mel Magazine

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$76K raised for teacher who punched student – AOL

Possibly the greatest last second KO in all of combat sports! – Sports Gossip

Caption Goals: How Instagram Spawned a Cottage Industry Around Words – The Ringer

5 critical settings so hackers can’t access your bank accounts – USA Today

These 6 Tips Will Boost Your Health In Seconds – Weekly Cut

If You Can Master These Ancient Laws About Yourself, You’ll Become Unstoppable – Medium

8 expert predictions on what will define tech in 2019 – The Next Web

A Fifth of China’s Homes Are Empty. That’s 50 Million Apartments – Bloomberg

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The Absolute Best Memory Foam Pillow – Amazon

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What Exactly Did Paul Manafort Do to Earn That $66 Million? – Intelligencer

The Straight Men Who Have Sex with Trans Women – Broadly

Elizabeth Hurley Is The Hottest Old lady InstaModel – Hollywood Tuna

Firefighters Push a Mustang GT350 Out of a Burning Home in California – Jalopnik

This Ear Pimple Eruption Will Literally Make You Want to Vomit – Pimple Popper

How to Overcome Shyness – The Art of Manliness

Ashley Graham and Paloma Elsesser Big Girl Erotica of the Day – Drunken Stepfather

Limiting social media use reduced loneliness and depression in new experiment – Tech Crunch

This is what it’s like to be a husband of a pornstar – GQ

How to handle a tough break up and heal faster – Not Salmon

This Caffeine Calculator Helps You Plan Your Day – Vitals

Everyone Believed Larry Nassar. The predatory trainer may have just taken down USA Gymnastics. How did he deceive so many for so long? – The Cut

Nicole Scherzinger, Jessica Biel and Other Random Women – G-Celeb

College Sex Expert: Just Because a Woman Puts a Penis in Her Mouth Doesn’t Mean She Consented – Brass Pills

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