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The Dumping Grounds


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Iran 1970S Iran before the sharia law


Everest – The Summit Climb


Why is the Mortar so important in battle?


50 Shades of Sasha Grey: How She Got into Porn & More


The most disgusting job in the world – a diver in the sewage. People put on a special suit and dive into the thick of shit to clean waste water.


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How ‘Lofi Hip Hop Radio to Relax/Study to’ Became a YouTube Phenomenon – VICE

99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2018 – Medium

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Why the bidet never made it to America – Mel Magazine

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One of the hottest coffee shop girls out there – Instagram

A weekend with Danica Patrick was auction off for 35k – Sports Gossip

Keith Richards Gave Up Drinking Because He Was Tired of Partying So Hard – Maxim

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Listen to the First Sounds Ever Recorded on Mars – Curiosity

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Badass, Minimalist RFID-blocking wallet made from Titanium! – Ridge

5 common tax myths could cost you thousands – I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Bella Thorne And Eva Marie Make A great Pair – Hollywood Tuna

Russia Rolled out a ‘High-Tech Robot’ That Turned Out to Be a Guy in a Rented Costume – The Blemish

This body is absolutely bonkers! (nsfw) – BB Blog

Taylor Swift used facial recognition to track her stalkers at a concert – Quartz

24 people who became highly successful after age 40 – Business Insider

The Brutal Politics of Snitching in Prison – The Marshall Project

Shorty Getting Her Back Blown Out While Her Fiance Is Blowing Up Her Phone – Worldstar

The Prettiest Town in Every U.S. State – Architectural Digest

Alcohol doesn’t make you forget anything. When you get blackout drunk, the brain temporarily loses the ability to create memories – Gizmodo

Husband was screwing his secretary up the ass when his wife walked in…Wife: (sobbing) You can’t do this to me! Husband: I know that’s why I am doing it with her!

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Get At This Motivation And CONQUER Your Week

Hotness Galore






















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The Daily Man-Up


(photo: @jeztimms)

“I always resented all the years, the hours, the minutes I gave them as a working stiff, it actually hurt my head, my insides, it made me dizzy and a bit crazy… I couldn’t understand the murdering of my years yet my fellow workers gave no signs of agony, many of them even seemed satisfied, and seeing them that way drove me almost as crazy as the dull and senseless work. The workers submitted. The work pounded them to nothingness, they were scooped-out and thrown away. I resented each minute, every minute as it was mutilated and nothing relieved the monotonous ever-structure. I considered suicide. I drank away my few leisure hours. I worked for decades… I knew that I was dying. Something in me said, go ahead, die, sleep, become them, accept. Then something else in me said, no, save the tiniest bit. It needn’t be much, just a spark. A spark can set a whole forest on fire. Just a spark. Save it. I think I did. I’m glad I did. What a lucky god damned thing.”

– Charles Bukowski

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Dear Parents, One Of The Greatest Joys For A Kid Is Getting Video Games For Christmas

Keanu Reeves Has Been Secretly Funding Children’s Hospitals Around the World


keeanu reeves childrens hospital

As if you needed another reason to love Keanu Reevesit turns out that he’s been running a private charity foundation for more than ten years that funds children’s hospitals and cancer research. It’s no surprise he hasn’t told anyone – the actor is known for being nicer and more humble than Hollywood stars are usually known for.

Reeves is so unpretentious that he’s actually only talked about it one time and in an interview with a women’s magazine who had an inside track and asked him about it.

Reeves desire to help those with cancer could possibly come from the fact that his sister was diagnosed with leukemia around 1991. After battling it for nearly a decade, Kim Reeves went into remission in 1999.

“I love Kim,” Keanu said to Woman’s Day in 1999. “She’s so brave, and I want the very best for her. You can star in hit movies, but that’s nothing compared to going through what Kim’s been through.”

“Keanu helped me so much through my illness,” Kim told the magazine in the interview.

“When the pain got really bad, he would sit with me and hold my hand, and keep the ‘bad man’ from making me dance. He was supporting me and comforting me all the time, even when he was away.”

In 2009, ten years after the Woman’s Day interview, Reeves spilled the beans about his charitable work with children’s hospitals. In a Ladies Home Journal article published in 2009, he said he had started a private charitable foundation years ago:

I have a private foundation that’s been running for five or six years, and it helps aid a couple of children’s hospitals and cancer research. I don’t like to attach my name to it, I just let the foundation do what it does.

Reeves financing a network of children’s hospitals and cancer research should come as no surprise as he’s been ‘caught’ doing remarkably humane deeds over the past years:

1. Reeves would routinely buy lunch for all the workers on the sets of his movies. 

“Back in the late 90s and fresh out of college I got my first job as an assistant prop designer on the set of Chain Reaction (Keanu was a supporting actor with Morgan Freeman). EVERY DAY for the last few weeks of filming, Keanu treated the stage hands and “grunt workers” (including myself) by taking us out for free breakfast and lunch. He was genuinely a very nice guy to work with.

“Since then, I’ve worked on about 30 different sets and have never met an actor as generous and friendly as him. Most actors I’ve seen and worked with are total douches who always think they are better than us. Keanu on the other hand, at the very least, was socially approachable and definitely kindhearted.

“That was one example (that involved me directly), but (on the same set), I remember him going out of his way to give my friend a ride to the repair shop to pick up his car… I’ll write more as I remember, but its been a while.” — bo2dd2

2. Reeves reportedly gave $20,000 to a crew member of the Matrix because he knew he was having family trouble.

“A family friend builds movie sets, doesn’t design, is one of the poor dudes that just builds. Anyways he worked on the set for the Matrix and Keanu heard about family trouble he was having and gave him a $20,000 Christmas bonus to help him out. He also was one of the only people on the set that genuinely wanted to know peoples names, would say hello and mean it, and would talk to people as they were his peers and not below him just because they were practically making nothing to build a set. I’ve never heard anyone say Keanu is douche, seems like the nicest person in Hollywood from a second hand experience.” — kahi

3. Reeves was reported to have driven a woman 50 miles out of his way because her car broke down.

“A friend of mine told me that she was once stranded on the side of a highway outside LA when her jalopy broke down. She had no cell phone (that was before most people had cell phones) and no way to call for help. Then a nice black porsche pulls over and as you can guess, it was Keanu. He tried to help her jump start the car and when it didn’t work, he called AAA for her. When they towed her car, he offered her to drive her home, which she accepted. He drove about 50 miles out of his destination just to drive her home. She told me she hoped he would hit on her but he didn’t, he was just a gentleman, dropped her at her house, gave her his phone number and told her to call him if she needed further help.”— lovemyax

4. Reeves was alleged to have bought Harley Davidson Motorcycles for the entire special effects crew on the Matrix.

“I had a few friends working special effects jobs on the Matrix movies, he bought all of them fucking HARLEYS for Christmas during the shoot for the second one.

“One of those guys, Paul, said that Keanu was the most sincere, humble and lovely dude he’d ever met. Said he eschewed contact with the cast in favour of hanging out with the crew, was the only guy the martial arts coaches respected out of the whole cast, and was the bravest man he’s ever met. That scene in the first Matrix film, the assault on the office tower lobby – Keanu turned down earplugs for all the charges blowing everywhere taking ‘bullet holes’ out of pillars, walls etc, just for authenticity. When he turns and hides behind a pillar which explodes with bullets hitting it on both sides, Paul said ‘the entire crew was about 15 metres away, with ear protection, and all flinching anyway when the charges blew – Keanu just took it like a complete badass.’”

5. When he’s not buying people things, giving them rides, or starting a revolution, he is a genuinely nice person who makes everyone around him happy.

“My brother works at a coffee shop in New York, it’s got pretty alright coffee but the real draw is that they roast their own beans and all the beans are sucked through pneumatic tubes into a machine that grinds and brews all at once. It’s a bunch of bells and whistles, and doesn’t necessarily make for the best coffee ever. Anyway, Keanu comes into the store and orders a coffee, asks my brother how the whole system works and immediately after he finishes, he pauses, looks surprised and says ‘Whoa.’ It was perfect. And it seemed like he was actually interested and impressed by the fancy nature of the coffee shop.”

6. Reeves stands accused of being a regular guy, who likes to chill and who may also be a mythological being.

“So my neighbor was out camping and met Keanu Reeves who was also camping (I guess he likes dogs because he came up and said ‘I love these dogs!’ about her rottweiler) and she said she thought she was crazy for a minute because no one else knew he was there and it turns out Keanu was just there chilling with a one-man tent and a cooler and his little Dodge car and every time someone looked at him he’d just turn his face away and it’s kind of just solidified in my mind that Keanu Reeves is a cryptid.”

While the above testimonials could be mere rumors, they are backed up by some of the examples below as Reeves was captured on video and in images being a great person.

7. Reeves was captured on video simply being a friend to a homeless man.

One of the most famous stories surrounding Keanu Reeves took place back in 1997, when he was spotted hanging out with a homeless person. Apparently, he was just minding his own business on the streets of Hollywood and chanced upon this man. He then shared some drinks, snacks, and listened to the man’s stories, even lying down on his back, clearly interested in what the man had to say. All of this might have gone unrecorded had some paparazzis not stopped by and noticed the two deep in conversation.

8. Reeves put his own money back into the Matrix movies so he could ensure the employment of the crew.

Although there is a false internet myth that Keane Reeves gave tens of millions to the crew of the Matrix, he would indeed make deals to take lower pay so the employees of the movie could have jobs.

As Roger Friedman explained, Keanu Reeves never wrote a personal check to anyone. The back-end deal basically put some of his money back into the franchise to ensure that the special effects and costume crew could continue working on the franchise for the duration of the trilogy. It’s more akin to what Keanu did on The Devil’s Advocate and The Replacements, which was to give up part of his asking price so that the studio could afford to hire Al Pacino and Gene Hackman in those respective films.

9. The Hollywood legend has been recorded giving up his seat on the subway—because he’s a gentleman.

Not only would other Hollywood stars never be caught riding a subway, but some of these types are reportedly so arrogant that even if they had to ride on the subway, they would likely never give up their seat. But these other stars aren’t Keanu Reeves. 

Reeves was seen on video—not doing a PR stunt—jumping out of his seat to give it to a woman who’d just boarded the train. 


10. Reeves would rather wait in the rain than inconvenience others or cause a scene.

As Page Six reported at the time:

Keanu Reeves was more like his chill character from “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure” than any pampered movie star Friday when he waited patiently in the rain for 20 minutes to get into his own wrap party for “Daughter of God.” Chauffeur Ronny Sunshine — once known as the “Mad Limo Czar” for driving bands including The Beatles, he claims — was also on the scene outside Chelsea lounge the Leonora. “Keanu was really patiently waiting,” the driver told us. “I don’t think he said anything to the bouncer, like, ‘I’m Keanu.’ No one recognized him.”

Sunshine added: “Keanu looks very ordinary. It was raining, but he just waited for his two friends to come. He didn’t act like he had money. I just thought he was a rock ’n’ roller.” The club’s owner Noel Ashman told us: “I didn’t know he was kept waiting, and he didn’t say anything to me.” He added, “He’s a very relaxed person.” Once inside, Reeves even announced from the DJ booth he’d found another guest’s credit card on the ground and wanted to return it. Totally excellent!

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12 Confessions From People Who Waited Until Marriage To Have Sex


1. My wife and I abstained from sex before marriage for religious reasons. On our honeymoon, it took about thirty minutes for me to convince her to undress. She was very nervous, but that was ok, she’s always been a shy person and I knew we would have to take it slow.

After some petting, I decided to try to do basic missionary position. When I climbed on top of her, she recoiled and started crawling away. I was kind of hurt by this, but again, shes shy, so after some more petting and kissing I tried again. As soon as the tip of my penis touched the outside of her vagina, she recoiled. I tried this a few more times before I was so hurt I couldn’t keep my erection. She apologized, we chalked it up to nerves, and decided to try again on the second night of the honeymoon.

The second night went the same as the first. On the third night, I had an idea- I knew she wouldn’t like it, but I wanted to get this thing consummated. I had her lie down on the bed with her feet touching the floor. She was sort of whimpering the whole time, but she wanted to get over this barrier too so she went along with it. My penis got in about halfway before her muscles constricted and the vaginal opening completely closed. She started screaming in pain. I couldn’t get back in, and I couldn’t keep an erection anyway because I felt like I was raping the girl I loved.

The worst memory of my life was that night. She went to the bathroom afterward to calm down, and when she came out she said: “Did I do okay?” I responded, “What do you mean?” Her: “Was I good in bed?” She was trembling; I could tell she had been worrying about our honeymoon for months, perhaps a year. I didn’t know what to say. I just laid her down and kissed her until she fell asleep.

That was eight months ago. Today, we are both still virgins. Married virgins. I’m currently unemployed and deeply depressed, and the lack of sex is a big part of it. I have all the pressures of a husband to take care of his wife, yet I don’t have the relief of sexual pleasure and intimacy to cope with it.

I get a blowjob about once a week, but frankly I don’t enjoy them- when you know in the back of your mind that the person fellating you is off-bounds in every other way, it messes you up somehow. I don’t know, that’s what happened to me at least.

We figured out pretty soon after the honeymoon that what my wife has is something called Vaginismus- it fits all her symptoms perfectly and is the #1 cause of unconsummated marriages. We’ve tried using dilators and stuff at home with no progress, she can’t even insert a lubricated q-tip without having a panic attack. On the bright side, I managed to convince her to see a sexual therapist on the 25th, so that’s big progress.

Would I do everything the same way again? I don’t know. I’m a Christian. I think sex before marriage is a sin (though I certainly don’t judge those who don’t). But trying to be virtuous in that regard kinda screwed me over. I’ve been very angry at God lately.

So, that’s my story.


2. A very good male friend of mine didn’t have sex with his current wife until after they got married (her idea), turns out that she basically hates sex and he LOVES it…they have been married 12 years bf he can count how many times they have had sex (less than 10 times).

Suffice it to say, he wouldn’t recommend waiting…


3. My husband and I were semi-abstinent (no PIV) for religious reasons, and didn’t live together before we got married (dated 5 years). Have now been married 2.5 years. We have a very healthy marriage and active sex life, in my opinion.

To be fair, we are more part of the Christian left and have always been sex-positive. I’m not sure if I still believe it’s essential to abstain until marriage, but it was very important to my partner, and it didn’t hurt us.



4. We were both pretty religious when we got married 12 years ago. We dry humped before then but that’s as far as it went. Sex was difficult for her physically at first. This was pretty discouraging for me because it was a turn off to think I was hurting her. Also a lot of lubes tended to irritate her. Also oral would make her jaw lock. So yeah, it was not that great at first.

It got better over the years. We found lubes that worked. However I stopped being religious 5 years ago. She still is. My beliefs about sex have totally changed. I have regrets about the fact that I will probably never be able to experience someone else physically. This is not to say I an dissatisfied with my wife, just that I kick myself for never exploring.


5. Not me but a lady friend. She married right after college because her SO was in the military and going to be deployed. They abstained until marriage. The sex was bad. Painful for her and I’m guessing because of that not all that enjoyable for him either. Her doctor diagnosed her with Vaginismus (a condition wherein your vaginal wall involuntarily spasms during intercourse I guess?) so she just thought it was her fault and she would never enjoy sex.

When they got back to the states and her husband went back to school they broke up for other reasons. She started dating other people and realized that sex could actually be good.

I don’t know particularly why it didn’t work with her first husband but it’s true that some people just aren’t compatible.


6. For religious reasons we were not only abstinent, we didn’t touch at all before marriage. The most contact we had in advance of tying the knot was we were once both sitting in the back seat of a car with a carefully delineated line of space between us and the car swerved and his leg briefly brushed against mine.

It was stressful because I was worried about all this sexual incompatibility other people talk about. But I did whatever due diligence I could manage under those constraints – we had several frank discussions about kink and experimentation and sex toys and comfort levels and at what point we’d get help if things weren’t working etc etc. I also made him buy me a vibrator- it seemed like a good symbolic gesture of “we will both work to have orgasms yes we will”. (and lube. We both bought lube. We didn’t really end up needing it but we had it available.)

The first time was mediocre but not painful, I don’t think it’s fair to expect more than that, given that we hadn’t yet worked out the positions, rhythms, etc that really worked for us. It got progressively better from there, I’m very satisfied.

I guess the surprise is that I was expecting my libido to be… Lower. But I admitted this to a friend and she laughed at me so maybe I was in denial I don’t know.

Other than that? Well, I really respect and admire and like him. I only got really infatuated after we were already married, so it’s nice knowing my non-hormone-addled mind also thinks he’s fantastic…


7. Wife wanted to stay a virgin until marriage—too late for me by the time I met her, but I respected her wishes even when I was deeply depressed about it—turns out her libido is significantly lower than mine… After eighteen years of concealing my mental anguish, instead of cheating, I risked everything in asking for an ‘open marriage’ (she agreed!), and our (revised ‘polyamorous’) relationship is so much better, now.

It is fundamentally stupid/irrational to commit to monogamous marriage before you even know if you’re sexually compatible! Save yourself decades of heartache, ladies and gentlemen, and “try before you buy”!


8. I am so late to this party but I have to chime in. Been married 26 years. We abstained from sex because of religion. Before marriage he went up my shirt once. I remember one time we sort of grinded a bit. He came but I didn’t know at the time.

Then marriage and 2 people who didn’t know what a clit was or where it was located. I cried a lot. I thought I was dysfunctional. We bought a vibrator in desperation. We both had no idea what to do with it. One night he went to work and I was determined to figure it out. Had my first orgasm at 21. Told him about it and we went from there.

Years passed and sex seemed pretty good. Had several children. I was still a bit frigid I think. I eventually left our oppressive religion. A few years later he followed.

We finally worked thru the religious sexual bullshit. Started having really mind blowing sex. I was blown away. I never knew it could be that good.

Eventually we opened up the marriage. However it didn’t work out. I was with men that sucked in bed. They were mostly selfish. He dipped his dick in crazy a few times. Idk how single guys deal with a lot of women cuz mostly we experienced cray cray.

We closed the marriage back up, at least for now and it’s been amazing. Excellent sex 4-5 times a week. More in the summer because of less work stress for both of us.

Have sex before you make a legal contract. Waiting is the most dumbass thing I ever did.


9. We had known each other for ~8 years before we got married and consummated our relationship. Like many of the responses here, we were both virgins when we had sex the first time, but not due to religious reasons or anything, we just met when we were rather young. I was all for having sex before marriage, but she wanted to make it something special, ‘save something’ for when we were married. It was excruciatingly hard for me, but I respected her wishes. Never during this time I thought of ‘straying’ and getting anything on the side, I just couldn’t do that.

Our wedding night was amazing and finally we were both ready, but she was ‘too tired.’ Fair enough, weddings are really long and I was pretty exhausted too. The next night though, I was so excited, finally, FINALLY, I could have sex with the woman I loved… and it was rather underwhelming. That’s okay too, I’ve heard everywhere that everyone’s first time isn’t great, to be honest none of us really knew what we were doing, but there’s fun in the discovery, right? I just knew this could be something we could both really enjoy doing together, and getting better at… but it didn’t really work out that way.

Turns out we are woefully sexually incompatible. She is happy with having sex once a month, or less. She never instigates… foreplay is even hard with her because it doesn’t seem like she responds to anything. We’ve tried talking about it, going to counselors, I even asked her if something happened to her in the past that would make her not desire sex as much as I do and she swears that isn’t the case. The conclusion that’s overwhelmingly reached is that her libido is just much, much lower than mine… that’s probably why it was much easier for her to wait. It should have been a red flag but of course I wasn’t thinking about that at the time. I love her, I really do, but I don’t know how much more of this I can take… we’ve only been married two years but I know exactly how many times we’ve had sex because, honestly, it’s not a high number.

It is a major problem in our relationship. I want to be intimate (not just with sex, but caressing, kisses, etc.) but she has shied away from even kissing me because she thinks that I only do that when I ‘want something more’ even though I’ve told her that’s not always the case… but honestly it’s hard not to want something when it’s been three weeks and I’ve gotten zero action. Plus she gets upset when I watch porn… I just don’t know what else to do. I hate myself for it but I’ve considered cheating just to fulfill this desire. I’ve never done it because I don’t want to hurt her that way but so many denials just does something to a man… and it’s not like I’m ugly or anything, I work out and my body hasn’t changed much since she met me, I can honestly say I’m the same weight as when we met. She says I look fine, but always, always, she’d ‘not in the mood.’ I just don’t know what to do and it’s tearing me apart. I don’t want to leave her, but I don’t think I can live like this.


10. My wife and I both waited. I do regret waiting sometimes… She does not regret it. We’ve been married just over two years and I’m pretty sure her drive is almost non-existent. She’ll do it to please me; but it is a chore. Also, it physically hurts her still to penetrate, yet she’ll never play with her ‘toy’ and we’ve had penetration sex twice this year so far. I’m hopeful it will get better but I’m struggling inside. My mind constantly wonders what a healthy sex life would be like.


11. I waited. 10/10 would not do it again. It made sex this other thing in our relationship. Instead of a part of what we did. It also had to go from “that’s bad” to “that’s good”. It’s a very difficult transition to make mentally. It can take a long time.

If I could do it over, I would not wait. But not so much because I think sex is great but because I would have wanted sex to be a normal thing adults did. Instead of a “don’t do that until you can. It’s dirty and bad now, but later it’ll be good”. For lots couples the later never really comes.


12. The first time?

A bit awkward. We were both virgins. I, uh, had plenty of knowledge about the “what’s” and “where’s”, despite not having any experience. Her knowledge could basically be summed up with “penis goes in vagina, the man shakes around, it’s over”.

So, again, awkward. We were both hot and ready for it, but outside of missionary, the specifics just weren’t coming together too well. Despite lots of foreplay it was hurting her quite badly. Had some difficulty staying hard (nervousness) and didn’t finish the first time either.

Now we’ve been together for about a year, although only about ~3 months of that has been actual together time. Sex is much more enjoyable – we’ve grown and explored a lot in that aspect, though I’m sure by most counts we’re still pretty vanilla.

It wasn’t part of your question, but since it typically gets asked as a follow-up, no, I don’t regret waiting. Sex is good, I enjoy it, and I like getting my wife off. But the connection is, IMO, the best part. The base sex itself is not, to me, as amazing as people made out like it was to me while I was a virgin.

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The Dumping Grounds


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A Japanese Male Ex-Porn Star Answers Questions About His Illustrious Career


10 vs 1: Speed Dating 10 Girls Without Seeing Them


Aids Denier Dr Robert Willner injects himself with HIV


Before Sushi, There Was Funazushi


Capcom Cup 2018 – GRAND FINAL: Itabashi Zangief (Abigail) vs Gachikun (Rashid)


The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.



Daughter recounts her dad’s moving and unexpected friendship with Charles Barkley – WBUR

Einstein’s most effective life hack wasn’t about productivity – Quartz

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How To Tell If Someone Is Truly Smart Or Just Average – Medium

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Azsae Seimone


A Few Glorious Videos For Your Consideration


Sting takes a baseball bat to the face!


Dumbass almost takes out his friend


Dumbass defintiely took out one of his friends


Hold my beer!


Love is a motherfucker


Russian life hacks


Better head movment than Ronda Rousey


Steven Adams protects Plumlee’s head from hitting the floor instead of going for the layup




Cardi B tips on how to suck dick


The post A Few Glorious Videos For Your Consideration appeared first on Caveman Circus.

The Daily Man-Up


(photo: @gregoryallen)

I know the other reason you avoid meeting women is because you’re scared of bothering them. You’re ashamed that you’re going to upset them or creep them out by saying hello.

This makes you feel like approaching women is somehow fundamentally “wrong”.

That’s bullshit, though. That assumes all women are going to have a miserable time talking to you.

We’re all searching for meaningful human connections — women included. It’s at the top of our list for living a happy life. Most people will entertain 30 seconds of conversation to meet someone that could change their entire world.

Many women will be so excited to connect with you, even if you’re inexperienced. You don’t need to be perfect to make good impressions. And with time, you’re only going to get better at engaging people and making connections.

For women who aren’t interested, that doesn’t automatically mean they hated the experience. They’re often flattered someone found them interesting or attractive. I see women all the time who are blushing or smiling even after they’ve turned down a guy.

But unavoidably, some women will see you talking to them as a “negative experience”.

Why is that such a big deal?

You can introduce yourself politely and see if they’re interested in chatting. If they’re not, you accept that gracefully and leave.

You’re not ruining their day by being a human trying to connect in a healthy way. You’re not doing anything illegal. You’re not threatening them or attacking them. It’s 30 seconds of mild discomfort for them and then it becomes a distant memory.

By approaching women, you are not creating lasting emotional pain. So stop believing that you are.

Why should you give up all chances of fulfillment for you and the women who want to connect with you just in case someone feels a little awkward?

You don’t expect everyone to do that in other areas of life.

Should we stop expressing our different opinions in case it offends someone? Should we never ask for help in case it burdens someone? Should we never ask our bosses for a raise in case it upsets them?

No, that would be fucking insane. We would all be a lot more miserable.

We don’t feel “wrong” in those moments because we see the bigger picture. We understand that we only have control over our actions. We can use good judgment but we can’t read other people’s minds.

So all we can do is lead with what we want and allow others to convey what they want. Then we respect their wishes.

For a happier, more connected world, we have to risk causing slight friction to find people who align with us. I’ve watched hundreds of women build beautiful relationships from guys who just decided to walk up to them. I’m in one of those relationships myself.

If these women are feeling happier, finding their dream partners, and even starting wonderful families — it can’t be wrong for them!

Check out the rest of the article at Nick Notas

The post The Daily Man-Up appeared first on Caveman Circus.

Take This Dose Of TRUTH And Call Me In The Morning

A Damn Fine Collection Of Fascinating Photos And Videos


Comedian Artie Lange’s nose after snorting cocaine and glass

Artie Lange – Glass Snorting Incident


Baby dolphin dies after being passed around for selfies


This is SeaWorld’s parking lot

This is SeaWorld’s artificial lake

And this is where seven orcas live


Slightly off




What’s it like to see the Mona Lisa


Saudi Crown Prince arrives in Japan with 10 airplanes packed with an entourage, furniture and luxury goods all for his own personal use.

The Japanese Emperor met him in this empty room, with the simplest setting giving a message to MBS that greatness lies in knowledge and higher values and not in an ugly display of wealth.


This guy sucks at investing


These are all faces made by NIVIDIA’s neuro-network, none of them are real


Figures released by Dana White showing what UFC have paid Chuck Liddell, in response to De La Hoya


A woman carried this calcified fetus for 30 years


An allergic reaction to hair dye


Holy fuck!


1960’s CIA-issued Rectal Houdini Kit


This was scribbled all over the wall of a vacant crackhouse

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Poll Of The Day


turia pitt

If no one judged you, would you stay with your girlfriend/wife if she suffered burns to 65% of her body?


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The Dumping Grounds


funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap


Why Is Costco Opening Its Own Chicken Farm?


Changing the oil on a Bugatti Veryon


Breaking Up


Man Named D’Handsome Goes On Jerry Springer With His Girlfriend To Tell Her How He Really Feels


The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.



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Authorities Uncover $8 Million-a-Week Drug Operation in Pennsylvania – NY Times

This is the best shampoo to use if you hair is thinning – Amazon

An oncologist explains how to deliver bad news – Quartz

Elizabeth Hurley Is Killing Instagram – Hollywood Tuna

The Men Who Watch Lesbian Porn for Homophobic Reasons – Mel Magazine

Ashley Graham Naked Holding All Her Fat of the Day – Drunken Stepfather

Missouri man must watch ‘Bambi’ monthly as part of poaching punishment, judge rules – Fox News

Woman shoots at Tulsa police, cop takes her out with EPIC move – Trending Views

Mariah Carey Has Earned Over $60 Million For ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’ – Maxim

What it means to be rich: The difference between income and wealth – Get Rich Slowly

Meet Brazilian Insta Model Claudia Alende – G-Celeb

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The Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brain –

Here’s Why Road Trips Are a Surefire Way to Forge a Lasting Friendship – Curiousity

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The Herbert Twins


Welcome To Caveman’s Fight Club!


Crazy staredown, crazy fight!


Cop gets punked


Guy gets rocked on a livestream


Gary Goodridge put Don Frye to sleep with head kick


Piece of sh*t fighter knocks his opponent out, tries to continue hitting unconscious opponent, referee takes corrective action 


Keith Hackney taking liberties with Joe Son’s manhood 


Guillermo Rigondeaux defensive WORK


Kid Yamamoto incites a riot after knocking out Tetsuo Katsuya


Fighter almost kills opponent! Worst Ref Ever!


Dude breaks up fight between two teenage boys in local neighborhood and lays down some truth


Dickhead knocks out his training partner


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