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10 Answers To Questions You Always Wondered About


Since education is incredibly important, why are teachers paid so little and students slammed with so much debt?

You don’t get paid more just because you ought to be. You’re paid more because there is more demand for your service. There are a lot of teachers, and people are fine hiring teachers who don’t expect a lot of money, and so that’s what they get paid.

Students have a lot of debt because colleges are expensive, for a similar reason. If EVERYONE wants in, they can jack up the price, since they’ll still fill all their classes but they’ll make more money. This is even more likely when loans are so easy for students to get that they can easily sign on to 60-100k in debt.

Prices for most things aren’t fixed by command, they’re a result of the marketplace at work. What “should” happen isn’t really relevant in ELI5 though, as that’s entirely a matter of opinion.



Why don’t ISIS and Al-Qaeda like each other?

ISIS was originally al-Qaeda in Iraq. Throughout the years they often made decisions without al-Qaeda central’s approval, such as declaring “statehood” with the formation of ISI (Islamic State of Iraq), or engaged in activity contrary to al-Qaeda policy, such as attacks on Shias or bombing churches. However al-Qaeda continued to tolerate them even though there was little to no communication between the group and al-Qaeda leadership.

The breaking point came when ISI tried to absorb Jabhat an-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria) without approval from Zawahiri (leader of al-Qaeda) or Jawlani (leader of Nusra). Zawahiri ordered that each group should operate only in its respective region. Baghdadi (leader of ISI) disobeyed and continued with the formation of ISIS, effectively terminating his bay’ah (oath of allegiance) to Zawahiri.

The next big step was the declaration of a caliphate. ISIS said all other groups are now invalid and must pledge allegiance to Baghdadi as caliph and “Amir al-Mu’minin” (Leader of the Believers). So ISIS now views anyone who refuses to pledge allegiance to them as rebels who should be fought.

However according to al-Qaeda’s ideology, the selection of a caliph needs to be agreed upon by the Muslim community at large, contrary to the way Baghdadi was selected. They have also now been emphasizing their existing oath of allegiance to Mullah Omar as “Amir al-Mu’minin”.


What’s going on in Baltimore?


  • Police arrested a (black) Baltimore resident Freddie Gray, who had sustained injuries during the arrest and was not provided timely medical treatment while in custody, and died on April 19th.

  • Today, during the Oriole’s game, a ‘peaceful’ protest was held with the protesters holding their hands up and saying “Don’t shoot, hands up,” and the like.

  • This protest escalated into a full-fledged riot, with people chanting “Fuck the police,” and the like. The rioting including stomping cars, throwing trash cans, and in general causing mayhem for the city.

  • This article has some good information, and several videos showing the peaceful aspect, and the escalation of violence. Something to note, many protesters tried to calm down the rioters, and step between them and those they were trying to harm (mainly the police).

All in all, it seems that a peaceful protest broke down due to it’s size, and the increasing anger towards the police, causing a ‘mob mentality.’


Why is that families in the 1950’s seemed to be more financially stable with only one parent working, while today many two income households are struggling to get by?

So imagine you have Owner and Twenty Employees.

The enterprise makes 30,000.

Owner pays himself 10,000. He pays each employee 1,000.

Next year, they make 35,000.

Owner takes 1,000 and splits the difference to his employees. This is fairly normal way of doing things.

But, communications and shipping start becoming easier, faster, cheaper, better.

Now, Owner is able to buy the neighboring thing.

Now, he has fifty employees.

He says to one, “you manage.”

That manager makes 2,000.

The rest still make their original 1,000 + the first windfall.

A few years later, Owner has ten of these places, with a dozen managers, and an infrastructure that he no longer is personally connected to. Owner sees his people, that used to be his co-workers, as parts of a machine rather than living breathing humans with their own dreams. He feels entitled to the money his job provides, and therefore all the output his employees create.

So, he keeps getting raises, but his employees… don’t. At all.

Let’s go to the 80s, where the worst thing in American financial history was pitched to the public: Trickle Down Economics.

The thinking goes, if we take Owner and say “I’m going to cut your tax rate by 10%” that Owner will take that 10% and reinvest it in the company, by increasing wages or making more jobs.

But, Owner is already business savvy. He has had thirty years or so to figure out all the ins and outs of his business. He is running his operation efficiently. He has, in fact, hired cadres of schooled managers to make sure everything is done as cheaply as possible.

So, that 10% tax cut? He pockets it. Him, or his shareholders.

That is what happened, and that is where the problem kind of snowballs.

You see, each year, Americans do more with less. We make more wealth, but we don’t see literally any of the increase. This is because businesses stopped operating as a family/human level, and because the government enacted policies which acted as HUGE giveways to the wealthy.

Over the last decade, the American economy has grown by a lot. There is almost twice as much money flowing through the systems as there was before. Literally none of that extra cash flow is in the hands of the consumers. It is all tied up into exotic money endeavors which have the sole function of extracting as much wealth as fast as possible from the poor and middle class. You see, once money has left the middle class, it never comes back.

The force of Government should be the balancing force. Basically, the Peoples Corporation. Private business interests often work hand in hand with the consumer, but globalization kills this. You need tough regulations to prevent them from doing exactly what they did: make more money, take it out of our hands, and place it square into their holdings.

Americans were pitched a series of false narratives.

1: That we are all born equal (we aren’t) 2: That we can succeed if we work hard (you can’t always) 3: That wealth is achievable (currently the biggest predictor of your wealth is that of your parents) 4: Anyone who makes a dollar owns that dollar, no matter what they did to make it.

Other things came into play with this.

The rich have dismantled various safety nets. That is, systems that prevent you from falling into poverty if you fail at a job. They are there to make sure that you don’t become destitute, because crawling out of joblessness and homelessness is ridiculously hard and those that have had to do it have literally lost much of their actual productive earnings even if the period of poverty only lasted a few years. It is totally crippling.

So, take away all the nets, and it makes people less inclined to question or demand higher wages. You rally for more of the wealth you made? They will fire you and hire someone else. Some professions are mostly immune to this, and those are the professions which still pay pretty damn well. That will not always be the case.

So, in summary: Wealth grew, and the rich take all of it.

We were taught to believe that the rich earned ‘their’ money so anything we do to take it back is communism.

Various political factions removed our safety nets, which removed our ability to bargain effectively.

And to repeat the point because how important it is, all new wealth goes to the wealthy. All of it. Literally, 100% of it. Every penny. Every dollar. All. Of. It.


I’d like to point out one small thing in our thinking patterns:

If a statement of fact reads as an indictment of character, maybe the person being described isn’t as wholesome as you thought they were.

Cultural inertia shouldn’t excuse corrupt practices, even if those practices are common and wide spread. “It’s just business” is a rhetorical tool that tries to eliminate any kind of personal blame from people who are directly or indirectly responsible for awful things.

I don’t personally believe that “the rich” are evil on an individual level, but I also understand that they are people, and it is human to collect more, expand more, and add to your holdings even if you’re already the wealthiest thing for a hundred miles around. What I do believe is that it is our right to take back what we made.

Consider the Town of Cap.

It has 1,000 people in it.

Each of them work 8 hours per day, except the babies of course.

At the end of the day, with all the goods sold, if the Mayor of Cap gets 50%, the Manager of Cap gets 30%, and the rest get 20%.

Dress that up any way you’d like.



Why have so many cultures developed the concept of honour? A fair fight cuts down chances of survival.

No one wants to die in a horrible, unpredictable way regardless of what culture you’re from. By making a code of honor, you force conflicts into the public and expose people to ridicule or consequence. It takes the reward out of being sneaky or unfair, so it tries to force combat on an even level as opposed to who can be the most horrible first.



How is it possible for tiny SD cards to have 200GB storage? How do they create more storage space on something that small?

Imagine you have a lot of glasses on your kitchen table in a grid. You also have a garden hose. For each glass you have two choices, either fill the glass full with water or leave it empty. It is up to you.

This is a basic memory cell. With this setup you can store a combination of 1s (glass is full) and 0s (glass is empty).

You can probably only fit 500 glasses on your kitchen table, so your memory capacity is limited by the size of your table assuming you only have normal household glasses. In computer jargon, we would say you have 500 ‘bits’ of memory. What can you do to increase the amount of memory you have?

The first thing is to get some smaller glasses. Shot glasses would do just fine. You can probably fit 4 shot glasses in the footprint of your kitchen glass. Replacing them all with the shot glasses will give you 2000 ‘bits’.

The other thing you could do is change how you represent your information. Instead of only filling up the shot glasses full or leaving them empty, you could use the water level as a way of representing more data. You could say, empty is 00, less than half empty is a 01, more than half empty is a 10 and full is a 11. See, now we are using one glass to store the same information as two glasses used to.

This is essentially what has been happening with the flash technology that is being used to make these memory cells, a combination of shrinking the bit storage units and changing the way that the information is represented.



What is the leading scientific explanation for Homosexuality?

There are competing explanations for the cause, and it’s possible that the cause is a mix of different factors, including biological, environmental, uterine (formation of the baby and hormones its exposed to) and genetics. Many researchers believe that an interplay of nurture versus nature is at work here. If you note that twins often have different sexualities, this would seem to make sense, in that it’s not simply biological/genetics at play. Do note though, that this doesn’t mean that sexuality is a choice (which often comes up, due to controversies), and that efforts to change sexual orientation don’t work, and are considered harmful by the American Psychiatric Association.

From the American academy of Pediatrics (similar to what I said); “Sexual orientation probably is not determined by any one factor but by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences. In recent decades, biologically based theories have been favored by experts. […] Although there continues to be controversy and uncertainty as to the genesis of the variety of human sexual orientations, there is no scientific evidence that abnormal parenting, sexual abuse, or other adverse life events influence sexual orientation. Current knowledge suggests that sexual orientation is usually established during early childhood.”

So the answer is that we don’t yet know exactly what causes it, but many studies have found factors contributing to homosexuality, so the answer is that a mix of different factors contribute to homosexuality. This said, I wouldn’t be too worried if a boy’s favourite colour is pink ;).


Why i don’t get tired of eating the same breakfast for 365 days, but get tired immediately if i eat the same dinner 4 days in a row?

It’s a matter of habit, really.

You’re used to eating the same stuff, therefore you feel more comfortable doing that. But you weren’t brought up to eat the same dinner everyday, so you want and prefer the variety with that meal. Your body (really the brain) is used to that cereal, glass of milk and sandwich in the morning that you’ve eaten for 15 years in a row almost every day so it just goes automatically and doesn’t complain about it.

It takes roughly 66 days to build something/a routine into a habit. So, while your regular breakfast has become something almost “natural” to your body. You would have to continue having the same dinner for some time for it to feel as normal as your regular breakfast.



What is Communism? And why are so many Americans afraid of Communism and Socialism? 

Communism is an economic system originally invented by a German named Karl Marx in the middle of the 19th century, based on ideas that had been floating around Germany for the last hundred years or so. Remember, the mid- to late-19th century was a time of very great income inequality; the “robber baron” period in the United States, when men like Vanderbilt and Carnegie and JP Morgan built huge fortunes on the backs of large masses of workers. Today our billionaires are mostly the beneficiaries of technology; Bill Gates, for example, primarily benefitted from inventions that are fundamentally of the mind. The rich men of the 19th century, conversely, built their fortunes mostly on resource extraction and heavy industry (coal, steel, railroads). That meant there was a huge workforce making what we could consider to be nearly slave wages today.

Marx’s basic idea was that unfettered capitalism would continuously result in the rich getting richer. And, until certain philanthropically-minded men (most notably Henry Ford) decided to basically govern themselves, Marx was right. His political philosophy, “communism” was based on resource redistribution through a planned economy. Instead of letting people do whatever they felt like and letting the “cream rise to the top,” in a Marxist society people would be assigned tasks that best suited their skillset. In theory this would better capture the economic potential of all humanity and the rising tide would lift all boats.

In 1918 the Bolsheviks (a working class political party/terrorist group) in Russia overthrew their King (Czar Nicholas II) and put Marx’s theories to the test. They were led initially by Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky, as well as several others. Over time, Lenin accumulated what amounted to absolute power, assisted by other powerful revolutionaries who he appointed to the Politburo, which was the governing body responsible for essentially allocating all resources in the new, planned economy of the Soviet Union. A “soviet” was originally meant to be a small council of local officials, kind of like a city council, that would allocate resources more efficiently at the local level. Thus in theory the Soviet Union was just a large mass of small councils each acting both independently and in concert to help humanity achieve its potential by maximizing the best use of economic resources, kind of like an ant hive.

The experiment did not go well. While the planned economy is a great idea on paper, humans do not act like perfectly rational automatons. As men at the top accumulated power through their control over the economy, they grew corrupt. Dissenters–men with ideas different than those on top–were purged; either killed outright or sent to work camps in Siberia. Leon Trotsky wound up fleeing to Mexico after he fell out with the Soviet leadership; he was assassinated there.

When Lenin eventually died, power fell into the hands of Josef Stalin, who was a classic dictator wielding the doctrine of Marxist-Leninism as a mere facade, to cover up his murderous campaigns. Stalin killed more “undesirables” (mainly an ethnic group called Cossacks) in the Soviet Union than Hitler did Jews. And Stalin’s economic planning was poor; he set a series of “5 Year Plans” throughout the 1930s and 1940s which generally failed. Millions starved to death. Millions more died fighting World War II, which ironically propped up the Soviet system and alleviated some of the economic stress by reducing the numbers of mouths to feed after the war.

People hate Communism today because it is a pernicious philosophy. It is founded on a fundamental belief in the goodness of man, and on very respectable rational ideas about the best use of our human resources. But like all Utopian philosophies, it fails to account for human nature. While it has some very good ideas, Communism historically has ended up in dictatorships in every single country where it was implemented. (Cuba, North Korea, China, Romania, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Poland, and the USSR itself).

Socialism meanwhile is essentially a less extreme version of communist philosophy; a hybrid, if you will, of pure capitalism (where the market dictates people’s action and the “cream rises to the top” while people on the bottom sweep streets), and of communism. Socialism or some variant thereof is the predominant government system in Europe today, and arguably even in the United States. The “social safety net” programs like Social Security and Medicaid, along with the graduated income tax (where the rich pay more because they can afford to contribute a greater proportion of their income to help run our government) are socialist ideas and programs.

Finally, most of the pejorative words like “pinko” or “socialist” or “communist” that you hear tossed around by people like Rush Limbaugh are just that: pejoratives. Name-calling. Limbaugh certainly knows all of this stuff. He is a very smart man. His audience, on the other hand, is going to range from people who know it cold down to people who have no idea but just know it’s a bad thing to be.

Tl;dr Communism looks really good on paper but fails to account for human nature. Socialism is a hybrid of communist ideas and capitalism, and has actually been widely adopted.



How are the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki habitable today, but Chernobyl won’t be habitable for another 22,000 years?

Bombs are designed to use up as much of the radioactive material as possible in a split second. Any less would be a waste of destructive power.

Power plants are designed to use up fuel slowly (in theory!)

The arrangement, type, amount of the fuel, and location of radiation release (power plants are on the ground whereas I believe the two bombs dropped on Japan detonated in the air) will differ between the two situations, causing the difference of radioactive impact you will see today.


The post 10 Answers To Questions You Always Wondered About appeared first on Caveman Circus.

Top 10 Protective Dog Breeds


german shepherd

10. The Bullmastiff

Search far and wide for all manner of dog breeds, but you will never find one with the size and power of the bullmastiff. That’s because these dogs have been specifically bred for nearly two centuries to ensure one thing: whatever they watch over remains undisturbed. Hailing from Britain, these dogs have a fierce loyalty to their masters without being so over-protective that they are a threat to children.

They’re never a case of a bark being worse than a bite, furthermore, since their jaws can easily crush bone and they rarely bark unless directly approached by intruders. A male bullmastiff can weigh as much as 150 pounds, making them capable of tackling a human their size or larger without a second thought. They’re not as intelligent as other dog breeds that have been trained for work, so they need frequent guidance to learn commands and need to be trained in different ways, since these giants dislike doing the same tasks over and over.

It’s not necessary to train these dogs to protect their family, however, since their prey drive kicks in whenever a stranger approaches. Their prey drive isn’t triggered by other environmental objects, meaning that they won’t bark at other dogs or at squirrels, but are always certain to intimidate anyone who happens to come by. Due to the difficulty in training, it’s common for owners to keep them as outdoors dogs rather than housetraining these massive canines.

As these dogs grow large, however, they often do not live very long, with a median age of only seven or eight years. During that time, however, they’re sure to be a protective force that can intimidate anyone thinking of breaking into a property where they are stationed, no matter what they happen to guard within its four walls.


german shepherd

9. The Rottweiler

A much maligned species of dog, similar to Dobermans, Rottweilers are unfortunately more stereotyped for attacking strangers than for keeping their family safe and free of harm. Although some members of the public believe these breeds to be harmful, the reality is that any dog (Rottweiler or otherwise) who acts aggressively towards humans and other dogs simply reflects an owner’s lack of training and respect for their pet.

In reality, Rottweilers are counted upon as working dogs and are believed to be genetically descended from dogs used by the Roman Empire to expand borders and protect goods. In fact, they take their name from the German word for “butcher”, since these dogs would guard the money made by butchers after selling their meat, since no would-be thief was willing to take it from the dog.

Their utter devotion to their masters makes them the perfect watch dog, since they have some of the highest obedience rates of all dogs in the entire world. Rottweilers feel the need to protect their masters against all manner of harm, although they do have an aggressive tendency that makes them more risky around children if they have not been properly socialized to younger children.

It’s recommended that families choose a Rottweiler if their kids are old and experienced enough to treat the dog with respect and ensure that it obeys their commands in order to follow the “chain of command” of the pack. If they do, the Rottweiler will protect the family until its last breath.

They do prefer a rustic environment with lots of space to move about, and have an intelligence that demands daily tasks like herding in order to make them feel productive and positive. Unlike some other dogs on the list, however, they don’t need as much attention from their owners, so they won’t feel stressed if left alone for a short period of time.


german shepherd

8. The Doberman Pinscher

All that you need to know about a Doberman’s instincts to protect its master is that they were originally bred to be dogs that accompanied a tax collector around as he made his rounds. Today, Dobermans are considered some of the very best guard dogs in all the world, with an aggressive nature that often makes them stereotyped as dogs that are harmful to strangers and children.

In reality, Dobermans only ever attack on the command of their owner, having been bred to have great restraint and personal discipline, even in the face of a new threat. Over the years their ability to obey a command in a high-stress situation made them invaluable as military or police dogs, although they’ve become less used in recent years since they do not have the size or raw strength of some other large dog breeds.

What’s more, many breeders in recent years have attempted to tone down the Doberman’s aggressive behavior, which previously had been an asset for guard dog duties or even dog fighting, but today is less valuable in a family pet. As such, it’s unusual to find a Doberman that doesn’t have equal parts protective and passive behavior, or any Doberman that cannot be trained to avoid barking around friends but maintain watchfulness over the family as a whole.

In terms of loyalty, it’s almost impossible to beat a Doberman, who almost never are reported to bite their owners, instead willing to obey commands even if it leads to great personal harm (hence their historical use in dog fighting). These are some of the smartest dogs out there, however, and an owner needs to carefully exercise their Doberman’s mind as well as its body to keep it fit, happy, and obedient to their commands, or else the dog will grow restless and end up chewing whatever’s in the vicinity.


german shepherd

7. Kuvasz

The Kuvasz is a fearless guardian dog and one of the most protective dog breeds in the world.  This is yet another ancient dog breed on our list and according to the American Kennel Club, the Kuvasz also has an interesting history:

‘’The Kuvasz’s name comes from the Turkish word “kawasz,” meaning “armed guard of the nobility.” He originated in Tibet, but developed into the breed he is today in Hungary. The breed served as a companion to the rulers of Hungarian and other European empires and was owned only by royalty. Hundreds of years later, the breed fell into the hands of “commoners,” and shepherds found they worked well with sheep and cattle.’’

Since they are not easily obedience trained, the Kuvasz is not recommended for inexperienced dog owners.  This dog was bred to act independently and if you want to have a well-mannered dog, you need to exhibit dominance and strong leadership.

The owner has to be firm, confident and calm.  All family members need to learn how to handle the dog from puppyhood.  It is also important to stress that the Kuvasz does not respond well to harsh discipline – it must not be humiliated or confused with contradictory commands and rules.

This overly protective dog breed will not let any harm happen to you or your property.  They are extremely loyal and devoted and would give their life for you.

They will get along well with your children, but should not be left unsupervised with kids.  Additionally, no harm will happen to your kids, but the dog might interpret kids’ play as an attack and could harm other children.

If you want your Kuvasz to work as a flock guard, remember that special training is needed and you might want to hire an expert to help you with the training.


german shepherd

6. Giant Schnauzer

A giant schnauzer can weigh as much as 100 pounds and the breed has been put to practical use for centuries as work dogs capable of helping farmers take their livestock to the market, helping to guard homes or buildings, and working with police to smell out narcotics or explosives. Their thick, shaggy coat has been grown out over the years in order to make them more difficult to grab onto, whether by an intruder or by another dog or by a bigger animal.

These are particularly quiet dogs that rarely bark unless they feel threatened, making them an excellent choice for families that want a source of protection without needing to tell their dog to stay silent. These dogs maintain a suspicion of strangers, however, so they must be acclimated to new faces and have the behavior reinforced or else they may act aggressively to whoever comes in your door.

With an intelligent disposition, furthermore, they grow bored easily and may be less interested in learning new tricks if the tricks do not change up. Any person interested in attaining a giant schnauzer for watching over their home needs to ensure that they are not left alone often, since their energy can lead to destructive behavior like chewing objects within the home. If properly trained and well-mannered, however, they have a calm demeanor even in the presence of new people, and that makes them very friendly and dependable.


german shepherd

5. Tibetan Mastiff

There’s so many big breeds to choose from that it’s hard to narrow it down to just one on this list and give it the highest ranking. Yet no matter what angle you take, in terms of raw sheer protective power, no breed eclipses the Tibetan mastiff, capable of running up and down the side of a mountain and launching itself on a snow leopard whenever one of the big cats threatens its family.

Despite the name, they aren’t actually mastiffs, having been mistaken for the massive dogs by the first westerners to lay eyes on them and assume they belonged to the same species, with the name having been adopted over time. Even so, they share many of the traits of European mastiffs, such as the aforementioned bull mastiff, especially their size.

Tibetan mastiffs are among the very largest dogs ever bred, weighing up to two hundred and twenty pounds in males. Their prowess as guard dogs and protectors of the family is well established, with records dating back hundreds of years of their ferocity and loyalty protecting families living from Nepal to central Asia.

Traditionally, these dogs protected the Buddhist monasteries that dot the Tibetan mountains, staying close to the monks by day and patrolling the nearby territory at night in search of external threats like prowlers, leopards, and wolves. Today there’s less need to guard holy men, but they earn their keep as police dogs and sentries, their ferocious presence often enough to drive away outside interest.

In fact, a famous case reported by CNN noted that a Chinese zoo attempted to pass off a Tibetan mastiff as a lion due to the shaggy coat and huge size, but was foiled when zoo attendees realized that the “lion” tended to bark whenever someone got too close to its enclosure.


german shepherd

4. Komondor

All that you need to know about a Doberman’s instincts to protect its master is that they were originally bred to be dogs that accompanied a tax collector around as he made his rounds. Today, Dobermans are considered some of the very best guard dogs in all the world, with an aggressive nature that often makes them stereotyped as dogs that are harmful to strangers and children.

In reality, Dobermans only ever attack on the command of their owner, having been bred to have great restraint and personal discipline, even in the face of a new threat. Over the years their ability to obey a command in a high-stress situation made them invaluable as military or police dogs, although they’ve become less used in recent years since they do not have the size or raw strength of some other large dog breeds.

What’s more, many breeders in recent years have attempted to tone down the Doberman’s aggressive behavior, which previously had been an asset for guard dog duties or even dog fighting, but today is less valuable in a family pet. As such, it’s unusual to find a Doberman that doesn’t have equal parts protective and passive behavior, or any Doberman that cannot be trained to avoid barking around friends but maintain watchfulness over the family as a whole.

In terms of loyalty, it’s almost impossible to beat a Doberman, who almost never are reported to bite their owners, instead willing to obey commands even if it leads to great personal harm (hence their historical use in dog fighting). These are some of the smartest dogs out there, however, and an owner needs to carefully exercise their Doberman’s mind as well as its body to keep it fit, happy, and obedient to their commands, or else the dog will grow restless and end up chewing whatever’s in the vicinity

german shepherd

3. Boerboel

Some people need their homes guarded against intruders and burglars. Other people need their homes guarded against lions and rhinos. Those who found themselves in the latter company turned to the Boerboel in order to safeguard their homestead against some of the biggest, meanest, and most deadly animals on the entire planet.

This South African dog is descended from mastiff and bulldog strains to be bigger, better, and badder than any of its ancestors. Thought to have been introduced to the savannahs of the African continent almost four hundred years ago, the Boerboel (which is Dutch for “farmer’s dog” — a somewhat lukewarm description for a ferocious breed) is one of the few breeds of dogs specifically meant to defend an area from harm.

As a result, they have unmatched watchdog instincts, capable of taking on enemies much larger than themselves without a second’s hesitation. A Boerboel is one of the most fearless dogs in the world today, with records of thinking independently in order to guard the flocks or the family from a large animal like a hyena whenever one happens to cross the African plain.

You can take the dog out of Africa, but you can’t take the instinct to defend against African animals out of this dog: anyone who chooses to bring a Boerboel into their home needs to understand the huge time commitment that these canines require in order to make them sociable with new people and other dogs, both of which may be attacked on instinct.

Professional breeders suggest that children should never be left alone with Boerboels, no matter what the situation, since these dogs will not cease an attack if they feel threatened, despite the fact that they will protect the family against any outside threat until their death, even if that threat is a lion tribe.


german shepherd

2. Caucasian Shepherd

In a country where miles and miles of open plains separate neighbors, there’s only one response to a stranger who comes around uninvited. City living’s not the thing for a Caucasian shepherd, who has been bred for hundreds of years to be the first and last line of defense for a Russian farmer living on a remote plot of land in the Eurasian steppes.

They take this killer instinct wherever they go, making them some of the most fiercely loyal dogs you will ever find in this lifetime. Whenever you need a home or building protected against intruders, there’s few better displays of sheer power and tenacity than the Caucasian shepherd. These huge dogs are used to guard Russian prisons and prevent potential jailbirds from even a second thought about escaping.

On Iranian farms, these dogs get frequent workouts by protecting any livestock from threats. They can grow to truly huge proportions, with males weighing over two hundred pounds and resembling small bears. With a bite force that’s stronger than any other dog, furthermore, they have the firepower to back up their barking — and as any owner will tell you, these dogs bark at absolutely anything and everything to enforce their territorial prowess.

These dogs will be life partners for any owner, but will also be hugely hostile to any strangers who happen to come by, making it necessary for an owner to socialize or restrain (or both) their dog to keep it from aggressive behavior. Despite the huge size and hostile climate of their native lands, these dogs can outlive many of their compact cousins, with a median life span of ten to twelve years. Pure breed shepherds usually have health complications that their mongrel brothers and sisters may not, so an owner may prefer a hybrid shepherd over one with a pure blood line.


german shepherd

1. German Shepherd

A lot of different dogs could have qualified for the number one spot on this list, but no matter how you break it down, on a pound-for-pound level there’s no better guard dog or watch dog than a German shepherd. While they give up a few inches and a hundred pounds to some of their bigger cousins like a St. Bernard, they’re considered one of the most intelligent of all dog breeds with the courage to follow orders even if it means their death.

Their smart temperament and supreme sense of self-sacrifice make them prime candidates for the hero role in films and TV shows, like Rin Tin Tin, who was rescued from a World War One battlefield and became a star by saving the day in nearly every film he starred in.

These dogs represent one of the first choices for the military and police forces for canine units, since their ability to sniff out threats is nearly unchallenged, boasting a sense of smell that can detect one particle in a quarter of a billion. They have the physical tools to challenge all comers, the stamina to work hard for long periods, and the willingness to put themselves in the line of fire, which has made them a popular dog for search-and-rescue as well as guard work.

While German shepherds can be a tad aggressive towards children, famously herding them if kids do not display dominance, they always serve as faithful pets and protectors no matter the cause. You can train a German shepherd to guard your home easily, since they enjoy learning and being put to different tasks, but also train them different obedience or agility commands as well.

Since they take to new tasks quickly, they’re capable of recognizing new lessons and thinking on their feet (or, rather, paws) when confronted with a novel situation. Best of all, they can easily differentiate friend from foe, so that they do not bite or act aggressively towards friends and family when they come over to visit.

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Jade Cara Is Easy On The Eyes

Mayweather vs Pacquiao…Who Ya Got???

The Dumping Grounds


funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

HBO’s At Last: Mayweather vs Pacquiao

Baltimore mom who smacked son during riots: “I don’t want him to be a Freddie Gray” – [1:47]

A man who had just had his business burned confronts the looters responsible, during the LA Riots

Supercharged drone. That thing is INSANE!

Guy Fieri Dub: The Jamaican Jerk-Off

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Awesome Stuff Around The Internet


Leanna Decker is one of the hottest redheads ever! – Radass

18 People Describe The Unwritten Laws Of Their Country – Ned Hardy

Gigi Hadid should definitely be on your radar – Bro My God

Why Mental Health Disorders Emerge in Your Early 20s – VICE

Pac-Man Spending $3-4 Million on Tickets for Entourage – Bleacher Report

You’re Doing it Wrong (19 Pics) – Linkiest

RT Reporter Robbed by Youths On-Air While Covering Baltimore Protests – Youtube

5 Reasons Why Everyone is Suddenly Putting Butter In Their Coffee – Food Beast

How Did Hilary Duff Get Those Jeans On? – G-Celeb

21 Reasons Why Successful People Meditate – Addicted 2 Success

Insane New Bullet Corrects Own Course in Mid-Air – Newser

All these tattooed hotties are just what Dr. ordered (36 Photos) – Bad Sentinel

Dayuum, this girl is so damn fine! – Double Viking

College Babe Of The Day – Erika Jackson From ASU – College Envy

Buffalo Wild Wings would have to pay $5,100 per restaurant just to show the Mayweather/Pacquiao fight – Business Insider

Every Stressed College Student: Stop and Read This Now – Thought Catalog

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Hot Babe Of The Day: Alexandria Morgan

There Are Some Things You Just Can’t Argue With

20 Overlooked Facts That Will Completely Change The Way You See A Movie

20 Fascinating Photos Collected From History


Unpacking Mona Lisa at the end of World War II (1945) 

The Louvre’s most precious works of art were hidden in the French countryside, away from strategic locations to avoid being destroyed. There is a fantastic documentary about art during World War II called The Rape of Europa. It discusses how the Nazis stole and destroyed staggering amounts of art during the war as well as various country’s efforts to hide and recover the art. Highly recommend watching it.

historical photos


When Ringo was ill with tonsillitis, Jimmie Nicol substituted on drums for 8 concerts & lived a superstar’s life for 10 days. This is him sitting alone in a Melbourne airport, waiting for the plane that will take him back to obscurity (15 June 1964)

historical photos


Camp of the 150th Pennsylvania Infantry, Belle Plain, Virginia, March 1863 (Google Maps incase anyone else is curious.)

historical photos


Electric elevator desks in Prague, 1937 

The largest vertical letter file in the world at the Central Social Institution in Prague. Over 3000 drawers opened and closed electrically and were accessible by electric elevator desks which rose, fell, and moved left or right at the push of a button.

historical photos


Fidel Castro giving an interview in his car. 1964

Looks like he didn’t even have to use his AK; must have been a good day.

historical photos


People pose on the Fieldbrook stump, probably the largest redwood tree in the world, Humboldt County, California, 1890’s. It was cut down to satisfy a drunken bet about making a table big enough to seat 40 guests from a single slice of tree-trunk

historical photos


Japanese soldier about to commit suicide with a grenade against his head while an Australian soldier watches (New Guinea, December 18, 1942)

Four of them were running away, swimming to escape – three were shot by the australian, the fourth one surrendered and was coming back before he killed himself. source

historical photos


Dalai Lama, 2 years old. 1937

The Dalai Lama is found rather than chosen. He is believed to have the power to choose the body into which he is reincarnated, meaning that the current Dalai Lama is a reincarnation of the last.

The search for the reborn Dalai Lama is the responsibility of the High Lamas of the Gelgupa tradition and the Tibetan government.

This process can take several years: it took four years to find the 14th (current) Dalai Lama, Tensin Gyatso. The search is generally limited to Tibet, although the current Dalai Lama has said that there is a chance that he will not be reborn, and that if he is, it will not be in a country under Chinese rule.

To start the search, High Lamas may have a vision or dream. If the previous Dalai Lama was cremated, they watch the direction of the smoke to indicate the direction of rebirth.

They often meditate at Lhamo La-Tso, central Tibet’s holy lake, and wait for a vision or indication of the direction in which to search. This relates to a belief that the female guardian spirit of the lake promised the first Dalai Lama that she would protect the reincarnation lineage.

When these visions have been followed up and a boy found, there are a series of tests to ensure that he is the rebirth. There is a secret set of criteria against which the child is assessed. In addition to this, the main test consists of presenting the boy with a number of items to see if he can select those which belonged to the previous Dalai Lama.

If only one boy has been found, the High Lamas confirm their findings with eminent religious and secular figures before reporting to the Central Government.

If more than one boy is found, a public lot is drawn by officials and monks.

The boy and his family are taken to Lhasa, where the boy can study the Buddhist sutra to relearn knowledge accumulated in previous lives in preparation for spiritual leadership.

historical photos


When Confederate and Union veterans let bygones be bygones. c. 1913

Some British soldiers in World War I said they often felt more of a kinship with the Germans across from them on the front lines than with their own friends and family at home, because they went through the war together.

I’d have to think for a lot of Union and Confederate soldiers it was the same, especially since they shared so much of their identity.

historical photos


A U.S. Marine approaches a Japanese soldier on Iwo Jima. The soldier was buried for 1 1/2 days in this shell hole playing dead and ready with a live grenade inches away from his hand. Promising no resistance, the prisoner is given a cigarette he asked for and was dragged free from the hole.

historical photos


Danish soldiers without a chance preparing to engage the invading German army. 1940

historical photos


Most beautiful legs contest in Paris, 1936

historical photos


A 6-foot-5-inch machine gunner with the U.S. 9th Infantry Division crosses a muddy stream on the Mekong Delta, south of Saigon, September 10, 1968 – by Henri Huet

historical photos


Airlifting of CIA contacts off the CIA HQ in Saigon 22 Gia Long Street (now Ly Tu Trong Street)

"the Pittman Apartments, I could see 20 or 30 people on the roof, climbing the ladder to an Air America Huey helicopter. At the top of the ladder stood an American in civilian clothes, pulling people up and shoving them inside.
Of course, there was no possibility that all the people on the roof could get into the helicopter, and it took off with 12 or 14 on board. (The recommended maximum for that model was eight.) Those left on the roof waited for hours, hoping for more helicopters to arrive, to no avail."

historical photos


The sinking of the Japanese destroyer Yamakaze, as seen through the periscope of the USS Nautilus (the submarine that torpedoed the Yamakaze), on 25 June 1942

historical photos


Two Beautiful Flappers in Front of a Peerless Touring Car, San Francisco Bay Area, 1923

historical photos


Samuel Reshevsky, age 8, defeating several chess masters at once in France, 1920

historical photos


“Price, Birch & Co, Dealers in Slaves”, 1315 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 1861-65 (Google Maps)

Original caption: Photograph showing a Union army guard and other men in front of a building designated Price, Birch & Co., dealers in slaves, at 1315 Duke St., Alexandria, VA. Before that, the premises were owned by the slave-trading firm Franklin & Armfield. The Union army used the former slave jail to house Confederate prisoners. Between 1861 and 1865.

Franklin and Armfield Slave Pen, at 1315 Duke Street was one of the largest slave trading companies in the country. The Franklin and Armfield building, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is now the office of the Northern Virginia Urban League. The Freedom House Museum is open to the public.

The three-story brick building with mansard roof was built as the residence of Robert Young, Brigadier General of the second Militia of the District of Columbia. By 1828, it was leased by Isaac Franklin and John Armfield and used as a “Negro Jail” or slave pen for slaves being shipped from Northern Virginia to Louisiana. Franklin and Armfield were active until 1836, exporting over 3,750 slaves to cotton and sugar plantations in the Deep South. Later, other firms continued trading in slaves here. A sign seen in Civil War period photographs has the name of Price, Birch & Co.

During the Civil War the building and its surrounding site were used as a military prison for deserters, the L’Ouverture Hospital for black soldiers and the barrack for contraband-slaves who fled the confederate states and sought refuge with Union troops 

historical photos

Interior view of the building, showing the doors of cells where the slaves were held, before being sold

historical photos


Private box in Ford’s Theater, Washington, where President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on the night of April 14, 1865

historical photos


A girl who grew up in a concentration camp draws a picture of “home”, Poland 1948

historical photos

The post 20 Fascinating Photos Collected From History appeared first on Caveman Circus.

The Dumping Grounds


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funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

Hi, I’m Trevor Philips. Welcome to Jackass. GTA Edition

Man Builds Tiny House For A Homeless Woman Sleeping In The Dirt!

See How Bugatti Assembles the Mighty Veyron’s W-16 Engine—Quad Turbos, Cooling Bits, and All

Baltimore Protesters Tried To Light This Pizza Shop Owner on Fire

BMW X5 Driver Brake Check A 40-Tonne Truck

Kenyan man is forced to confront the goat he raped, in court before getting 10yrs in Prison

Hit this cocaine mannnn

The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.

Awesome Stuff Around The Internet


And I think we just found the biggest douche on the internet – Bro My God

Life Is Beautiful (34 Photos) – Ned Hardy

FHM names relative unknown sexiest woman in the world (20 Photos) – Linkiest

8 foods to eat if you want to live forever – Thrillist

Ruling: Brain Is a Muscle, So Chess Is a Sport – Newser

Why men fight and why we like to watch – The Art Of Manliness

Idiot Busts His Leg Lifting an Imaginary Box (video) – Leenks

 Kate Hudson Has A Bulge Down There – G-Celeb

Laura Vandervoort Can Bite Me Whenever She Wants (36 Photos) – Radass

The 50 Funniest 80’s Hair Photos Ever – World Wide Interweb

Death Of Conversation: 22+ Images Of How Smartphones Take Over Our Lives – Bored Panda

25 Pics Of The Smoking Hot Model Alyssa Barbara – Regretful Morning

Damn fine girl on a bmx…you will not regret it! – Double Viking

Floyd Mayweather says waiting 5 years to fight Manny Pacquiao made him an extra $150 million – Business Insider

Keeping up with those hump day booty bombshells (40 Photos) – Bad Sentine

Let’s ogle Adam Levine’s wife – Celeb Slam

Courtney Stodden’s Sex Tape Gets $1 Million Offer – The Blemish

Apple’s CarPlay to take over the dash in BWM, Ferrari, and more – The Gentleman’s Garage

The Ultimate Guide To Hacking The In-N-Out Menu – Food Beast

The post Awesome Stuff Around The Internet appeared first on Caveman Circus.

Pretty Girls Make The World Go Round

Reaction GIFs Beeeyotch!


When I walk into a bathroom stall at Taco Bell


Walked in on my roommate polishing the skin flute


When it took me only 5 minutes to get my wife to climax 


When I order softshell tacos at Taco Bell, and I see them making me hardshell tacos 


When I’m 2 hours and 45 minutes into a 3 hour lecture and the professor starts a new topic 


When my wife questions my methods during sexy time 


When a girl I’ve been going after says she doesn’t think she can date me because I’m too attentive to her needs 


When I boot up an old, old game and see if any multiplayer matches are running


When I’m watching a movie with my parents and a sex scene comes on


When I find out I bombed the last exam 


When I am watching my bank account as the day my rent is due approaches


When I go to restrooms in public places


The customer’s reaction when they demand to speak to the manager and I tell them I am the manager 


When I get shampoo in my eye


When my jam comes on at a party


My gf’s face when she uses my computer and I haven’t closed down the porrn tabs

The post Reaction GIFs Beeeyotch! appeared first on Caveman Circus.

27 New Words That Will Help You Describe Life In The 21st Century

5 First Hand Accounts Of Different Life Experiences


What’s It Like To Be A Rockstar?

I’m going to keep my anonymity for this, just in case I have to reveal something that would offend other band mates, labels, etc.

Well, first off, I wouldn’t ever describe myself as a “rockstar” (that seems cheesy to me haha), but I drummed for a popular underground hardcore-punk band for a few years. We toured all the time, headlined a few tours, played all of Warped Tour 08′, and all of Warped Tour ’09. I was 17-21 in the years of playing for the band and touring and everything. I will try to breakdown each part of your question…

  • Lifestyle: It was amazing. We were on the road 80% of the year and for that 20% when we were home, we were resting, with our friends/familiares, and working part time jobs to save up for tour money. We obviously all loved music more than anything, so getting to play almost every day was a dream come true. Since we were all 18-21, also, we loved to party and meet new people. Being in places where lots of people already knew who you were made it very easy to meet new people and have lots of conversational topics. I’m not going to lie, either, it was amazing being in the limelight after shows. It just gave you this sense of a “king” or something. You also got lots of fun gifts and such that fans would make you. Even small things like a fan baking us brownies or something was amazing to us.
  • Sexlife: You definitely got to meet lots of random girls on the road. We would typically get invited to lots of house parties after each show. Sometimes the parties were lame but other times they were pretty crazy. IT was typically very easy to find a girl to hook up with at the party, if that was what you were into. I had a girlfriend for most of the years in the band, so I wasn’t super into the hooking up, but if you wanted to, it was very easy. Most of the girls at the parties obviously knew who we were so it was an easy conversation started and with the combo of alcohol and occasionally minor drugs, it was very easy to get girls in bed. They would basically throw themselves at you, anyways. Haha
  • Daily: This could vary. On the road, there was lots of driving. We had a bus and a bus driver, so we would typically hangout on the bus, play cards, play video games, joke around, etc. while we were traveling. As far as show days went; we would get there in the morning, find out times and schedules, play out show, and then typically just party after we played. Since we didn’t have to worry about driving, it was the best case scenario. We got to live a dream that was perfect for us.
  • Diet: You learn pretty fast on tour that fast food and junk food will make touring a horrible experience. So you make a lot of sandwiches, or get sandwiches (like Jimmy Johns or Subway). Or to save money we would stop at a grocery store and get things for PB&J’s, granola bars, fruit cups, veggies, fresh fruit, etc. Since we had a fridge on the tour bus, it was pretty easy to keep food good and fresh like you would at home. Also, a lot of the shows had red room platters and all that jazz, which was typically pretty damn good. Lots of BBQ’s with other band friends, also.
  • Working with a manager: We had a tour manager, and a band manager from the same company. The tour manager was on the road with us (obviously), and would do more day-to-day operations and handle all the on-the-road logistics and financial stuff. While our band manager was at his offices in Seattle, WA and did more of the big picture stuff. Promotional stuff with the label, CD/DVD stuff, etc.

All in all, the rest of the band and I stayed very humble. There were times you were cocky in your head a little, but we never liked to show that on the outside.  We didn’t want to ever come off as dicks or anything, so we tried extra hard just to be friends with everyone we met and “keep it real.”

– Anonymous


What’s It Like to Be Anorexic?

The headache. Constant pounding, all day long, even in your dreams. If I ever needed to take my pulse, I wouldn’t have to touch my wrist. I could simply count the heartbeats in my temples.

Then there is the feeling of constant lightheadedness combined with a spacey Am I really here? feeling of disconnection. The first time I tried alcohol, it reminded me of this. Dizzy spells from time to time, but you learn to anticipate and manage them.

You are hyperaware of food. If someone unwraps a sandwich in the back of the classroom, you can smell it. If you’re in a car and get a passing glimpse of a fast-food billboard, you become instantly distracted. You know the true meaning of the termfood porn. Some anorexics become obsessed with cooking and recipes; I tried to avoid anything food-related altogether. When you’re starving, an unexpected Pizza Hut commercial can really throw you for a loop.

The mental and physical effort required to stay on track often means other problems greatly diminish in importance. Especially social problems. If your friends don’t save a seat for you at lunch, well, that’s good because you don’t need to be around them and their unimaginably decadent tuna sandwiches anyway.

You also have to maintain some mental reserves for the times you need to be sneaky. You planned to skip the family dinner and eat an apple in your room, but then your relatives dropped in with a casserole and now your presence at the table is required. As is at least trying the casserole. And you can’t just undo the damage by running stairs after the meal because tonight is choir practice or some such thing.

Just worrying about how you’re going to socially engineer the whole deal is exhausting in itself. You have to manage people and perceptions in addition to your own willpower. A useful skill, actually, but it comes at a price and at the age I was (a very young teen) it’s something that could have waited.

Being anorexic also feels very lonely. Avoiding temptation usually means avoiding other people, and after awhile, those people (especially your school friends) will move on and seem to forget about you. If you’re really lucky (insert sarcasm here), you’ll gain a reputation as a weirdo, helping repel new friends and ensure won’t even beconsidered for that spot at the lunch table.

You might also begin feeling like it is your fate to be an outcast, and even adopt the messed-up notion that it’s because you can’t enjoy what normal people take for granted—friends, family time, socializing, food.

Actually, I take that last part back. You really enjoy your food, even the sad items that make up your daily diet. Watered-down oatmeal with skim milk and saccharin? The creamiest of comfort foods! A big bowl of air-popped popcorn seasoned with garlic salt? Like I’ve been transported to Tuscany! A chicken neck? Best part of the chicken! (This is true, it’s not very hearty but the neck meat is delicious. The neck also the best option for the anorexic whose mother insists he or she eat at least one piece of chicken.)

There’s also a lot of tracking and record-keeping. That one bite of casserole goes toward your daily food allotment. Mine was 500-600 calories, and my food diaries are full of entries like “1 bite mashed potatoes,” “2 M&Ms,” “1/4 slice bread.” I’d also try to match calories ingested with calories burned, so if I had a 100-calorie breakfast, I’d schedule a 1-mile walk afterward so I could keep the ledger balance at zero.

I ate a lot of air-popped popcorn and oatmeal per the prevailing “high fiber, low fat” diet wisdom at the time.

I was very young when I went through my anorexic phase (age 11 until about 14, hence the loopy adolescent handwriting), and so it took me a while to realize the greater implications. I do not feel my disease was spurred by an abnormal urge to be thin. Initially, I tried “going on a diet” because it seemed like a fun and teenage-y thing to do. (“You’ll have so much more energy! Your hair will be bouncy and glossy!”) I continued with it because it took my mind off my problems and yearnings by replacing them, literally, with a higher-order hunger.

I can’t speak for everyone, but people like to paint anorexics with a wide brush. “They’re victims of the fashion industry and their unrealistic expectations! Quick, hide the Barbie dolls!” As a pre-adolescent girl, sure, I was curious about beauty and fashion and all that, but I certainly wouldn’t have walked around with a constant headache for so many years if anorexia wasn’t fulfilling some other need.

How did I get out of it? Mostly, it had to do with schoolwork. Once I entered ninth grade, and grades started mattering for college, I realized I couldn’t maintain this level of dietary restriction without also restricting my academic potential. And I made a few good friends in high school who helped me come out of my shell.

I did, after a while, become a compulsive exerciser, but that’s a story for another day.

Caroline Zelonka


What’s It Like To Be Obese?

Most people will never understand what it’s really like for someone who carries extra weight around with them their whole lives. I am prepared to share the complete, brutal, admittedly terrible truth with anyone who will listen to me on this day. 

Allow me to answer: “What is life really like for the fat girl?”   We can begin with the most obvious…appearance. You stare wistfully at your reflection in the mirror. No matter which angle you turn, you just don’t quite look right. The features on your face, no matter how beautiful they may be, are dwarfed by the extra fat you carry in your face. Your eyes, which may be wide and lovely, look small and particularly deep set in your skull. Your stunning high cheekbones; hidden in totality by the layers of tissue covering them. Your chin; pronounced, is a buoy floating on the sea that is your double chin. You can apply makeup, and help make yourself look better to a certain degree, but you know that no one is going to compliment your shade of lipstick today. 

The rest of your body is a mishmash of lumps and bumps, protrusions and strange angles that you know you simply cannot hide, regardless of what you wear.  Your desperation turns to panic as you raid your closet and realize that you have nothing decent to wear. Your panic escalates to heart failure as you remember that you won’t be able to find anything to wear…ever. The pants you own hug your belly, butt and thighs as if the cloth itself were holding on for dear life. The shirts you don only seem to accentuate your spare tire and bring attention to your ever-expanding waist. You realize this is as good as its gonna get and vow to avoid mirrors for the remainder of the day.  

You leave for work. As soon as you exert yourself in the simplest way you begin to leak copious amounts of sweat from pores you didn’t even know you had. You are constantly plagued by this problem, and try to move as little as possible, because you know if you do, you’ll start to sweat again, and everyone will see it. If the bathroom, supply room, lunch room, whatever is downstairs you will put off going for as long as possible because you know that the simple climb up those stairs will cause those telltale beads of sweat to form along your brow…the one’s that scream “Look at the fatty, she cant even climb a flight of stairs without breaking into a sweat!!!”  

You eat your lunch. Regardless of what you decide to have, you know that people are silently judging you. Salad or pizza, everyone is either thinking, “She should NOT be eating that” or “How pathetic, like a salad is going to fix THAT problem”. In addition, you struggle with your own guilt and self-loathing. If you pick the salad, you will be tortured with the smells of that penne a la vodka wafting off your friend’s plate. If you pick the pasta, you beat yourself up and don’t enjoy a single bite of it. Either way, you loose.  

You go shopping. You dare not even attempt to walk into most of the stores in the mall. You have tried it before and were immediately put to shame by the disapproving glances of the sales people or your fellow shoppers. You realize that the largest size they carry is a 12, and since you are a 28, there is no way that is happening. Sadness overwhelms you when you realize all you can buy in the vast majorities of stores are socks, shoes, and earrings. You make your way to the “big girls” store and walk in, shameful, hoping no one saw you. Your heart aches as you ponder the wares being offered to you. Bottoms that are ill fitting and make you look twice as heavy as you are. Tops that are just as ill fitting that make you feel like you are wearing a garbage bag with holes cut out for the head and arms. Everything offered is in garish colors like lime green or neon pink. The materials used are cheap polyester blends that just intensify your own body heat and will make you (surprise!!) sweat like a pig. You may find a few items that could potentially look OK on you and you say a prayer as you take them to the fitting room. As you try these items on you are not surprised by the result. You look fat…and the clothes only make it that much worse. Of course you need pants and sweaters, so you buy the closest thing to “ok” that you can find. Naturally you pay more for these items than your thinner counterparts because the stores know you only have one or two retailers to choose from, so if they charge 60.00 for a pair of basic black slacks…you are gonna have to pay it. No $10.00 items for you fatty!  

You go out with your friends. While your thin girlfriends get drink after drink bought for them, you bear the shame of reaching into your wallet over and over again. While they attract positive attention, flirt shamelessly, steal kisses and get numbers you hover near the bar, pull at your ill-fitting clothing and wish you were invisible. If by chance some guy happens to pay you some attention you now its one of three things…Either; the guy is not someone that you would want to be with, they are super drunk and rocking beer goggles, or it’s the work of the super hot guy who is trying to bed your thin friends wingman. Sure, it could be just a guy who likes bigger girls…but come on, who the heck are we kidding?   You know deep down that you will never attract the kind of guy you would want to be with long term. That perfect guy, who is fit and handsome, has a great job and a great personality, who is funny and witty, who has great friends and a great family, who you would be proud to have on your arm and who will treat you right. That decent guy is out there, and although he would never be mean to you because he is far to kind, and although he would never poke fun at you because his mother taught him good manners, and although he may buy you a drink because it is the polite thing to do…you know that he will never turn to you, gaze into your eyes, kiss you softly and tell you that you are “the one”. Why? Because he is not attracted to you. Sure, you can get a guy, get a date, get someone to take you home…but is that really the guy that you would pick if you could pick anyone? The answer is NO. Let’s be honest.  

You live carefully and are forced to ponder and worry about things your thin counterparts give absolutely no thought to. When you take a ride in a friends car you worry that you will not be able to fit in the backseat, and if there are others riding along, you worry you will squish them. The idea of getting into a two-door cars backseat terrifies you. How will you be able to get in and out gracefully? You won’t. Period. Going to a movie theater or a show strikes fear into your heart because you know you will either not fit in the seat or will be squished into discomfort taking the person to the right and left to the same hell you will be visiting thanks to your encroaching fat. Getting on a plane makes you nauseous. What if the airline decides you need two seats? What if the seatbelt doesn’t reach? What if you cant fit in the seat? Let’s say all goes well and you are not asked to pay for another seat, you cannot mistake the looks of disgust and anger on the face of the guy you are sitting next to. You knew what he was thinking the entire time you walked down the aisle…”Please don’t let her sit next to me…please God”. Then you sit, you buckle your belt (if lucky) and then are embarrassed by the flight attendant who makes it a point to check your belt just to be sure you got it on. She checks you because she figures you weren’t able to buckle it. You can’t fault her for doing her job, but your face burns with shame for the rest of the flight.   

Then there’s your health. Your knees creak under your added weight. Your feet swell and throb due to the extra pressure placed on your feet. Your back hurts all the time because of the extra girth you place on your poor vertebrae. Your skin expands and is ruined by silver gray streaking stretch marks that tear through your pink flesh as if being done by an invisible ripper. You suffer through pimples, blackheads and boils that form in the places where your fat rubs together over and over again. Your inner thighs and underarms are stained permanent brown due to the fact your skin has thickened thanks to the constant friction. Your blood pressure is above normal, you are pre-diabetic, and your cholesterol is sky high. Of course even if you are able to kid yourself into thinking you are “totally healthy” you cannot deny knowing that if you stay at this weight you will NOT stay that way forever.   Your friends and family are supportive and you know they love you but they will not let you forget, not even for a moment, how much weight you’ve gained or how much better you would look if you lost some weight. You know they are right, but it still hurts when they bring this up. You feel inadequate and useless. You try to fool yourself into thinking that its ok to be fat like this. You read up on sites that proclaim “FAT? So what..?” and study sites that rally for fat acceptance. You hear people that look just like you proclaim that they are happy with their weight, that they love their bodies, and that they wouldn’t change it for the world. You listen to them say that society is the problem and that others should be more tolerant because we are all meant to be different. You pump your fist in righteous indignation and agree with them, heck, you may even truly come to believe in their bylines. However, there is always a part of you that knows that what you are is not accepted, not natural and not attractive. You know, deep down, that you are the problem…not everyone else. You also know that if a magic potion were offered to you that would melt away your fat and make you lean and toned you would take it without hesitation. You also know that all those “fat acceptance” people on those websites…deep down…would too.  

This is the reality of being obese. This is what it is like. Maybe not everyday, but just enough days to make you really seriously consider becoming a hermit. 



What’s It Like To Be A Cam Girl?

I’ve worked as a camgirl for just under a year and by the end of it I was a mess. I was self-obsessed, massive self-esteem issues, and branching out into more explicit and risky acts to try and maintain my userbase.

You get zero respect from your ‘fans’ who just view you as something to be bought. You’re literally showing that women and their sexuality just has a price tag.

Worst of is that I didn’t really need to do it, I certainly didn’t save that money and just wasted it on drinks and drugs, but I just wanted to party and feel like a rockstar. The job I worked alongside my degree wasn’t particularly engaging and I felt like I was better than that. I’m sexy, young, and smart! I deserve more! So I started doing cam work. Because everyone knows how much you can make!

I felt like I was making every person that connected dance to my strings and that I was in control. I had power. People wanted to see me and would pay me to show them more. They’d beg, plead, and sometimes even demand and it was all down to me.

Honestly I’m glad I got out and I feel so sorry for girls in their late teens/early 20s getting into it think that they’re empowered by showing their bodies online. That they’re taking charge of themselves because they’re strong and they’re able to choose who and where to do so. That they’re safe from sexual assault as they’re not working a stage and it’s from the comfort of their own home.

I don’t doubt that there are people who are legitimately happy with themselves, without a shred of doubt, but I ended up networking with a lot of girls in a similar position to me. We talked to one another in group chats/facebook/whatsapp and became friends. What I thought were ‘real friends’ but it just turns out it was an echo-chamber to try and keep ourselves all sane. That we were doing the right thing. That men are pigs and we were above them. That none of us ‘needed’ to do this but did it for the fun, the thrills, for women everywhere who didn’t have this freedom!

But then you think to the times you degrade yourself or jump to their commands to get that tip, to earn a little more, to fund that party you want to hit up this weekend. To buy this dress. To get those shoes. To cover your rent because you blew way too much last night.

Suddenly you realise you’re in a lifestyle you don’t want, you find it hard to maintain real relationships because most guys don’t have any interest in a girl that’s so ‘easy’ despite the fact you’ve not actually had sex in close to a year. That people don’t value you as much because something half the population give away for love or passion alone you give away for some cold hard cash. Despite the fact it’s all through a screen you’re essentially a prostitute lite, worse than a call girl, and no better than a whore on the corner.

The worst of it though? Other women who wouldn’t dream of doing this, for whatever reason they want to throw out, call you a hero. A champion of feminism! Taking control of your body, your life, and being who you want to be. Not giving a fuck about men and just using them like the animals they are!

They don’t consider the effect it can have on your mental state being bombarded by every level of sexual perversion available.  By having men label you, demand you dance to their wallet, and sate their lust.

You ever seen a camgirl break down? It’s not pretty but it’s easy to find because people always tend to be recording. Is your show that good? Well it could end up on pornhub or another massive site, it could end up circulating your class because you should never underestimate just how much porn young teenage guys can consume. Even if you take steps to hide it unless you’re really buying into the idea it’s empowering it’ll be something you’ve got to carry around with you for quite some time.

It was infrequent that I was recognised, but some people did, and for the most part it was just an awkward phase where I then had to find somewhere else to work. Now and again though some men would think it’s leverage to be exploited, to use against me, and to try and coerce me. Never stupid enough to message me but with the scary confrontations after a shift or after class which may seem friendly enough from a glance but have you utterly terrified down to the soles of your shoes. Sometimes they’ll find out some more information about you, through something in the background, through something you say…by some tiny clue. Then they’ll find out more and more til they message friends, family, and let them know your little secret.

Money isn’t everything, you only have one life, and I feel that I’m constantly going to have this looming over my life. I don’t doubt that someone here is going to tell me ‘It’ll be fine, don’t worry, no one can judge you but yourself’ but at the end of the day unless you go through this or worse yourself you’ve just got no idea.



What’s It Like To Go To Harvard?

Harvard is a very extreme place. You go there and everyone is extremely smart, extremely driven, extremely focused on attaining their goals. It is so extreme that it can become scary sometimes. When you have a bunch of people with high intelligence, but who are not necessarily mature or moral, you can get some pretty nasty results (that’s how you get so many insecure, bright students going into Wallstreet to make a lot of money even though it’s screwing everyone else over). 

Even the clubs are extreme. You don’t just write for the newspaper. You have to go through a semester long competitive process to be selected into the Crimson. And after that, if you want to do well in the Crimson, you have to work your ass off and neglect your studies to be considered a true trooper. Kids here consider their extracurriculars a job. All social interactions have some sort of shady networking pre-professional slime to them.  

A lot of students are really full of themselves. They spend all their time climbing the ladders of success and trying to win everything. Everyone is super busy all the time. You have to arrange lunches with your friends about two weeks in advance. 

Harvard is not the type of place where you backstab your friend, but if your friend fell in a race, you would keep on running and not bend down to help. Students, for the most part, are only interested in their own benefit and will do things that look good, rather than things that are good. 

But then again, there is the other extreme too. There are people who come to Harvard, not because of legacy or money, but because they are genuinely interested in the truth. I’ve met people who are so gifted at their focus, whether it’s poetry, writing comic books, musical composition, or biomedical research, and they work on these things night and day. They thrive in the guidance of their professors, and I have faith that they will make a meaningful contribution someday. I try to stick to those people. 

If you ask any student what they think about Harvard, most will say that they hate it, but that they found a great group of friends who keep them sane. Those who really really really love the place have some serious mental problems–either in that they are super disingenuous or are psychopaths, or are there really only to network and join the super elite circles of final clubs and whatnot.

Harvard is still a very elite place. You will feel out of place if you are anything but a white male. You will feel a bit uncomfortable if you come from a normal middle class family, because bit by bit you see just how much money your fellow peers have.

You will realize that Harvard doesn’t care about you. Professors have office hours, yes, and they say to come, but their heart is not into it. Everyone at Harvard is there for their own benefit, for their research and for advancing their careers. Occasionally you will find professors who genuinely care, but they are the exception. 

I knew going into Harvard that it wouldn’t be easy, that Mother Harvard does not coddle. And I was right. It has been hard as hell. And it’s sad to learn the truth about Harvard. But truth does make you stronger, and I would not be as strong as I am today if I didn’t gain these hard lessons from my undergrad years.

My-Ngoc ToHarvard undergrad

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