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The Path To Mastery



By Robert Greene

There exists a form of power and intelligence that represents the high point of human potential.

It is the source of the greatest achievements and discoveries in history.

It is an intelligence that is not taught in our schools nor analyzed by professors, but almost all of us, at some point, have had glimpses of it in our own experience when we work intensely on a project or under a deadline — under pressure to get results, ideas seem to come to us out of nowhere; we feelmore mentally active and creative.

These powers are something that great masters in all fields experience over long periods of time, and it comes to them through a process of learning and experimentation.

It is a path that all of us can follow.

I discovered the elements of this process after some twelve years of intense study of powerful people and high achievers whom I wrote about in my first four books. In going deep into their stories, I could piece together details that transcended their fields and indicated a universal pathway to power.

Many of the figures I had studied were mediocre students; they often came from poverty or broken homes; their parents or siblings did not display any kind of exceptional ability.

We normally imagine those who achieve great things in the world as somehow possessing a larger brain or some innate talent, giving them the raw materials out of which they can transform themselves into geniuses and Masters. Based on my research and thinking this did not seem to be the case at all. Instead, this intelligence came from the intensity of the desire to learn and the process they went through to develop high–level skill.

I call this power “mastery” and I believe anyone can reach it by following these steps.

Step 1: Discover your calling

All of us are born unique. This uniqueness is marked genetically in our DNA. We are a one-time phenomenon in the Universe — our exact genetic makeup has never occurred before nor will it ever be repeated.

This uniqueness is manifested in early childhood by a primal attraction to some activity or form of learning — music, mechanical skills, sports, games of strategy, observing nature. There is no rational explanation for these childhood attractions.

Such childhood interests spark our deepest curiosity but many of us lose touch with these inclinations. We listen to parents and peers; we choose career paths that promise comfort and money. Because we are not deeply connected to the subject or field we choose to pursue, we do not pay deep attention. Our learning and skill is not exceptional.

Your task in life is to find a way to incorporate these primal inclinations in your career path, to reconnect with what makes you unique and genuinely excites you in life. You will find your calling by thinking back to your childhood, reflecting on these early interests that you may have strayed from. They may be several interests involving several skills. By developing these skills you can then combine them in unusual ways.

For Leonardo da Vinci, his earliest inclinations were towards nature, capturing it on paper, and studying all forms of nature in a scientific manner. He developed deep skills in the arts and sciences and then combined them in a way that makes him completely unique, the preeminent master.

You do not simply give up what you are doing and change course radically. You must find a way to channel the skills you have towards these deep interests. By following your inclinations, you will end up creating or discovering something unique, giving you the ultimate power in a world where the greatest career danger is that you are replaceable.

Remember: the first move toward mastery is always inward — learning who you really are and reconnecting with that innate force. It is never too late to start this process.

Step 2: Apprentice with intensity

After discovering your Life’s Task, you enter the most critical phase in your life — a practical education known as The Apprenticeship.

In the stories of the greatest Masters, past and present, we can inevitably detect a phase in their lives in which all of their future powers were in development, like the chrysalis of a butterfly. By looking at their various paths we can deduce an ideal apprenticeship that transcends their fields and indicates something essential about the brain and how we learn.

Your first move is to look for places of work and positions that offer the greatest possibilities for learning. Practical knowledge is the ultimate commodity, and is what will pay you dividends for decades to come — far more than the paltry increase in pay you might receive at some seemingly lucrative position that offers fewer learning opportunities.

This means that you move toward challenges that will toughen and improve you, where you will get the most objective feedback on your performance and progress. You do not choose apprenticeships that seem easy and comfortable.

The great danger in the beginning is the temptation to try to gain attention, to prove yourself before you are ready. Instead you must take a step back — your goal is to transform yourself into a consummate observer. You learn the rules that prevail in your profession and the skills that are really necessary to rise from within. You find mentors who can instruct you best, their experience becoming yours.

In the end, by observing, learning, and practicing you will gain the right kind of attention — you will be seen as someone who is serious and disciplined.

In all fields, the key to ultimate success is acquiring as many skills as possible. This could be something physical such as operating tools or machines, or something more nebulous — the ability to research and organize information, or managing people. Whatever the case, at the outset, it is essential that you begin with one skill that you can master, and that serves as a foundation for acquiring others.

If you take this far enough, you will naturally enter the cycle of accelerated returns: As you learn and gain skills you can begin to vary what you do, finding nuances that you can develop in the work. Elements become automatic and you can practice harder, which in turn brings greater skill and more pleasure.

In the last step of the apprenticeship phase, you must make the move to a more active mode of experimentation. You find ways to take what you have learned and apply it in some way — a project you put your name on, for instance. In these first attempts at moving out on your own, you are looking for feedback from those above you and the public. You are apprenticing in the ability to handle criticism and developing a tough skin.

You will know your apprenticeship is over when you feel you have nothing left to learn in this particular environment.

Step 3: Gain social intelligence

Often the greatest obstacle to our pursuit of mastery comes from the emotional drain we experience in dealing with the resistance and manipulation of the people around us. We misread their intentions and react in ways that cause confusion or conflict.

Social intelligence is the ability to see people in the most realistic light possible. The first step in acquiring social intelligence is to realize that you tend to project your own emotions on to other people, to see into them qualities that you want or need to see. It is only by being aware of how deeply you distort these perceptions that you can correct this naïve tendency.

Social intelligence is a twofold process.

First, you must learn to read people in the moment, seeing them as individuals and trying to gain an understanding of them from the inside out. Such empathy will prove invaluable in being able to persuade or seduce them. You gain this intuitive feel by cutting off your ego, the voice inside your head, and listening and observing more deeply.

At the same time, you must accumulate knowledge on human nature, on the common traits and weaknesses that we all possess — such as envy, insecurity, laziness, passive aggression. With such knowledge you can avoid becoming the victim of the sharks in the water.

Secondly, you must also learn how to see yourself as others see you, using them as a mirror to help correct your own social flaws. In the end, you must also be able to suffer fools gladly, to deal with the many incompetent and foolish people who will cross your path. Getting angry at people’s foolishness will needlessly drain you of energy and desire.

Understand: navigating the social environment is a prerequisite — success attained without this intelligence is not true mastery, and will not last.

Step 4: Awaken creative energy

As you accumulate more skills and internalize the rules that govern your field, your mind will want to become more active, seeking to use this knowledge in ways that are more suited to your inclinations.

The key to awakening this creative energy is to maintain a fluid, open mind, one that is continually looking for connections between ideas and novel perspectives on problems.

After a lengthy apprenticeship, the counter tendency is to become conservative with what you know, to follow the paths others have forged. You have to force yourself from this position, continually challenging your own assumptions and not being afraid of failure or the criticisms that will come from experimenting with what you have learned.

You must be aware of the primary law of the creative dynamic — namely, the energy and excitement you put into your work will be translated into the final results.

If you are primarily motivated by money or the need for attention, the public will read this into the work and they will be suitably unimpressed. If you feel a deep connection to what you are investigating or expressing, this will resonate with others and bring you much more money and attention in the long run.

The endgame here is to mix your years of discipline and practice with a bold and original spirit. One without the other will lead you nowhere.

Step 5: Develop high–level intuition

Throughout history we read of Masters in every conceivable form of human endeavor describing a sensation of suddenly possessing heightened intellectual powers after years of immersion in their field.

By intense absorption in a particular field over a long period of time, Masters come to understand all of the parts involved in what they are studying. They reach a point where all of this has become internalized and they are no longer seeing the parts:

  • The great chess Master Bobby Fischer spoke of being able to think beyond the various moves of his pieces on the chessboard; after awhile he could see “fields of forces” that allowed him to anticipate the entire direction of the match.
  • Albert Einstein suddenly was able to realize not just the answer to a problem, but a whole new way of looking at the universe, contained in a visual image he intuited.
  • The inventor Thomas Edison spoke of a vision he had for illuminating an entire city with electric light, this complex system communicated to him through a single image.

In all of these instances, these Masters experienced the power of intuition, or a fingertip feel.

All of us have access to this higher form of intelligence, one that can allow us to see more of the world, to anticipate trends, to respond with speed and accuracy to any circumstance. This intelligence is cultivated by deeply immersing ourselves in a field of study and staying true to our inclinations, no matter how unconventional our approach might seem to others.

The ability to have this intuitive grasp of the whole and feel this dynamic is simply a function of time. Since it has been shown that the brain is literally altered after approximately 10,000 hours of practice, these powers would be the result of a transformation that happens in the brain after some 20,000 hours and beyond. With this much practice and experience, all kinds of connections have been formed in the brain between different forms of knowledge.

In moving through these various steps, with an intense energy, you must have faith that these intuitive powers will come to you over time. The ability to sense the overall dynamic in any situation, to foresee problems and solutions before anyone else will bring you to the heights of power.

The path to mastery

The path to mastery is relatively simple.

The first move is the most important: follow a career route that is matched to your inclinations and interests. Develop skills in as many areas related to this interest as possible. Work with mentors to streamline the process. Discipline yourself, gaining self–mastery. Learn how to work with people and defend yourself against the aggressors.

Then, let time take its course. Creative energies will emerge, as will high–level intuition.

There are no shortcuts; the path can take many years and involve numerous setbacks and detours. But in the end the payoff is immense.

You are no longer replaceable. You are one of a kind, a Master of your field and of your destiny.


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The Dumping Grounds


funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

Lawernce Keshin: Muay Thai vs. Kickboxing Breakdown: “The Fight That Changed History”

Mexican Guy In Family Nissan Maxima Beats Turbo-Charged Porsche In Race

Louis CK on differences between men and women’s sexual perversion.

Chicken Nugger

They’re Insane: Russians Do High Risk Stunts On A Tower For Fun!

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Awesome Stuff Around The Internet


18 Real Life GTA WASTED Moments! – Bro My God

Your awesome pictures and videos of the day – Ned Hardy

A nice collection of booty that will put a smile on your face – Crowd Ignite

Melanie Iglesias choosing weapons is like a sexy fantasy (with bonus GIFs) – Guyism

How to Enter a Room Like a Boss – The Art Of Manliness

What do you guys think of 19 year old Courtney Stodden, Hot Or Not? – Linkiest

Lady Gaga showing off her booty in concert – Drunken Stepfather

McKayla Maroney Bikini Instagram Video – Celeb Jihad

Ladies and gentlemen…I present to you…Redneck Engineering – Leenks

Jennifer Love Hewitt Braless – G-Celeb

Male Plastic Surgery Disasters – Mandatory

How Long To Nap For The Biggest Brain Benefits – Spirit Science

Aaron Hernandez indicted in connection with 2012 double murder – Yahoo

Is that cocaine in Lindsay Lohan’s nostril??? – Celeb Slam

Hot bikini beach girls enjoying the sun – Double Viking

Chattanooga’s taxpayer-owned internet is 50 times faster than the average American’s, and as fast as Hong Kong’s, the fastest in the world – NY Times

Sexy Blonde Strips In Library During Finals Week – Radass

$50 Million Luxury Penthouse in Miami Beach (HQ) – Classy Bro

The 50 Funniest NBA Fan Photos Of All Time – World Wide Interweb

100 of The Nicest Butts The Internet Has Ever Seen – Regretful Morning

Blake Lively is a stunna! – The Blemish

Yoga pants are great, but yoga shorts are the unsung beauties (28 Photos) – Bad Sentinel

What’s it like to own a Tesla Model S – The Oatmeal

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Karrueche Is The Perfect Babe To End The Week With

Reaction GIFs Up In This Beeyotch Yo!


I’ve got my Stats exam in three hours

reaction gifs


When I’m one of the only ones who actually BYOB to a party (RIP Paul Bearer)

reaction gifs


When my gf kisses me after a guy has been hitting on her at the bar

reaction gifs


My girlfriend’s reaction when I finish early

reaction gifs


When my 13 year old brother tells me that he is bullied because of his eczema

reaction gifs


When I start having sexual fantasies in class and realize I’m way too into it 

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When I get a phone call at 7 a.m. on a Saturday 

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First time getting a blowjob

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When I’m about to postpone the Windows update for 4 hours but accidentally click “restart now” instead of Postpone.

reaction gifs


When my friend tells his girlfriend to “suck his dick,” and she says “Can’t suck a tic-tac”

reaction gifs


“Please explain why you would like to work for us”

reaction gifs


When my nephew tells me he wants to be a dinosaur fighting ninja when he grows up

reaction gifs


When I hear my German Shepherd whimper as I walk out the front door

reaction gifs


When I’m in the shower wanking it and can hear my roommate knocking on the bathroom door to hurry up

reaction gifs


When someone in traffic passes me to become stuck behind the same car I was

reaction gifs


When I get an email that starts with, “Dear Student Loan Recipient” 

reaction gifs

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Meals Served In First Class Flights



Meal: Traditional Arabic Mezze, smoked tomato soup, bread from basket, Grilled fish briyani, Thai style chicken with sautéed vegetables, chocolate soufflé with mint sauce and Godiva chocolates


Air France

Appetizer: crêpe filled with salmon; truffle and asparagus tip canapé; tapenade blini with oven-dried tomato. Soup: Du Barry cream of cauliflower soup. First course: caviar and garnish. Main course: tornedos of beef with green peppercorn butter. Dessert: fruit salad.

Drink: Burgundy: Chassagne-Montrachet les Chenevottes 2007; Bordeaux: Pauillac Château Lynch-Bages 2006



Udon Ramen, Assorted Fresh Fruit Snack, Marinated Shrimp and Prosciutto Main Courses Korean Royal Cuisine ‘Gomtang’l Korean Traditional Beef Rib Soup Served with various kinds of side dishes and Steamed rice Or Beef Brochette/ Served with Teriyaki Sauce Vegetables and Egg Fried Rice Or Potato Crusted Orange Roughy Served with Mustard Cream Sauce Shrimp and Mixed Vegetables Dessert Fruit 


Cathay Pacific

Caviar and Balik salmon “Tsar Nicolaj” Cauliflower veloute with tandoori prawn and mint yoghurt dressing Butternut squash and ginger agnolotti with duck confit sauce and caramelized pearl onions. Fresh berries with cream Pralines


Japan Airlines

Seafood Bouilabaisse Jelly with Seasonal Vegetables served with Fresh Lime Vinaigrette Consomme with Spring Vegetables “Printaniere” Seared “Wagyu” Beef Chateaubriand with “Perigourdine” Foie Gras Truffle Sauce “461kcal” Special Grown Fresh Salad Assorted Cheeses (Blue, Camembert, & Cheddar) served with Fig Red Wine Compote, Roasted Nuts Japanese 


Thai Airways

Meal: Cavier, Crab Salad, Basil & Chilli Sorbet, Lobster, Fruits Selection, Dessert and Breakfast before landing
Drinks: Dom Perignon, Wine, Beer and Soft Drinks


Swiss Air

Meal: Fillet of Balik salmon, lobster cocktail with papaya salad. cold cucumber soup with gonger, warm apricot tarte tatin with strawberry sauce Gruyere double cream ice-cream, sprungli 

Drinks: Champagne Laurent-Perrier, red wine- Cuvee du Patrimoine 2008, still watercoffee- ristretto


American Airlines

Warm nuts to start meal. Appetizer – shrimps with grilled pineapple and cucumber relish. Salad with red quinoa and tabbouleh served with a pepper cream dressing. Main dish – grilled fillet of beef with haricots verts and mashed sweet potatoes. Cheese plate. Dessert – ice cream sundae with chocolate fudge and whipped cream. Baskets of fruits and package snacks. Pre-arrival snack – cranberry oatmeal cookies.


Singapore Airlines

Sakura tofu, umadashi jelly, wasabi, shiso flower Baby squid, simmered prawn and spring cabbage Marianted clam, bamboo shoot, green beans, mountain vegetables and salmon roe Mukozuke Sea bream marinated with kelp, ume shiso dressing Baby leaf Oshinogi Cha soba with granishes Sea bream sushi, simmered octopus, Ginger Futamono Miso flavored braised Wagyu Beef, flower wheat gluten Red konjac (yam paste), spinach, leek julienne Nino-Zen Yakimono Spanish mackerel saikyo-yaki, pickled turnip, yuzu julienne Grilled Chicken roll with vegetables, vinegared lotus root Gohan Steamed rice with sea bream Clear soup with clam, kinome leaf and udo Assorted pickles Mizumono Seasonal fruits with wine jelly in orange shell International Selection Canapés Satay With onion, cucumber, and spicy peanut sauce Appetizers Chilled malossol caviar With melba toast and condiments Chicken terrine with waldorf salad Soups Seafood Chowder Beef broth with shimeji and enoki mushroom Salad Salad of fruit tomato with mizuna, rucola and frisee Ranch dressing Miso Vinaigrette Main Courses *Seared beef fillet, cabernet sauce, creamed spinach with Parmesan cheese, roesti potatoes *Exclusively created by International Culinary Panel Gindara no saikyo yaki Grilled silver cod with saikyo-an sauce, seasonal vegetables and steamed rice Sautéed seafood in garlic sauce, capsicums and boiled parsley potatoes *Spinach fettuccine in Alfredo sauce with Swiss brown mushrooms and parmesan cheese Specially prepared meatless selection Desserts *Milk Chocolate mousse with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce and fresh raspberry *Exclusively created by International Culinary Panel Cheeses Saint morgon, blue stilton, red cheddar and brie served with grapes, crackers and nuts Fruits Fresh fruit in season Finale A selection of gourmet coffees & fine teas served with pralines



Japanese Breakfast Sakizuke Clam/ carrot/ edible flower Kobashi Egg tofu with shrimp/ daishi sauce/ wasabi Yakimono Grilled mackerel/ egg rolled with unagi/ grilled fish cake Miso Soup Japanese miso soup with leek Gohanmono Steamed Rice Tsukemono Selection of seasonal pickles Kudamono Seasonal Fresh Fruit/ Green tea Panna Cotta


Airline Meals

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Portraits Of The Samurai From The 1860′s

How To Spot A Steroid User


by PwnFitness

We’re all curious about that guy at the gym who’s super ripped and muscular, the powerlifter benchpressing 450+, the bodybuilder claiming to be ”natural” or your baseball teammate who all of a sudden hits 500-feet bombs like it’s nothing.

Well my friend, there’s a decent chance these guys are on steroids. It’s not that we’re trying to find excuses as to why these guys are ahead of us. These days anyone with a pulse can get access to anabolic steroids and tons of people are using them. I’m not just babbling stuff I head in the media here.. I play a lot of competitive sports, go to the gym, got some friends.. and let me tell you steroids use is rampant.

You don’t have to be a Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler to use steroids. Hell I’ve seen occasional 150-pound gym goers try a cycle or two, and I’ve seen people use them thinking they’d hit more homeruns in their coed league softball! It’s not always easy to discern what is legit and what is not, but it’s doable.

My position on steroid use

Ok before we start I’d like to clarify my position on steroid use. Everyone likes to bash on steroid users like they’re the devil or something. I don’t.

People can do what they want with their bodies and what they shoot themselves with in the butt is none of my business. If you want better results faster and are taking steroids for the sole purpose of looking better that’s fine with me. I wouldn’t do it but you do what you want.

Steroids can be used relatively safely if you know what you’re doing and are under the supervision of a doctor. Add a good diet plus healthy lifestyle habits and you should be good to go. But don’t come cry to me if you F-word’ed it up and ruined your health because I won’t have sympathy for you my friend. You get the benefits but you must accept the risks also.

***Where I think it’s not ok to use roids : Look, using roids to gain a competitive advantage in a sport where the substance is prohibited is just plain wrong. If your competitors are drinking protein shakes while you’re on the vitamin S, then it’s just not fair. That’s cheating, and I hope you die in a fire.

That being said I have competed in the past against steroid + other drug users fully knowing they were using them and I didn’t cry about it. Unless it’s powerlifting or bodybuilding there’salways something you can do to beat them anyway so no worries.

So here we go :

How to recognize a roid user

1) The famous ”big gut” or distended stomach

Here are some examples of bodybuilders with big bellies :

Bodybuilder Markus Ruhl with a big belly


Bodybuilder with protruded stomach


A BB’er with the so-called ”GH Gut”


What looks like Ronnie Coleman on stage with a big gut



Random muscular guy with big belly


What causes the big guts seen in the above pictures is not necessarily caused by anabolic steroid use. These pro bodybuilders take a LOT of difference supplements, including insulin and human growth hormone (HGH), which are most likely to have caused the so-called ”GH Gut”.

One thing you can be sure of : if someone uses HGH and/or insulin, you can be pretty sure that person is also on steroids and who knows what else.



2) Disproportionate development of upper body muscles

A steroid user’s upper body muscles (traps, shoulders, neck, pecs, back and especially lats) are often disproportionally big compared to his lower body counterparts. This is due to the fact that upper body muscles havemore androgen receptors than other muscles and respond better to resistance training. This is why new steroid users see their shoulder, traps and back explode very fast in the first few steroid cycles. Of course, leg and torso muscles grow as well but never as fast. This is what causes the ”V-shape” in roid users who normally wouldn’t have the genetics to produce a wide shoulder/thin waist body.

The shoulder-to-waist ratio is a good indicator of steroid use but is definitely not a sure giveaway, because :

  1. Some of us are born with incredibly good genetics
  2. Some of us only train upper body and never do legs

3) Gynecomastia or Bitch Tits

Here’s a couple pictures of bodybuilders with gynecomastiaor the slang version ”gyno”

 Random gym goer with a mild case of gynecomastia


 Bodybuilder with serious gyno


Bodybuilding with beginning signs of gynecomastia

What looks like the growth of female breasts in the above picture is due to the exogenous testosterone (from anabolic steroids) entering the body and converting to estrogen, estradiol through a process called aromatization, thanks to the enzyme aromatase.

***For those who don’t know the basics, testosterone is the predominant hormone that give men their sexual characteristics, while women get their from estrogen (and progesterone). Both sexes have these 2 hormones running through their veins but in different concentrations. Men have on average 20 times higher testosterone levels than women, while women have 5 times more estrogen than men.

The process of aromatization happens to all of us at difference intensity thoughout our lives so this is all fine and good; men do need the estrogen hormone for normal functioning. What happens with the introduction of exogenous testosterone in our bodies, is that aromatization continues to do it’s job. A portion of the enormous amount of testosterone entering the body gets converted to estrogen and one can end up with considerable levels of estrogen in his body. This is then what causes development of breasts or ”bitch tits”.

Ronnie has it pretty bad in this picture

4) Skin problems caused by steroid use

Steroid use can cause skin problems such as :

  • Acne
  • Stretch marks

 Dennis Wolf with some damage on his back

Levels of hormones such as testosterone play a significant role in sebaceous glands and potentially can cause acne outbursts, especially on the back. Although many professional pretend to have it all figured out, acne is now well understood yet but it is well accepted that testosterone plays a role.

You won’t notice much acne on pro bodybuilders, especially on stage. They do use a lot of fake tan to cover their skin for that might explain. I’ve also heard the used accutane to permanently stop acne outbursts. There’s even people theorizing that bodybuilders remain healthy because they have very good livers cleaning all the shit they take.. but that’s totally broscience here 

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are not a direct side effect of roid use. During the first few steroid cycles and user goes through, diet and sleep staying in check, he will experience very quick muscle growth. The skin may not adapt quickly enough to this change therefore causing permanent stretch marks. Normally they appear in the upper lats (on the sides), on the sides of the pectorals and sometimes on biceps. Probably better to have stretch marks from muscle than from fat but anyways.

Examples of battle scars :

Stretch marks on the side of the pectorals and shoulders


On the shoulder this time


5) Sudden increase in muscle mass after years of stagnation

If you’ve been going to the same gym for while you get used to the same guys hitting the same machines everyday without making any gains besides their initial gains when they started training. Then all of a sudden they lose all their fat and gain 25 pounds of muscle in 3 months. On top of that they can train for two hours without getting tired or falling victim to overtraining.

Don’t get me wrong here massive change is doable, but on a very long period of time. That’s just no way such transformation could occur in course of a couple months without the use of a little something called vitamin S.

Summary :

Five good ways to recognize a steroid user :

  1. Big guts or distended stomach;
  2. Preferential development of the upper body muscles, especially lats;
  3. Gynecomastia or bitch tits;
  4. Stretch marks and/or acne;
  5. Unreasonably fast body transformation.

Ok that being said, before we get ahead of ourselves and start calling everything that moves a steroid user, let’s keep in mind that we can never be 100% sure who’s on roids and who’s not. Some are gifted with phenomenal genetics. Others have stellar work ethic, good training programs, perfect diet, good lifestyle and sleep habits. Some have 10-15 years of training experience under their.

Fitting only one of the criteria above might be proof of anabolic steroid usage, but when you have three or four then you can make a case. The goal of identifying roid users is not to call them on shit, but it’s to prevent yourself from getting ripped off by training programs promising stellar results when your know the results were attained with illegal substances.

Check out more awesome articles @ PWNFitness

The post How To Spot A Steroid User appeared first on Caveman Circus.

This Article Is Worth A Revisit…Stop Living in Your Damn Phone: A Wake-Up Call



Last summer, I went to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert. This was a dream come true for me: Kiedis & Co. aren’t getting any younger and I absolutely had to see them live while they’re still touring.

Midway through the concert I realized that, at any given time, 5+ people in my immediate vicinity were using their phones. Everyone was instagramming, facebooking, foursquaring, texting…

They didn’t even stop when Under the Bridge – only one of the best songs ever – came on.

My first thought was, are you kidding me. These people paid good money to see a legendary band… but were more interested in telling their friends about the concert than actually watching it.

Then I remembered that it’s 2012 and this is normal. People live in their phones now.

But they really shouldn’t – and here’s why.

Internet Addicts Anonymous

I belong to the last generation of children who grew up without internet access. As a kid, I had to wait for my favorite cartoons to come on if I wanted to be entertained.

Every Sunday I’d stake out in the living room, waiting for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to come on at 11. If I missed an episode, I had to wait a whole week to see my favorite cartoon.

And if the T.V. wasn’t enough entertainment for me, I had to go read a book or find a creative way to keep myself occupied.

It’s different for today’s kids. They’ve got the Internet, video games and TiVo. They can choose to be entertained whenever they feel like it – which is not a bad thing in and of itself.

What’s bad is how addicted this generation has become to being stimulated. Now that most phones are internet-enabled, we’ve got constant access to all our favorite distractions – and we abuse the shiet out of that privilege.

Every day you see people Facebooking at work, watching shows on the bus and reading blogs at dinner. They can’t just enjoy the moment – they’re too used to being entertained all the time. Without their hourly fix of “fun”, they get jittery and distracted.

Yes, being able to have fun wherever you are is incredible, but it stops being incredible when you can’t stop doing it. Phones are a great way to stay entertained on the go but using them all the time will rob you of real-life experiences.

What’s the last time you sat through an entire dinner without texting; saw something cool without taking a photo; waited in line without distracting yourself? What’s the last time you chose real life over your phone?

I find it very disrespectful when I’m out with someone and they keep texting or browsing the internet. It’s like they’re saying: “I’d rather escape this moment than be here, with you, right now.”

But that’s exactly what you’re saying TO YOURSELF each time you use your phone as a distraction. You’re disrespecting your own company and the present moment by trying to escape from them.

Phones can be amazing. I use my iPhone to read books and listen to music every day, so I’m not one to judge.

Just don’t let those little devices distract you from the truly awesome things in life. (Red Hot Chili Peppers concerts, for example).

Oh, one more thing – social networks aren’t real life

Life is a popularity contest. First we want to impress our classmates, then we want to fit in at work, and later we want to keep up with the Joneses (do people still say that?).

With phones allowing people to access social networks from anywhere, the popularity contest never ends. Everyone wants to look good and get approval (in the form of likes, retweets, etc).

But how many of your Facebook friends really give a shiet about you? Sorry if that’s too blunt, but let’s get honest for a second: a Facebook friend isn’t the same as a real friend.

Here’s my definition of “friend”: someone who’d drive for hours to lend you money they don’t even have if you called them at 4 A.M.. How many of your Facebook friends would do that? Exactly. So why does it matter how good you look to them, or how many likes they give you?

99% of the time, social networks are a huge circle jerk with everyone trying to make each other feel important. Facebook friends aren’t real friends and likes aren’t a good measure of how cool you truly are.None of it matters.

So focus on making real friends and living real life, not trying to look good online.

Am I saying social networks are the devil? No! I use them to stay in touch with friends who live overseas, follow stuff I’m interested in and invite people to large-scale events. They’re an amazing tool in their own right.

(Also, Facebook has helped me not hit on married women more times than I can count. Thanks for that, Mark Zuckerberg.)

But when did we all become so fuking important that everyone needs to know what we’re thinking and doing 24/7? Hey, maybe your life is just that awesome – but if Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama can live without hourly status updates, I think I can too.

The other day, J. Delancy – who also runs a manly blog – asked me about my experiences using Facebookand Twitter for my blog. The truth is, I’m finding it hard to keep up with some other bloggers who seem to tweet something every 15 minutes.

It’s not that I have nothing to say – I just want the things I say to matter. We all have real lives to live and I refuse to subject you guys to every single thing that pops into my mind.

And I’m alright with that.

If you’re with your friends – enjoy their company. If you’re at a concert – watch and listen. If you’re stuck in traffic – be stuck in traffic and enjoy your having some time to yourself for once.

When you’re busy living real life, there’s no need for constant entertainment and validation. It’s so great out in the real world – why don’t you get off your damn phone and join the rest of us here?

Check out more awesome articles by George at The Man Up >>

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The Dumping Grounds


funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

First theatrical trailer for Christopher Nolan’s INTERSTELLAR

How WWII pilots were trained to deal with flak

77B Field Howitzer demonstration, bought to you by the Ministry of Silly Walks

Jiu Jitsu vs Chi Blasters

Dan Bilzerian’s account of heart attack after 5 day bender

The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.

Awesome Stuff Around The Internet


101 Hottest Celebrity Instagram Pictures This Week – Guyism

24 optical illusions that will confuse your brain – Ned Hardy

Kacy Anne Hill is a seriously hot redhead hipster model! – Crowd Ignite

Giving the World Cup to Qatar Was a Really Stupid Idea – VICE

Rihanna didn’t wear a bra to the Clippers game – Drunken Stepfather

Hot girls in lingerie to end the week properly – Bro My God

Rare Footage Shows North Korea’s Fleet Of Military Aircraft – Business Insider

72 Facts That Will Teach You A Damn Thing For Once In Your Life - Linkiest

23 best names ever – Leenks

Epic Sofia Vergara Bikini Photo Shoot From 2006 – Celeb Jihad

Vince McMahon lost almost $400 million in ONE DAY. That’s gonna leave a mark – Uproxx

Crystal Hefner Bikini Pics at the Hard Rock Hotel – G-Celeb

Rachel Bilson looking damn good in a bikini – Celeb Slam

This Porn Site Is the Biggest Filer of Copyright Lawsuits in the US – Gizmodo

Selena Gomez had a misscariage in 2012? – The Blemish

News Anchor Learns of Colleague’s Suicide as She’s Reporting It – Gawker

Jim Ross calls the Jay-Z/Solange elevator fight (video) – World Wide Interweb

The 15 Best Castles In The World – Hi-Consumption

10 Sexy Photos of Busty Russian Teen Ekaterina – Classy Bro

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In Honor Of Chael Sonnen Retiring From MMA, I Present To You 10 Of His Greatest Quotes

What’s It Really Like To Work At A High-End Restaurant


This is Jim Stein. He is a line cook in Charleston, SC and he has worked in kitchens nearly his whole life.


You may think it’s all fun and games.

(honestly you probably don’t)

But we do live by a certain set of rules.

(these aren’t them)

Really it’s all about hard work.

We work incredibly long hours. Sometimes even more than this measly 16 in one day.

And all 16 are spent on our feet.

We go through shoes faster than you can imagine.

We eat standing up…

…all the time, because we’re typically cooking a lunch/dinner/brunch service at the same time, or constantly in the weeds with prep.

We get cuts.

a lot of cuts.

We get burns.

Even more burns.

We plan out every minute of our day…

Every ingredient of our dishes…

every step of our events…

and every item of our inventory.

Failure is NOT an option.

Fucking up is DEFINITELY not an option.

But with all the downsides…There are upsides.

We get really cool high-tech toys like immersion circulators and CryoVac machines.

And we get really low-tech toys too.

Our poor iPod Dock has seen it’s better days. But check out that kitchen ingenuity.

We work with high quality ingredients from Land…

…and from Sea.

A lot from Sea.

Okay mostly from Sea.


Need salt? That’s our fault. We compare dishes and ingredients endlessly until we get the combinations we deem best. And if we’re over or under seasoning the food, we’re failing…which like I said, is not an option.

But at the end of the day, the real beauty is the food.

We strive to make food taste good,

incorporate fresh and local ingredients,

and appeal to the eye.

Even if we ARE just serving Goose Liver sometimes.

(foie gras dish)

Whether it’s beef,



or pasta, we hope you like it all the same.

At the end of the day, we do everything for You.

and sometimes you learn to cook pastries, and write on plates in chocolate.

And sometimes you make a friend or two along the way.

(via Imgur)

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The Dumping Grounds


funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

funny pictures and videos of the day

Game of Thrones VS Lord of the Rings

Jim Carrey on how his late father inspired him to follow his dreams

Michael Jordan ‘Maybe It’s My Fault’ Commercial

Man waits for his opportunity to strike at robber and then paces like a lion…. Kid got what he deserved

Police restraining teen in courtroom after being sentenced to Death

The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.

Awesome Stuff Around The Internet


Good Guy Sauron – Ned Hardy

Alexis Ren’s Tiny Waist and Awesome Cleavage Pleases – Crowd Ignite

Playmate Alyssa Arce made the sexiest Father’s Day commercial of the year – Guyism

Jennette McCurdy Thong Picture Leaked – Celeb Jihad

5 Types of Friends Every Man Needs – The Art Of Manliness

Photos that prove you have a dirty mind – Leenks

Fit Girls Are The Finest Of Them All (35 Photos) – Linkiest

Laura Barriales in a Tiny Bikini at the Beach – G-Celeb

How to have sex for an hour: 7 proven ways to postpone an orgasm – Mens Health

Girls showing off huge tracts of land – Bro My God

10 Hottest Photos of McKayla Maroney From 2014 – Classy Bro

If All The Game Of Thrones Characters Were Dwarfs – World Wide Interweb

Hottest Kaley Cuoco Photos – Radass

Connie Carter Sets The Bar Incredibly High (15 Pics) – Regretful Morning

5 Steps To Defining Your Own Success – Addicted 2 Success

Hot bunch of girls in bikinis – Double Viking

The 14 Best Players You Won’t See at the 2014 FIFA World Cup – Total Pro Sports

AnnaLynne McCord rocks the 1-piece so very nicely – Celeb Slam

Selena Gomez Is an Idiot Part 34 – The Blemish

Tesla wants to kill gasoline by sharing its electric car technology with everyone – The Verge

The post Awesome Stuff Around The Internet appeared first on Caveman Circus.

Vera Is The Perfect Babe To End The Week With

Reaction GIFs Up In This Beeyotch Yo!


When you are too drunk to keep it up but try anyway


Whey my jam starts playing on the radio


When I’m playing GTA V and am driving on the sidewalk 


When I hear my roommate cracking two beers open in the kitchen


When someone sends an email at work saying there’s free food in the kitchen 


When I got my first message on Tinder


When I let one rip, but I then realize that even I can’t handle the horrible stench of my own creation


How I feel walking into McDonalds with $10 to spend


Listening to Notorious BIG but my gf hates rap 


Being in first place in Mario Kart and then someone gets a blue shell 


When I see a pretty girl sitting alone at a party


When my brother hands me the controller to help him past a level he’s hopelessly stuck on


Our reaction when a friend claims in front of his gf that he doesn’t watch porn


When I walk in to my house to see my room-mate doing the dishes


When I see a pretty girl on this site and then find out she is a porn star

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