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The Daily Man-Up: Success Isn’t A Mountain. It’s An Eternal Struggle


(photo: @pitoutch)

The struggle, the pain, the excruciating process has to be your goal because the goal doesn’t sharpen you, it finishes you.

The metaphor of  the road to success being a mountain isn’t right.

There is no end. Thinking that there is takes you away from that thing that’s sharpening you, strengthening you, making you tougher, and that thing is the grind, it’s the process, it’s the minutia and the struggle of a life that’s ambitious.

To expect the grind to dissipate is to desire and end to that thing that makes you better. To rest on top of a mountain and to think you’re done is to finish life, it’s to give up or give in.

You’re not working to some end. You’re not hustling trying to find a place in the sun, a place of silence and peace. No, you’re hustling because you love the hustle, you see the good in it, the necessity of it.

To be great is to forego the mindset of the many and acquire the hard view, the torturous view that every damn day you’re going to wake up and thrive at what others run from; the struggle, the hustle, the pain that makes weak men strong and strong men great.


The struggle gives, it doesn’t take. It seems like it’s breaking you down, and it may be, but you decide whether it makes you stronger or if it defeats you.

If you have any ounce of ambition or pride you’re going to guarantee that it doesn’t consume you but that you use it daily to become stronger and harder.

The best among us add to the struggle.

They train harder even when they don’t have to.

They wake up earlier and do something immediately to get into the day.

They use discipline to rule every area of their life, not just a few areas that they think are more valuable than others.

They make their lives tougher because they’re tougher.

This should be you if you want to become something more than the weak, soft, sedated male of our modern world. Training isn’t something relegated to the gym, it’s your way of life, it is your life, and you understand that it’s this training that you need to become who and what you want to become.

Get at it.

(Read This: Life Has No Summit)

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Welcome To Caveman’s Fight Club


How to deal with bullies

bully from Kobe Bryant on Vimeo.


Straight suplex from hell


In the space of 2 months, Kevin Randleman almost kills two of the greatest heavyweights of all time


Hard Reset


Disarming a man with a gun


Cocky MMA fighter gets humbled


And this is why you don’t want to fight a guy with MMA training


One of the best Boxing matches in history, 3 rounds and 8 minutes long


Deontay Wilder Knocks Out Internet Troll Charlie Zelenoff 


Charlie Zelenoff get a deserved ass whooping


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7-Year-Old Earned $22 Million Reviewing Toys On YouTube Last Year


Forbes has released its list of top YouTube earners from June 2017 to June 2018, and at the top of the list is someone who can barely read: seven-year-old Ryan of the channel Ryan ToysReview. The tyke, along with the help of his parents, raked in an estimated $22 million from his toy unboxing channel, pre-taxes, after making $11 million last year.

Ryan used to be such a fan of toy review videos that when he was four, he asked his parents if he could make one himself. They acquiesced, only to watch their son’s channel grow into an empire that now has 17 million subscribers and literally billions of hits. And it all started with a viral video in which he plays with a lot of toy cars. It’s been watched 934,621,669 times.

Seven-year-old Ryan’s mother quit her job as a high school chemistry teacher to work full-time on her son’s channel. Forbes said that 15% of Ryan’s earnings go into a protected account which he cannot access until he becomes an adult.

In addition to the wildly lucrative ad revenues associated with his highly-viewed and advertiser-friendly content, Ryan — who does not disclose his last name — also has a line of toys and apparel that is sold at Walmart stores nationwide. (That line was created with the help of his studio partner Pocket.watch, which has also repackaged Ryan’s content for distribution on Hulu and Amazon).

That said, Ryan’s product line launched in October, after the Forbes’ cutoff, and thus the magazine estimates that the majority of his earnings in 2018 — to the tune of $21 million — were derived from pre-roll ads on his YouTube channel, where he counts 17 million subscribers and a whopping 26 billion lifetime views. (Ryan headlines the third most-viewed channel on all of YouTube behind Bollywood production company T-Series and the WWE). The remaining $1 million resulted from sponsored posts — a relatively small ratio compared to other creators on its list, Forbes notes, given that Ryan’s family is careful about accepting brand deals, and the children’s influencer marketing industry is relatively underdeveloped.

Ryan is followed on Forbes’ list of the highest-paid YouTube stars by Jake Paul (who the magazine estimates made $21.5 million last year), Dude Perfect ($20 million), DanTDM ($18.5 million), Jeffree Star ($18 million), Markiplier ($17.5 million), Vanoss Gaming ($17 million), Jacksepticeye ($16 million), PewDiePie ($15.5 illion), and Logan Paul ($14.5 million).


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A Few Answers To Questions You Always Wondered About


What is it like to be a lifelong smoker?

I have smoked for 23 years. I am currently 39 years old. Apart from internal damage that I just don’t know about yet, here is how smoking has affected my life:

  1. Running for any considerable distance is impossible. I lose my breath quickly.
  2. Swimming for any considerable distance is impossible. I lose my breath quickly.
  3. I clear my throat about 100 times per day.
  4. I cough about 100 times per day.
  5. I wake up with a sore throat regularly.
  6. I, along with my home and vehicle, smell like cigarette butts.
  7. The reward centers of my brain are broken—I’m constantly looking forward to the next cigarette even though they are not pleasurable in any real way.
  8. I spend more than $100 per month on cigarettes.
  9. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, I have a nagging compulsion to stop and smoke. Whether I’m working, relaxing, playing video games, having a conversation with friends or anything else, I am always anticipating the next “smoke break”. To a smoker, life is what happens between cigarettes…which is pathetic and sad.
  10. Running out of cigarettes is not an option. If I had no cigarettes, I would have an anxiety attack. Smokers like to call them “nicotine fits” but let’s call them what they really are—ANXIETY ATTACKS. They’re a symptom of mental illness and severe addiction.

There are many other ways that smoking has affected my life. Some of those ways will become more apparent as I get older.

I have “quit” several times. The longest that I have “quit” was for 6 months. I used a hypnosis program that worked very well. I screwed it all up by smoking a single cigarette…a single cigarette that turned into pack after pack after pack…

I need to quit this shit for good.

– Jonathan Lafferty



What happens when a .50 caliber bullet hits a person?

A new seaman in my naval unit in Vietnam was accidently shot in the back at a range of about 2 yards by a .50 cal. I arrived at the scene before the ambulance and found that the exit wound was about a foot in diameter with nothing visible in his thoracic cavity but there were a few things hanging out which I assumed were what was left of his intestines – he was eviscerated. I accompanied him to the nearest Mash unit where my last view was two or three surgeons frantically around him. He lived for at least 20 minutes.

When I reported the incident to my CO, who had been an enlisted pilot in WWII and had also flown Navy Panthers from carriers during the Korean War, he remarked that he did not recall anyone who recovered from being shot by a .50 caliber.

– Robert Lockwood


50cal vs Bulletproof Glass



What is the procedure for executing a person on death row?

The inmate may have the following visitors at the Huntsville Unit: Inmates at the Huntsville Unit may have visits from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice chaplain(s), institutional division chaplain(s), minister(s), attorney(s). All visits must be approved by the Huntsville Unit warden. With the exception of the chaplain’s visits, all visits will be terminated by 12:30 p.m. on the day of the execution.


An inmate scheduled for execution shall be transported from the Ellis/Mountain View Unit to the Huntsville Unit prior to the scheduled execution. Transportation arrangements shall be known only to the unit wardens involved, and no public announcement to either the exact time, method, or route of transfer shall be made. The director’s office and the public information office will be notified immediately after the inmate arrives at the Huntsville Unit. During transportation and after arrival at the Huntsville Unit, the inmate shall be constantly observed and supervised by security personnel.

Final meal:

The final meal will be served at approximately 3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Prior to 6 p.m., the inmate may shower and dress in clean clothes. The Huntsville Unit warden’s office will serve as the communications command post and only operations personnel will be allowed entry to this area.

All other individuals, including witnesses to the execution, will assemble at approximately 5:55 p.m. in the lounge adjacent to the visiting room. All necessary arrangements to carry out the execution shall be completed at the predetermined time. Shortly after 6 p.m., the door will be unlocked, and the inmate will be removed from the holding cell. The inmate will be taken from the cell area into the execution chamber and secured to a gurney. A medically trained individual (not to be identified) shall insert an intravenous catheter into the condemned person’s arms and cause a saline solution to flow.

At a predetermined time, the witnesses shall be escorted to the execution chamber.

Witnesses to the execution

Witnesses shall include:
The media: One Texas bureau representative designated by the Associated Press, one Texas Bureau representative designated by the United Press International, one representative for the Huntsville Item, and one representative each from established separate rosters of print and broadcast media will be admitted to the execution chamber as witnesses, provided those designated agree to meet with all media representatives present, immediately after the execution. No recording devices, either audio or video, shall be permitted in the unit or in the execution chamber. Reporters from community where crime was committed have first choice to witness execution.

Witnesses requested by the condemned:
Policy allows for up to 5 pre-approved witnesses requested by the condemned.

Victims’ witnesses:
Policy allows for up to 5 immediate family members or close friends of the victim to attend.

The execution

Once the witnesses are in place, the warden shall allow the condemned person to make a last statement. Upon completion of the statement, if any, the warden shall signal for the execution to proceed. At this time, the designee(s) of the director shall induce by syringe, substance and/or substances necessary to cause death. This individual(s) shall be visually separated from the execution chamber by a wall and locked door, and shall also not be identified.

Lethal injection saline solution consists:
Sodium Thiopental (lethal dose)
Pancuronium Bromide (muscle relaxant)
Potassium Chloride (stops the heart beat)

After the inmate is pronounced dead, the body shall be immediately removed from the execution chamber, taken to an awaiting vehicle and delivered to a local funeral home for burial by the family or state.

The inmate may request that his body be donated to the state anatomical board for medical research purposes. Arrangements for the body is to be concluded prior to the execution.

The Director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Institutional Division, in accordance with Article 43.23, shall return the death warrant and certificate with a statement of any such act and his proceedings endorsed thereon, together with a statement showing what disposition was made of the body of the convict, to the clerk of the court in which the sentence was passed.



Why is Saudi Arabia’s civilization fragile?

I used to work in the Middle East, in Saudi Arabia. It has absolutely zero freshwater lakes or rivers. Besides some shallow aquifers that are rarely replenished by rain, Saudi Arabia relies entirely on huge desalination plants – most of which are poorly maintained and over-used. Saudi also relies on imports for 80-90% of it’s food.

The temperature is often above 35-40 degrees celcius, and every single building and vehicle is air-conditioned to about 18 degrees all of the time. It often felt like living on another planet, where you stepped out of an airlock, going from cool climate-controlled environments into the desert air outside. It felt like walking into a giant oven. The air pollution was horrific, and some of the major cities are reported to be some of the most toxic environments on the planet.

I worked there for two years. I was a foreigner, far from my own country. I lived in a walled compound protected by soldiers, tanks and .50 calibre machine guns. I went through a bomb checkpoint twice a day just to get in and out.

The road system was fucked. It took three hours to drive from one side of the city to the other. Completely gridlocked roads were a normal part of daily life in the city. Yet you had no choice – walking long distances outside was near impossible. You would probably collapse from exhaustion, dehydration and sunstroke before you even made it a few blocks. In an emergency situation ‘bugging out’ was not an option. What do you do? There are no forests, no mountains to hide in. Your only options to get out of the city were to either own or steal a boat and leave via the Red Sea (and go where? Sudan? Chad? Egypt?) or to walk out into the Arabian desert and die in the sand.

When it rained (once or twice a year, for days at a time) the entire city flooded and hundreds of people died because they kept stubbornly driving into tunnels, got trapped in gridlocked traffic, then drowned in their vehicles when the tunnels flooded. The sewage system overflowed into the streets and mosquitoes bred in the stagnant floodwaters in their millions. When we had severe sandstorms, you had to walk around with a face-mask to avoid inhaling dust laden with pollutants from the air.

All of that was bad, but the moment that completely changed my entire life and my perspective occurred in March 2016. The power went off, as did the water. This was not that uncommon and usually didn’t last for more than a few hours.

This time it did not come back on for four days. No air-conditioning, no ceiling fans, nothing. I found myself in 35 degree heat and humidity, indoors in the shade. I stripped down to my boxers and was still sweating. My cupboards and fridge were empty – I had very little extra bottled water in the house. Even when the water was running, you could not drink tap-water as it was almost certainly contaminated.

I usually just bought bottled water at work during the day. I then bought a few big bottles every couple of days to drink at home in the evenings. With no power or water, people immediately emptied the stores. The one store in the compound ran out of bottled water within hours. I had to ration out the little water that I had until I could get more. I had no water to shower with to cool myself down.

It was only then; overheating, dehydrated and sweating, lying on the cool (ish) tiles of my villa in Saudi Arabia, that I fully grasped the fragility of the situation.

If there was an extended blackout, if power and water went off for a few weeks, everyone was dead. Simple as that. If there was no electricity to power the desalination plants, there was no water.

If there was a war, economic crisis or even diplomatic crisis that stopped food imports, everyone would starve. In the chaos, foreigners like myself would be the first to be dragged out onto the streets and beaten to death.

The broken and corrupt Saudi government and incompetent authorities are not capable of organising any kind of emergency water/food importation and distribution in time. They can barely maintain their own infrastructure, let alone repair it quickly enough in the event of any severe damage. Quite simply, the entire country is likely to collapse at the slightest disruption and everyone will die.

Luckily that time the power and water did come back on. The first thing I did was stock up on water. Lots of water. I bought food supplies. I studied desert survival. I prepared a bug-out bag. I started researching the quickest routes to the embassy.

That led me down the rabbit-hole. I started asking questions. How likely was Saudi Arabia to collapse? What would happen to the country if it did? Wait, what would happen to the region if Saudi collapsed? How would that effect oil prices? What would happen to the world economy? Are other countries also vulnerable to collapse? Wait, is all of modern civilization actually very fragile and vulnerable to complete collapse?

– elviajero1984

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A Damn Fine Collection Of Fascinating Photos And Videos


George H. Bush letter to Bill Clinton on inauguration in 1993


Sully, former President George H.W. Bush’s service dog, lies next to his casket ahead of national memorial services for Bush


George Bush sneaks Michelle Obama a piece of candy at his father’s funeral 

“President Bush is my partner in crime at every major thing where all the formers gather. So we’re together all the time. He’s a funny man. He’s a wonderful man and I love him to death. “

– Michelle Obama


95-year-old former Senator Bob Dole helped out of wheelchair to give a final salute to fellow WWII vet George H.W. Bush 


This is a picture taken of earth from Mars by the curiosity rover. It contains everyone from human history infront of the lens


George Mclaurin, the first black man admitted into the University of Oklahoma, in 1948, studied History, and was forced to sit away from his white classmates. Despite this, his name is still among the top three students of the university


80 years later 


These are REAL shoes being sold at a premium (link)


From PETA’s Twitter:

Words matter, and as our understanding of social justice evolves, our language evolves along with it. Here’s how to remove speciesism from your daily conversations.


Bill Clinton’s Letter To George W. Bush in Janurary 2001


President George W. Bushs letter to Barack Obama in 2009


Scott Mendelson after he tore his pec breaking the world record bench press


This is the pizza order one woman used to get police to her home, where she was being held hostage by her boyfriend 


Top Earning Dead Musicians


The cockpit of Endeavor


A medical prescription from 1977


Self checkout in Japan 


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The Dumping Grounds


funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

funny pictures and funny memes

Guy completes a challenge from Flat Earther who promises 100,000 dollars to whoever completes the challenge


How smooth jazz took over the ‘90s


Bill Burr – On Instagram Booty Models


Man tries to save prank Christmas decoration


What it’s Like Working In Japan 


The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.



20 Women Describe How Awful The Sex Was When They Lost Their Virginity – Thought Catalog

How and why do influencers make so much money? The head of an influencer agency explains – VOX

How Tumblr went from being the most porn-friendly social media site to banning porn – The Verge

Designers And Scientists Got Together To Create This Coffee Maker (Seriously) – Amazon

Ezekiel Elliott’s girlfriend is a hottie – Sports Gossip

Bill Gates Shares the 5 Best Books He Read This Year – TIME

A damn fine collection of bewbs and awesomeness – Leenks

34 hot babes who make your day better – Trending Views

We Asked 105 Experts What Gives Them Hope About the Future – Motherboard

Do you secretly feel good when others fail? 5 ways to make peace with this very human emotion – Ideas

France Becomes the World’s Most Heavily Taxed Country – WSJ

Barbara Palvin Wet Bikini Ass is Back of the Day – Drunken Stepfather

The Meaning of a Man’s Signature – The Art of Manliness

What people keep in their refrigerators in 20 countries around the world – Insider

Watch: Making Buttery, Flaky Puff Pastry by Hand – YouTube

Transgender Miss Universe Contestant Now Odds-On Favorite To Win – Daily Wire

Your wi-fi is bad. Not the internet itself. Your internet is fine. It’s your wi-fi that leaves you weeping as it cuts off the minute you try to browse from the toilet. Some part of you has known, for a while, that you need to upgrade your router so that you can watch Netflix and porn in peace – Amazon

Victoria Justice, Kaley Cuoco and Other Random Women – G-Celeb

The Seven Differences Between Winners And Losers – Brass Pills

India Westbrook is overflowing in her bra – BB Blog

The Psychological Toll of Becoming an Instagram Influencer – Medium

The 100 Greatest Innovations of 2018 – Popular Science

The Science of Stress and How Our Emotions Affect Our Susceptibility to Burnout and Disease – Brain Pickings

Curvy Hunter McGrady Is Making Another Appearance in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue – The Blemish

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Eva Quiala


Reaction GIFs Beeeyotch!


Them: Wow your mom still cooks for you?



When you have a group presentation and the group in front of you completely bombs their presentation


When you forget to take your birth control pills but then remember you’re a guy 


When I get lowkey freaked out by the dark turn my friend’s jokes have made as he is getting more comfortable


When I’m driving my small car in the morning and every truck and SUV has their fog lights on



When I get a match on Tinder


When the interviewer sits me at a computer and tells me to create a relationship between 2 tables after I lied about having Microsoft Access experience 


When “she has a headache”


My wife’s reaction as I walked through the door at 5am after guy’s night out


My managers reaction when I tell him I feel like crap and think Im going to die


When I was the first of my friends to turn 21


When your friend that never goes out finally decides to come out


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There Are Some Things You Just Can’t Argue With

You Might Need To Take A Shower After Viewing This Post

The Daily Man-Up: As Long As You Approach Her, It’s A Success


(photo: @brookecagle)

So many guys judge success as “did I have sex with her” or “did I get her phone number” or “did I get her laughing”, etc. However, I judge success differently. It is a very binary way of measuring success, and it is also incredibly powerful. I judge success like this: “Did I approach her or not?”

And really, that’s the only measure of success you should have when it comes to women. When you see an attractive woman that you want to meet, did you or did you not approach her?

Because as soon as you approach her, your chances of getting her name, getting her phone #, getting a date with her, and getting sex with her essentially went from zero to non-zero. It might be a 5% chance of getting her phone #, but that’s better than nothing.

As soon as you view success this way, you start to easily gain momentum when approaching women. Let’s say you see an incredibly attractive girl sitting down. She’s a literal 10/10, with a pretty face, an incredibly fit body, and legs for days. Do you go up and approach her? If you do, it’s a success. Everything else doesn’t matter.

Did you literally shit your pants from fear as soon as you went up to her and introduced yourself? Still a success.

Did you stutter because you were so nervous? Still a success

Were you sweating from nervousness? Still a success

Did you forget to ask for her name? Still a success.

Did she give you a fake phone number? Still a success

Did she ghost you and stop responding to your texts? Still a success

Because at the end of the day, that’s all that matters. Did you or did you not approach?

In this life, you’re going to have the chance to find an amazing girl one day, your own personal 10/10. You’re going to have the chance to talk to her and get her laughing and smiling, and she asks what your name is. You’re going to get the chance to get her phone number and go out on a date with her. You’re going to have the chance for her to be your girlfriend, and she tells you how amazing you are and she can’t imagine a life without you.

But that’s only going to happen if you actually approach her.

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Saudi Millionaire Who Said He Accidentally “Tripped and Penetrated” Teenage Girl Cleared of Rape


saudi millionaire cleared of rape charges after tripping

Ehsan Abdulaziz, a Saudi millionaire property developer, was cleared of rape charges in London after he claimed that he had tripped and fallen on an 18-year-old girl who was sleeping at his apartment after partying with him, penetrating her by accident.

The Saudi property developer said he had already had sex with the young woman’s 24-year-old friend and it was possible his penis may have been poking out of his underwear when he tripped

The Mirror reported the group had met at an exclusive West End club last year where he entertained them before offering them a lift home.

The 18-year-old claimed that after a number of drinks at Abdulaziz’s north London home, she went to sleep on the couch.

She said she woke up to find him on top of her, forcing himself on her.

“She woke up with the defendant kissing her and his penis in her vagina,” prosecutor Jonathan Davies told the Southwark Crown Court.

“She said: ‘What are you doing?’ and he said ‘It’s fine,’ indicating that her friend was asleep.

“She got up to find her friend, tried to wake her but couldn’t, she then tried to get out of the flat as quickly as she could.”

Abdulaziz said he had accidentally fallen on the teenager and that she tried to seduce him, and that was how his DNA got onto her vagina.

“I’m fragile, I fell down but nothing ever happened, between me and this girl nothing ever happened,” he said.

He also told the court it was possible he had semen on his hands after having sex with the young woman’s friend.

The jury acquitted Abdulaziz after just 30 minutes of deliberations.

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14 Obvious Hints From Girls That Guys Hilariously Failed To Notice



1. In a pretty nice but fairly clueless guy’s apartment one afternoon just hanging out, making increasing hints that I’d like to get naked and play cowgirl. After about an hour he said he needed to step out, and as I was getting ready to leave, I basically blocked his hallway and mentioned that I’d never gotten the tour of his place before. He nodded, pointed out the kitchen and the living room. I rolled my eyes, and mentioned how nice it would be to see his bedroom. Obligingly, he pointed at the open door of the room and said, “There it is,” and then asked if we could get together later in the week?

sigh Sure.

Two hours later it must have sunk in what I was going after because I got a frantic call asking me to come back to his place, he’d be happy to give me that tour. Sorry, Kevin, but I really did have to meet my folks for dinner that night; I wasn’t just making excuses.


2. Spent the day at the beach with a male friend. We were flirting and having a great time the whole day. Came back to my house, we both need to shower. I say something along the lines of “You know it’s hard to wash all this hair by myself sometimes” (my hair is long as FUCK). He responds with “Luckily I don’t have that problem!!” 😑

A few days later he straight up asks me if I was inviting him in the shower with me. I say yes. He calls himself an idiot and says he was nervous lmao


3. I’d been talking to a girl who was helping me get with a girl I liked. It didn’t work out, and I was EXTREMELY bummed. So the girl who was helping me asked me how I was doing. And then asked what I saw in the girl I was into.

Then she started asking about what I want in a relationship. I’m a physical touchy person, SO IS SHE WOW. I’m very open and would like someone else like that, WHAT DO YA KNOW SO WOULD SHE. It even got to the point that she said “it’s crazy that we both want the same thing from a relationship!”

And my dumb ass ignorant ass had the nerve to be surprised when she then told me she liked me. And had liked me for months. She was only helping me get the other girl because she wanted me to be happy.

We’re dating now and I treat her like a rare jewel, no worries


4. “Can I take a nap on your bed again? I’m going to take off my pants because I can’t sleep with them on. Do you want to take a nap too?”


5. Sent a guy friend a picture of me in just a tank top, pulling the lower part of it down to cover my lady bits. Honestly a really sexy picture I thought. Also let him know I was bored and lonely.

Nothing came from it. He told me a couple weeks later that he had a huge crush on me but i had moved out of town.


6. I went out with girl from work to a lounge. I was 19 at the time and she was 22. She ordered an alcoholic drink. I commented on how I can’t order one too cause I’m not old enough. She asked me if I wanted to try some of hers, which I happily accepted. Instead of letting me sip from the cup, she takes a big swig, presses her lips against mine and lets the liquor pour into my mouth. I thought it was so they wont see me drink. Then she did it one more time. Clearly I wasn’t getting the hint so she left it at that.

I’m a dumbass.


7. She invited me to her flat to ‘hang out.’ So we hung out. After about an hour she said ‘do you want to leave?’ I said ‘no, why?’ She said ‘Because I brought you back here so we could fuck and you’ve been trying to make small talk for the last hour.’


8. When I was pretty young, I was at my then-girlfriend’s house and she wandered off to the bathroom. Eventually she called my name, I wandered over, and found her in the bathroom doorway mostly nude. She asked if I wanted to help her shave her legs. I said “Nah, that’s kind of weird” and wandered off.

That’s a weird hint. Just saying.


9. Before I started dating my husband I went swimming at his apartment and asked to take a shower so I could rinse the chlorine out of my hair (freshly dyed red, wanted to keep it nice). I asked him to untie my bikini top bc “I couldn’t reach it” and he did, I let it fall and turned around to face him topless and he had left me alone and shut the door behind him.

He was a decent guy, I give him props for that.


10. When I was a young teenager a girl told me she was going to take a shower and asked if I wanted to join her. I just laughed it off, because obviously she must have been joking, right? Right?

I still kick myself for that one.


11. I had a girl keep sending my topless pics while she was home alone but she was pointing out how long her hair was. I was like “yeah, your hair is pretty long lol.” I woke up around 2 in the morning kicking myself for not getting the very obvious hints.

A other time with a complete different girl on our first date we were watching ant man. I remember joking around saying “I could do that” about dumb things making her laugh. Well when the kissing scene came she asked “can you do that”, while close to my face. I was like “man I dont know, I might have to practice” and then watched the movie. When I dropped her off and was driving home and had to slap myself.


12. Guy here. I was walking a friend home one evening and I mentioned to her that I am quite oblivious about when a girl likes me. I said ” a girl could smack me on the head and I wouldn’t realize she was into me”.

She then smacked me on the back of my head and I responded with “Ow! What the hell was that for?!?”.


13. When we first met, I was still a smoker. She brought in cigarettes the next day (she’s never smoked) to give herself an excuse to be around me. She wore the lowest cut top I’ve ever seen and when we were alone together she’d often say she really needed a massage.

I went back to hers one evening to help her with her studies, and despite her changing to her underwear part-way through that’s exactly what I did.

It took me two weeks of this to finally click on.


14. Met a nice, interesting, funny boy at a bar (still living at home, relevant), and we talked for a good hour or two. He walked me to the train station, and it turns out I’d just missed the last train home. I said gee, too bad you live with your parents, I could totally crash at your place! He said it’s fine and we headed back. He made me up the spare bed at the other end of the house and said goodnight. After a while I texted him saying I couldn’t sleep, did he want company? So we hung out in his room. He invited me into his bed since I looked uncomfortable sitting next to it.

We spent the night together in a single bed without a single thing happening. I’d only ever been with one guy, so I just figured I had no mojo. Turns out he was trying to be respectful since he really liked me



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The Dumping Grounds


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All The Ways The Mattress Industry Is Ripping You Off


U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcats shoot down two Libyan MiG-23 Floggers in a dogfight over the Mediterranean.


Angry man assaults deli worker for not making his bagel faster


Drunk wife beater gets choked out by off-duty cop 


Watchmaker Breaks Down Swiss vs Japanese Made Watches


The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.



Driver in wrong-way DUI crash that killed 6 in Diamond Bar gets 30 years to life – LA Times

Ex-Navy SEAL commander Jocko Willink: Here’s why so many smart people practice Brazilian jiu-jitsu – CNBC

Here are the top 100 players and managers in men’s soccer – ESPN

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The Marriage Decision: Everything Forever or Nothing Ever Again – Wait But Why

I’m a Brain Doctor, and This Is What I Do to Prevent Alzheimer’s – Men’s Health

Vape manufacturers are copying Big Tobacco’s playbook – The Verge

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This Stunning Instagram Specializes in Beauties, Beaches and Bikinis Galore – Maxim

Rhino poachers who broke into Sibuya Game Reserve are eaten by lions – All That Is Interesting

‘Anti-vax’ movement blamed for 30 per cent jump in measles cases worldwide – SBS

This blanket is like being wrapped in a hug from a big old golden retriever – Amazon

Japanese Emperor Hirohito, in his radio announcement declaring the country’s capitulation to the Allies in WWII, never used the word “surrender” or “defeat” but instead stated that the “war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage." – The Atlantic

For many teens, the battle with opioid addiction starts with wisdom teeth – Popular Science

South Korea Sends 1st Train In Plan To Reconnect With North – NPR

Man pushes random passerby in front of oncoming truck in downtown Los Angeles – ABC

Meet Norte Dame Quarterback Ian Book’s Girlfriend Ashton Boyd – Sports Gossip

Leaked emails for Mark Zuckerberg show Facebook ‘struck secret deals over user data’ – BBC

Man in Fresno bought a $2 photo at a junk store only to find out it was of Billy the Kid and his Gang, the Regulators, playing croquet, sold it for $2.3m – The Guardian

Restaurants Tried To Get Rid Of Tips. Here’s Why They Failed – Grubstreet

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Man wants his Moroccan wife deported after she’s caught beating herself on camera (Video) – Brass Pills

Russian Instagram Model Ekaterina Zueva To Take Over The World – Hollywood Tuna

Heartwarming: This Super Dad Refuses To Leave The Casino Until He Wins His Daughter’s Tuition Money Back – Clickhole

Why Japan is giving away free houses (and how to get one) – Fast Co

How Casinos Use Rewards Programs to Track Everything You Do – Life Hacker

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Pretty Girls Make The World Go Round
















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The Daily Man-Up: Small, Daily Habits Are More Important Than Big, Infrequent Home Runs


Anyone can talk the talk.

Not many people can walk the walk.

A terrible habit quite a few people fall into is believing that “one day” it’ll all come together. What does that even mean, “one day”? What are you going to do, wake up and find yourself in a $5-million mansion with two Ferraris parked outside? What, is it just going to “appear” out of nowhere?

“One day” is today. “One day” is right now.

You’re not going to “be patient one day.” You’re going to be patient NOW. You’re not going to “start doing things differently one day.” You’re going to start doing things differently NOW. You’re not going to “finally make it work one day.” You’re going to make it work right NOW.

Big leaps happen by adding lots of tiny steps up over a long period of time.

If you think you can skip that process, you’re wrong.

Whatever it is you want to become, become that to the best of your ability right now. Whatever it is you want to do, do that to the best of your ability right now. In weightlifting we would call this “training until failure.”

Every day, everything you do, train until failure.

Check out the rest of the article here

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This Husband Lost 70 Pounds To Save His Wife’s Life


pj spraggins loses 70 pounds to save wife

If you ever wanted a prime example of a husband’s unfailing devotion to his wife, this is it. Tracy Spraggins was losing a lifelong battle with lupus, and needed a kidney transplant to turn things around. Her husband immediately got tested to see if he could give her one of his, and was thrilled to find out he was indeed a match. However, the doctors told him he couldn’t be her donor in his condition.

Tracy had been diagnosed with lupus when she was just 6 years old. In 2013, her health had begun to deteriorate to the point where she needed to be placed on a kidney transplant list. This was a difficult blow for her since her sister had died a few months before due to complications during a kidney transplant. There also was no guarantee she’d live long enough to get a new kidney, because the list had a seven-year wait. That’s when her husband stepped up.

However, P.J. Spraggins weighed 265 pounds when he was tested to be a transplant match for his wife, which made him an unfit candidate to donate a kidney. The doctors told him he should lose at least 30 pounds before they would consider going forward with the transplant. P.J. did just that, but upon getting retested, he found out losing weight was only half the battle.

On the day he came back to the doctor’s office, he had just changed a tire, and as a result his blood pressure was unusually high. He told Daily Mail UK, “My blood pressure was all over the place. The results came back and they said no again.” While the results were discouraging, he did not give up. He decided to undertake a year-long, intense fitness regime to get his health back on track.

pj spraggins loses 70 pounds to save wife

In December 2014, after having lost a whopping 70 pounds, he went to Nashville’s Vanderbilt Hospital to get retested. Lo and behold, the tests showed his blood pressure was now in a healthy range, and he could officially be his wife’s kidney donor. On Feb. 24 of this year, they went into a four-hour-long surgery together and came out smiling.

The operation was a success, and now both of Tracy’s kidneys are functioning beautifully, thanks to her wonderful husband. “It has just been amazing. To know that I did everything I could to give my wife a better quality of life is just the best feeling. I am so happy,”

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A Few Videos Guaranteed To Make You Feel Better About Life


Girlfriend gives heartwarming surprise to Marine at his graduation


Student Surprises Special Needs Classmate Who Loves Cement Trucks With A Present


Preschoolers who vowed to wed each other in 1995 tie the knot almost 20 years later


Taught my dog to be “gentle” when biting toys and treats


Santa signs to a deaf child


Kid receiving his adoption papers for Christmas


“This is my dog Bruce and my cat Jim. Bruce went blind from being diabetic 2.5 years ago. Jim is about a year and a half old and has been Bruce’s buddy ever since he was a tiny kitten. He figured out pretty fast that Bruce couldn’t see him but could smell him. He loves to lead Bruce around the yard and play hide and go seek. It keeps his buddy sharp, as most blind animals develop dementia.”


The Dog Is ALWAYS Watching!


Guy surprises his mom after being gone for months


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