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Poll Of The Day


What 4 items are you taking with you during the Zombie Apocalypse?
  • Add your answer


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The Dumping Grounds


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Horsepower vs Torque – A Simple Explanation


This is the video the State of Alabama shows new prison inmates on how to avoid sexual assault


Filipino pool player, Efren Reyes, making a z shot during a 1995 9-ball tournament


Veterans Describe Killing during Wartime


The Best Chat up Lines


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A damn fine collection of bewbs, awesomeness and everything in between – Leenks

Woman who has had sex with 15 ghosts is settling down with a poltergeist – Cornwall Live

A pair of $12 earbuds that sound like they’d cost WAY more – Amazon

The Men Who Survived ‘Locktober’ Are About to Finally Take Off Their Chastity Belts – Mel Magazine

The Secret to Erotic Sensation & Sexual Fulfillment – Goop

The Per-Episode Salaries Of TV’s Top Stars, From Reese Witherspoon To Dwayne Johnson – Variety

Trump says media is ‘Enemy’ after synagogue shooting – AOL

The Library of Congress Lets You Stream Hundreds of Free Films – NY Times

How To Change Your Life Every 90 Days – Thrive

8 Time-Management Hacks to Optimize Your Life In and Outside Work – Entrepreneur

What Kind of Person Steals Their Co-workers’ Lunch? – The Cut

Homeowner Catches Package Thief, Confronts Her Through Security Camera And Scares The Heck Out Of Her

This Train Announcement About China’s Social Credit System Is A Dystopia Come To Life – Twitter

Poor kid just wants to be a Chiefs fan too – Reddit

You don’t know luxury until you can lay in bed on your phone in whatever position you want and still have it charge – Amazon

Japanese Princess Ayako surrenders royal title to marry commoner, will reportedly receive $1.3m – ABC

PAAG – Phat Ass Asian Girl – Imgur

Whitey Bulger KILLED in a West Virginia Prison – CBS

These Pics Show Women Before, During, And After Having an Orgasm – Maxim

Gronk’s Girlfriend Goes Topless For SI Photoshoot – Sports Gossip

Magnificent Webcam Reveal! – Imgur

You Want 20% for Handing Me a Muffin? The Awkward Etiquette of iPad Tipping – WSJ

You Won’t Believe the Cars Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Other Multibillionaires Drive – Architectural Digest

Sofia Richie New Teets in a Bikini of the Day – Drunken Stepfather

The U.S. Catholic Church is facing an unprecedented wave of sex abuse investigations – VICE

$245M Bel Air mansion is nation’s most expensive listing – Curbed

Swank for Less Bank: Entry-Level Luxury Cars Ranked – Car And Driver

Young Mother Who Killed Her Rapist, Dragged Body Through Street Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison – Daily Wire

Hot Tattooed Slave Leia (nsfw) – Ehowa

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Hotness Galore!


















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Welcome To Caveman’s Fight Club


You can only push a man so far…


Big Nog overcomes a 150 pound weight difference, a head spike and submits Bob Sapp


This is a tad bit disprespectful


He knocked the batteries out him


Axe kick knockout 


Mcgregor offers some boxing tips


When you start a fight with the wrong guy 


These dudes have a short fuse


Anyone know why this guy attacked his own coach?


Holy Shit!


Leon Roberts locks in a RNC when fighter refuses to stop punching


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The Daily Man-Up: A Man Is The Protector Of His Family


(photo: @devedo432)

As a husband and father, you are the warrior who has been charged with the duty of pushing back against the evil that seeks to prey on your wife, daughters, and sons. If you don’t step up, who will?

The essence of protection is the “need to establish and defend boundaries.” Boundaries create a sense of identity and trust. Should that line be crossed, men will spring into action. Men are called on to guard the perimeter between danger and safety, protecting tribe and family from predators, human enemies, and natural disasters.

A man adds to his individual honor by developing and demonstrating prowess in the protector role. At the same time, he bolsters his community’s reputation for strength as well, as the tribe’s overall reputation serves as a form of protection in and of itself — functioning as a deterrent to attack.

The protector role requires:

  • Physical strength and endurance.
  • Skill in the use of weapons and strategy.
  • Courage – the ability to stand one’s ground, even when inwardly scared.
  • Physical and emotional stoicism – an insensibility to physical pain and coolness under pressure.
  • Voluntary, graceful acceptance of one’s expendability – a man glories in the fact he may have to lay down his life for his people.
  • Public demonstration of one’s aptitude in the protector role, as shown through physical contests (wrestling, sparring, competitive sports). It is important not only to demonstrate strength and skill in these contests, but to show one’s gameness – that you’re a scrapper who’ll keep coming back for more even when battered.

Check out the rest of the article here

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Welcome To The United States Of Trash

Man Fakes Having Down Syndrome To Hire Women To Bathe Him And Change His Diapers


Paul Menchaca

Police say they have arrested an Arizona man who pretended to have Down syndrome and hired caregivers to bathe him and change his diapers.

Police say Paul Menchaca allegedly posed as a mother called “Amy” in order to hire a caregiver to look after her son with Down syndrome.

A caregiver then told police she assisted Menchaca with diaper changes and baths on around 30 occasions over the US summer at different locations in the Phoenix area.

Two more victims then took over care giving duties in July this year. Police say the three caregivers all know each other, and said Menchaca became sexually aroused when they bathed him.

What tipped the caregivers off to the ruse?

Police said they became skeptical of Menchaca because he would demand they scrub him more thoroughly in “certain areas.” Court records said that one caregiver remembered five occasions when Menchaca “aggressively said his genitals were not cleaned enough,”

Police said the first of Menchaca’s three caregivers eventually followed him to his actual home after he was dropped off at an address after a caregiver session.

She met Menchaca’s parents and found out he didn’t have Down syndrome or need care.

The caregivers then banded together and confronted Menchaca, who confessed he had been lying to them.

Menchaca has since been charged with sexual abuse and fraudulent schemes.

In court during an initial appearance, Menchaca defended himself, FOX 10 reports.

“I do have a low IQ level,” Menchaca said, according to the TV station. “My mom and dad both have paperwork to prove that, and started to talk to my dad about getting me some help, and getting me a counselor.”

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A Few Answers To Questions You Always Wondered About


How do fat acceptance activist rationalize the detriments of being obese?

This is a difficult subject to approach with the majority of society because it’s often met with disbelief due to the lifetime of inaccurate information we’ve been fed. Everything you think you know? Rethink it.

It’s important to note that the creation of our health and fat concern was initially called the “Obesity Parasite.” This started in the late 1800’s and was concocted by the upper class in order to differentiate themselves and reclaim their social power over the lower classes. This wasn’t endorsed by physicians (in fact, they fought it) until the concept became so popular that they caved from the peer pressure. It was created by the people; not the doctors. Did ya hear that? People. Not doctors. Wanna know more about the history behind why we hate ourselves? Well, GOOD NEWS! I’ve compiled it and resources here.

What we believe about health and fat bodies is often inaccurate. Here. Let me blow your mind: Skinny bodies can be unhealthy. Fat bodies can be unhealthy. Skinny bodies can be healthy. And fat bodies can be healthy.What does this mean? It means we must remove weight from the health equation. Period. That leaves us to look at the other signifiers of health. So, check out this list of symptoms compiled in a 2007 UCLA study: “Increased all-cause mortality and to increased mortality from cardiovascular disease. Increased risk for myocardial infarction, stroke, and diabetes, increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol, increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and even suppressed immune function.”

Sounds an awful lot like what we get all shamey about and pin onto fat bodies, doesn’t it? Well, I’ll tell ya what: it’s not a list correlated with obesity, but rather a list of symptoms that comes from weight cycling.

Its a well-known fact that most diets don’t work. We all know this, and there is a ridiculous amount of research to back it up. This “yo-yo dieting” (and all diets are yo-yo diets) is also called Weight Cycling and has those huge physical ramifications listed above. I find it SO odd that we have decided to shame large bodies without knowing their health and then applaud anyone who diets when doing so can be as dangerous as anything else. All while claiming that it’s because we care. It’s backwards as f*ck, y’all.

If we’re REALLY concerned about someone else’s health (and why are we so concerned with someone else’s health again?) we wouldn’t emphatically encourage dieting like we do. Seeing that 75% of women have disordered eating, 116 million American adults are dieting at any given time (Journal of American Medical Association, 2000) and 80% of 10-year-olds have already started dieting, I’d say it’s time we stop congratulating others for harming their bodies in pursuit of fabricated perfection.

But I’ll tell ya what: in the end, a person’s body is none o’ your concern. Bodies are not public property, and not Society’s to diagnose. What humans do with their life and body rests solely on their decisions and our culture needs to stop assuming that we are entitled to commentary.

“ZOMG BUT WHAT ABOUT THOSE FAT PEOPLE THAT HAVE UNHEALTHY VITALS ZOMG” you ask? Allow me to repeat myself; it’s none of your concern. Their body. Their rules.

And ya know what? Loving yourself isn’t just for those who fit our standard created by the media; it’s not something you have to earn. Every single person on the planet deserves the opportunity to feel good about themselves regardless of their size. Not opinion. Fact.

Relevant Viewing: Enough with the fear of fat – Kelli Jean Drinkwater



What’s is life like as a woman living under Sharia Law?

I lived in Saudi Arabia most of my life. Not Saudi myself, and am a woman and left Islam. I hate that place with a passion.

I had to wear a headscarf at the age of nine, lived a segregated life style and in fear of half of the population. I was deprived of my own childhood, and the moment I started wearing a headscarf was the moment I stopped going outside to play because other kids and local imams and religious police would give me shit when they saw a girl in a headscarf at the playground or in the street rollerblading. That’s also when my depression started.

I had to have my male guardian’s permission to get an education, get a job and even get paid for my job. For my BA I wanted to major in graphic design, which wasn’t available in Saudi Arabia. I told my parents that I wanted to go study abroad where my brother was. My papers were ready for submission, but my father went ahead and got me admitted into a public university while I was prepared to study abroad. Neither my permission nor presence were needed. I was at least luckier than two of my friends whose parents didn’t allow to go to uni and forced them to marry men twice their age.

I really struggled with freedom of movement. We didn’t have a driver, and my brother hated driving me around, so I ended up not leaving the house for months at a time expect for school, uni or work. When I started saving up and later earning money, I would take taxis after I kept going late to work because of my brother. I got sexually harassed by a taxi driver a few times​, and I always made sure I’d write down the car plate number, registration number, and if possible the driver’s name and phone number. One time was pretty bad that I called the police and told them what had happened. I told them I knew the driver’s details, but all I was given was “for your own sake, keep this to yourself.” I later made the mistake of telling my mom what happened, minus the police incident and that I had the driver’s details. I made her promise not to tell any of my brothers, but she went ahead and told them. They treated me like a gullible idiot for not taking down the driver’s details, and ever since then, I wasn’t allowed to take taxis or be with a driver by myself, which resulted in my forced isolation at home again. Thing is, I didn’t give them the driver’s details because I knew they would have just gone and beat him up, and I didn’t want that bullshit, but I dug own grave by trusting my mother.

I was even more and more isolated because I wasn’t religious and couldn’t relate to people around me or even my friends, but I had to pretend to be religious because atheism is treated as terrorism and a threat to national security, and is punishable by death. I couldn’t talk about it even to my closest friends.

There was one time when I was in court, and I see a mother with at least 7 children. She came to me for help because she was illiterate and wanted me to fill out a complaint form for her. Her complaint? Her husband married a second wife and made them live in the same house together, and he beat her in front of her children and second wife. Her problem? In order to file a lawsuit, she needs consent from her male guardian, who also happens to be her abuser. She had no other male guardians alive.

So yeah, Saudi Arabia is a shit place for women, but whenever I protested to the people I knew, I was accused of being too westernized or that I was some oversensitive special snowflake and didn’t know my place.



What Was It Like To Be Gassed At A Nazi Concentration Camp

Filip Muller, is one of the rare survivors among those condemned to work in the Sonderkommando (The members of Sonderkommando, composed almost entirely of Jewish inmates, were forced under threat of death to do the most disturbing work for the SS: dispose of the countless corpses of the victims killed in the gas chambers.) . Born in 1922 in a small town (Sered) in Slovakia, Muller was only twenty years old when he was brought to Auschwitz in April 1942. After a short while, as punishment, he was assigned to dispose of the corpses of the victims. Many of them had wasted away to skin and bones in Auschwitz or in Polish ghettos; others had died of typhus and other diseases in the concentration camp; some had been brutally beaten and shot by the SS, others were hung to set an example for other prisoners, but by far most—hundreds of thousands of men, women, children and babies–were collectively massacred in the gas chambers. As Muller recalls, the sadism and brutality of the SS soldiers knew no bounds: “Shouting and wielding their truncheons, like beaters at a hunt, the remaining SS men chased the naked men, women and children into the large room inside the crematorium. All that was left in the yard were the pathetic heaps of clothing which we had to gather together to clear the yard for the second half of the transport”. Here he is describing a gassing:


As people reached the crematorium they saw everything – this horribly violent scene. The whole area was ringed with SS. Dogs barked – machine- guns. They all, mainly the Polish Jews, had misgivings.

They knew something was seriously amiss, but none of them had the faintest of notions that in three or four hours they’d be reduced to ashes.

When they reached the undressing room they saw that it looked like an International Information Centre. On the walls were hooks,and each hook had a number. Beneath the hooks were wooden benches. So people could undress more comfortably, it was said. alise his son lay beneath him”.

And on the numerous pillars that held up this underground undressing room, there were signs with slogans in several languages – “Clean is Good”,” Lice can kill”, “Wash Yourself”, “To the disinfection area”. All those signs were only there to lure people into the gas chambers already undressed – and to the left, at a right angle, was the gas chamber with its massive door.

In Crematoriums II and III, Zyklon B gas crystals were poured in by a so-called SS disinfection squad through the ceiling, and in Crematorium IV and V through side openings. With five or six canisters of gas they could kill around two thousand people.

This so-called disinfection squad arrived in a truck marked with a red cross and escorted people along to make them believe they were being led to take a bath. But the red cross was only a mask to hide the canisters of Zyklon B gas and the hammers to open them.

The gas took about fifteen minutes to kill. The most horrible thing was when the doors of the gas chambers were opened – the unbearable sight – people were packed together like basalt, like blocks of stone. How they tumbled out of the gas chamber.

I saw that several times- that was the toughest thing to take – you could never get used to that. It was impossible.

You see, once the gas was poured in, it worked like this: it rose from the ground upwards. And in the terrible struggle that followed – because it was a struggle – the lights were switched off in the gas chambers. It was dark, no one could see, so the strongest people tried to climb higher. Because they probably realised that the higher they got, the more air there was. They could breathe better. That caused the struggle.

Secondly, most people tried to push their way to the door. It was psychological – they knew where the door was, maybe they could force their way out. It was instinctive, a death struggle. Which is why children and weaker people, and the aged, always wound up at the bottom. The strongest were on top. Because in the death struggle, a father didn’t realise his son lay beneath him”.

And when the doors were opened?

“They fell out. People fell out like blocks of stone, like rocks falling out of a truck. But near the Zyklon B gas, there was a void. There was no one where the gas crystals went in – An empty space. Probably the victims realised that the gas worked strongest there. The people were battered – they struggled and fought in the darkness. They were covered in excrement, in blood, from ears and noses.”

“One also sometimes saw that the people lying on the ground, because of the pressure of the others, were unrecognizable. Children had their skulls crushed. It was awful, Vomit, Blood – from ears and noses, probably even menstrual fluid. I am sure of it.

There was everything in that struggle for life, that death struggle.  It was terrible to see. That was the toughest part.”

“It was impossible to save people. One day in 1943 when I was already in Crematorium V, a train from Bialystok arrived. A prisoner on the Sonderkommando saw a woman in the undressing room, who was the wife of a friend of his.

He came right out and told her – “You are going to be exterminated. In three hours you’ll be ashes”. The woman believed him because she knew him. She ran all over and warned the other women – “ We’re going to be killed. We’re going to be gassed”.

Mothers carrying their children on their shoulders did not want to hear that.

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The Dumping Grounds



Instagram Model Teaches A Class For Women On How To “Bag A Billionaire” And Never Have To Work – Barstool Sports

The Motivating (and Demotivating) Effects of Learning Others’ Salaries – HBR

11 Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy – Traveler

We Found The Perfect Wallet. This heavy-duty, RFID-blocking wallet has clean lines, a smart design, and built-in multi-tool – Amazon

How To Play Long Video Games When You Have No Time – Kotaku

Here’s what burgers look like at 16 Michelin-starred restaurants around the country – Insider

A Rural Community Decided To Treat Its Opioid Problem Like A Natural Disaster – NPR

How much does a cable box really cost? The industry would prefer you don’t ask – LA Times

(Pseudo) Scientific Strategies for Trick-or-Treating Like a Beast – Wired

A serious upgrade to your old school toothbrush – Quip

What Billionaires Want: The Secret Influence Of America’s 100 Richest – The Guardian

The Reddit Forum That Guesses Who You Are Based on What’s in Your Fridge – New Yorker

Muslim groups raise enough money to cover funeral costs for all Pittsburgh victims – 10TV

Confessions of a U.S. Postal Worker: “We deliver Amazon packages until we drop dead.” – Medium

Inside the Only Supercar Factory In America – Jalopnik

Maybe The Best Speaker Ever? And for nearly $3k, it should be – Amazon

Whitey Bulger Reportedly Killed Because He Was a ‘Rat’ – Rolling Stone

Thai restaurant diners horrified to find they were served human meat – Daily Mail

Scientists reverse hair loss by making scalp “smell” sandalwood – Big Think

New York woman, 20, who lied about rapes, appears to roll her eyes in court as she’s jailed for a year – Fox News

Red Sox fans damaged the World Series trophy with a thrown beer – Sports Gossip

Working at Netflix Sounds Like Hell – Gizmodo

Jennifer Love Hewitt Has A Phat Ass – Drunken Stepfather

How to Negotiate the Best Deal on a New or Used Car – The Art Of Manliness

Random Halloween Hotties – G-Celeb

Japanese Pop-Up Restaurant Served the Last Meals of Infamous Death Row Inmates – Oddity Central

Dana White Once Threatened By Whitey Bulger’s Muscle Team For $2,500 – Busted Coverage

‘Adrenaline Junkie’ Couple Found Dead After Falling 800-Feet In Yosemite While Taking A Selfie – All That Is Interesting

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Halloween Brings Out The Best In Girls























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Reaction GIFs Beeeeyotch!


When my kids believe they have to leave their Halloween candy in the kitchen “so mice don’t get it”


My brain cells when they see an exam question I know the answer to



When my mom sees me vacuuming the house 


When playing Red Dead 2 and a guy witnesses me looting a dead body and goes to tell the Sheriff


When I flush and the water reaches the rim, but then goes back down on its own


When I hear that Hillary Clinton is considering another run for president


My girlfriends reaction when we move in together and I load the dishwasher for the first time


When it’s halloween and the kid with no costume expects me to give them candy


When my wife suggested wearing sheets to dress as ghosts for halloween and we’re the only white family in the neighborhood 


When a fat person tries to argue with me that ‘healthy obesity’ exists


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There Are Some Things You Just Can’t Argue With

18 BADASS Artist That You Should Consider Getting Your Next Tattoo From




















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The Daily Man-Up: There Is Never A Perfect Time For You To Take Action


(photo: @quillofspirit)

There is never a perfect time for you to take action. There is never a perfect time for you to launch that project, to spend time with your family, to write a book, change your habit, or embrace a new habit. Once you acknowledge this, you will get a lot more meaningful work done everyday.

I’m too tired. I don’t have the time. I am not capable. Someone else will do it. It’s too late now. Now is not the right time. I am not talented. I am not ready. I’m too scared. Nobody will help me. What if I fail. I don’t feel motivated. I’d rather do nothing. I don’t have the money..yet!

It’s easy to come up with excuses and justify not getting started. The longer you fill your head with rationalizations and empty excuses, the less time you have to take action.

It’s easy to say, “I will start when I have more experience, money, time and resources”. By this time next year, you will have a lot more excuses.

It’s a cycle.

And once you get caught in the loop, it, can be difficult to break free and do something meaningful you care about.

The self-criticism and self-doubt will always be present, and the only solution is to just act in spite of them.

Your first ebook, article, song, podcast, freelancer work or creative work never will not be satisfying and perfect, and it’s okay. But it pays to start anyway.

In ten years, you will be glad you tried.

There will always be a reason why it can’t be done. People constantly explain away why they couldn’t, shouldn’t, didn’t, or simply wouldn’t do something.

When you make excuses, you are simply saying, “I’m not in control.”

But guess what — you are the only person who is fully in control of your actions and decisions in the world. Making excuses robs you of your personal power.

People make excuses because of the fear of the unknown. Others are just afraid of change, rejection and embarrassment.

Fear locks you in your comfort zone. And nothing magical or remarkable happens in your safe zone. You can stop making excuses if you learn how to eliminate all traces of fear from your life.

The next time you experience a setback, don’t make an excuse. See it as a challenge, learn from it and move on.

Excuses are distractions, and they reduce your confidence and self-belief. You don’t want that — especially when you still have a lot to show the world.

Check out the rest of the article here

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What’s It Like To Lose Everything


I once had it all – literally what seemed to be the pinnacle of my life or so it seemed. We just purchased a beautiful new home in a great area of the city. Zero debt plus 6 figures in the bank. Cute new car. Great position at work. To the outside world, we seemed like the “it” couple. Then everything came crashing down.. fast and HARD!

Marriage dissolved almost overnight. I lasted ONE year in that brand new house. ONE. For reasons too long to list, my 14 yr relationship with what was supposed to be my “life” partner dissolved. And with it, I also lost my immediate family – goodbye brother and mother (dad croaked years ago).

SAME effin time, my work decided to let me go – AFTER dedicating 10 years of my life to them and being promoted 4–5xs. I didn’t see it coming at all. It was almost like I was blindsided. I was in the middle of a monster release, was working around the clock – so much so that my European counterparts were convinced I never slept. My developers, everyone was BLINDSIDED that THEY (VPs, CTO, etc) chose to cut me off. Me and my barely 6 figure salary. I believe I was paid about high $90k then.

And my SHYTHOLE of a soon to be ex wanted EVERY FKN THING! He would NOT let me go. So I left him the house, car, everything in it. EVERYTHING was devalued at a fraction of a price just so that I can be free and OUT of harms way. What did this mean? It meant that I had to start over… and can kiss my upgraded Samsung appliances buh-bye. LOL it was back to laundry mats again. Which is fine but still.. I miss having my own washer dryer.

Same time my 16 yr old dog is dying… Literally. He was diagnosed with an incurable aggressive tumor at the same time my marriage fell apart. So to date- lost my house, husband, job, mother, brother and now dog?! Yea shyt times dont even being to cover it.

PLUS I had to now pay my very expensive divorce attorney. Yes he kept me safe but at a price. $50k to be exact.

By some miracle, my old landlord heard of my plight and offered me my old home back. Upgraded appliances and all. Phew. So that solved where to live. But the economy was still in the tank. NO ONE WAS HIRING! And I mean NO one.

Despite my good background, I couldn’t find a job close by. Ended up commuting down the Peninsula 2 hours each way. Did I mention my ex got the car? Yep so I Zipcar and rode their shuttle and just made it work. My health took the brute of it. My body was attacking itself from all the stress. My gums became swollen. My digestive tract rejected something as simple as strawberries. And there was nothing my GP could do but wait for the stress to subside and for my body to go back to “normal”. I ballooned up 45 lbs in 6 months because of this and no, I wasn’t pregnant.

But I was working right? LOL wrong. That peninsula gig lasted approximately 2 months! The boss turned out to be an utter nightmare. All 8 people in her dept either quit or transferred out she was such a dragon lady. A few months later my old job (yes the one that let me go) asked me to come back and help them out of a bind. *sigh* Beggars cannot be choosers, right? It’s work, right?

So I returned.. 45 lbs bigger and clearly depressed because of everything else going on in my life. Everyone at work was flabbergasted. Few could barely recognize me. Some naively asked if I was happy to be back. I responded “This feels like attending your exbf’s wedding and he’s marrying a supermodel. Btw he’s the one who got away.. That’s what THIS feels like”

But I soildered on cuz I needed the money. That didn’t last. My boss at the time turned out to be dealing with her own life problems and thus wasn’t in the best headspace – explaining the sudden bind. The person who I replaced couldn’t take the stress and jump ship midstream – which is highly unusual, especially knowing her caliber and strong work ethic. So this “return” only lasted 3 months! My exit was so callous that they turned off my admin rights AS I was teaching a class!

At this point, I sincerely hated life. I was trying to make the financial bleed stop. I even played around w/ water fasting thinking of various ways to stretch the dollar. The only person who didn’t suffer was my dying dog. I forgoed vitamins, healthy food, healthcare, etc. I sold EVERYTHING. All my eletronic appliances – gone via Ebay. All my jewelry gone!

Diamond stud earrings went to a lovely lesbian via Ebay. I gave sent her the appraisal that I had made almost a decade ago for insurance purposes. My watch went to a second hand shop in Florida. My cocktail earrings went to a diamond merchant downtown. And my wedding rings went to an “estate” jeweler close by. The last stung the most. I never had ANYTHING EXPENSIVE my whole life. This was it. I cried SO much. I didn’t want to let them go but I had zero choice. None.

Unemployment was maxed out after 6 months. I sold everything else at home. LOL I even sold my stupid Burberry scarf, air filter and a flash drive. Basically if it served no utilitarian purpose, it was gone. Even if I only made $5. It was still $5 more than what I previously had.

I remember the jeweler almost didn’t take the rings. He said I needed to stop crying or else he wouldn’t take them and gave me this stupid lecture how they weren’t flawless. Flawless my azz. I know jewelry and they nearly ticked off “excellent” in all the 4Cs. He said I was young and pretty and will probably remarry. LOL I couldn’t think straight. I could not stop crying. How do I explain to him that I was married to a monster and those rings were the only piece of jewelry that I ever had the 14 yrs I was with him. My eyes even water now in remembrance.

But I had to pay the bills. I have to pay my rent and utilites. My utilities got turned off at least once. EACH of them.

I ended up at a startup through a recruiter who I met via an old application a few yrs ago. That was ok until she met me. Talk about catfight. Meow! She got on my case because I was always hungry and started to shrink. How do I explain to her that I barely had any food at home? That being at work and access to the snacks and free meals was my guaranteed sustinance of the day?! But I kept it professional.

And lo behold this Series A startup closed up shop. That gig lasted 4 1/2 months. FML!!! And worse yet, not only did they lose funding but we had to move.. from the best place of the city to the worst. So not only was I poor but now I’m worried about my safety because I’m now surrounded by drugged out vagrants. Lovely.

All throughout this time, I maxed out my CCs. Cashed in my 401k. Liquidated my savings. I was as poor as can be. And completely utterly miserable.

18 months floated by.. yes 18 months and zero bites. None, nada. I even tried my hand at odd jobs. No one would hire me. Even dumbed down my resume. No dice. Then miraculously I landed a gig. Something that I knew as it was applicable to my background. And shyt, well guess what happened.. Yep. Let go again. This time after 5 solid months.

It turned out to be a clusterfk. They kept moving the deadlines. Politics up the wazoo. And the environment was wierd. The men kept flirting with me. Constantly. Didn’t matter what age. 25 all the way up to 40. I was 42 back then. But I still did it. Cuz dmn it, I’m not a quitter and sorely needed the cash.

My loving friends stood buy and offered emotional support. One even loaned me cash as he is a self retired budding millionaire. First I thought he did it because of his religion and the fact that his mom loaned him cash when he was in a bind. Nope. Turns out he was hoping to fk me and professed having a long standing crush on me. Um, no ty.

As of today, I’m slowly getting my shyt in order. Slowly rebuilding my life. So no, not back to where I was but I’m hopeful. But what you just read described my fall from grace.

– Anonymous

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God, I Love Discovering New Twisted Fetishes


So, I met this beautiful woman about 7 months ago at an alumni function. We hit it off and honestly she’s everything I could ask for. I’m not sure if I’m still in the honeymoon phase, but so far everything is working out and she even moved in with me two months ago with no problems.

However, this past holiday season she started doing something gross. Honestly, it’s so disgusting I haven’t even asked my friends or family for help on this matter. On Christmas Eve, I woke up pleasantly surprised to see that she was cooking breakfast. But, when I looked at my scrambled eggs, it looked really really sketchy. It looked way too moist. My gf told me she used a fancy cheese which is why it was extra moist and smelly. I believed her and ate it. The texture was absolutely horrendous, but taste-wise it was fine. She beamed and started planning our holiday.

Then on New Year’s Eve, we were cuddling and doing couple things. She brought strawberries and whipped cream. We did some fun with the whipped cream and she fed me the strawberries. Then she chewed up a berry and fed it to me. I thought it was weird, but I was so horny I didn’t mind. We finished the rest of the berries in the same manner, and the subsequent sex was AMAZING.

But… now she’s starting to chew her food and feed it to me. Sometimes not in a sexual manner. Steak, chicken, salad, eggs, etc. It’s so disgusting. When I tell her to stop she starts crying and says I don’t love her enough. All of our fights were about this issue. I eventually eat some and its so gross. I recoil whenever I think about the texture.

Help??? I thought maybe she needs to talk to a therapist or maybe I should contact an ex of hers to see if he went through something similar. She is perfect for me except for this one issue.

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Poll Of The Day


What's the biggest age gap you'd be willing to date?
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The Dumping Grounds


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