When I’m seeing a patient and there’s suddenly an overwhelming smell of poop
When I’m drunk at a party trying to act sober
When the girl i’m texting doesn’t reply for 2 days and just says “oh sorry I forgot to respond”
When my friend signs into netflix and the email is AOL
When the chair makes a farting sound and I awkwardly try to recreate it
My reaction if I ever saw Kate Upton in person
When I see my friend successfully pick up a beautiful woman
When I saw the video of myself doing karaoke on my birthday
My face when I’m at the Jury Duty interview
When someone threatens me on the internet
When my GF found my porn
When my date starts talking about how Scientology could be really helpful for me
When I hear my name coming from people I don’t like
My reaction when the USA advances in the World Cup (even though I won’t watch soccer for 4 years after this)
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