When the checkout clerk keeps joking that “That’s a lot of Jergens for one man.”
When there’s no lock on the bathroom stall and someone walks in
When my co-workers want to go out for lunch for the 5th straight day
My little nephew’s reaction when he realizes it’s his bedtime and I’m trying to put him to sleep
When I get an unexpected day off from work due to inclement weather, but I’m an hourly employee and I’m behind on my bills
When the class bursts into laughter after the teacher says “you have to be stupid to get this question wrong” and I don’t understand it at all.
When my friends come to the movie theatre I work at and I can see them from the projection booth
When I’m obviously winning the fight between me and my wife and she randomly brings up something I did 6 years ago
When a waiter walks by with someone else’s food and it looks better than yours
Putin’s reaction when receiving calls from world leaders
When I Wake Up to My Wife Coming in From Her Shower
When I send a long heartfelt message to someone and they respond with “k”
When I fill in B six time in a row on a scantron test
When I don’t get a joke my boss is telling me
Watching Lego Movie in an almost full theater… and only a few people are laughing
When I overhear my lesbian friends at a party say they want to “experiment” with a guy
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