If you haven’t had the opportunity to fly in or out of the Denver International Airport you are missing out on a truly eerie experience. Located 25 miles from Denver on a plot of land encompassing 53 square miles, sits the second largest – and the most bizarre airport in the world. For years this airport has been fertile ground for some pretty wild conspiracy theories that involve the Masons, alien lizard people, the end of the world, an underground bunker twice the size of Manhattan – and the rise of a New World Order. Now as mental as this all may sound, this conspiracy is actually scarily believable.
One of the most noticeable and questionable features of the airport is the unorthodox artwork that adorns its walls. Murals that can be viewed in the baggage claim area feature content that, according to some, feature future military oppression and a one world government similar to the concept of “big brother.” The most memorable of these pieces is a large green soldier of sorts with an eagle symbol on his hat, a bayonet tipped gun and a large curved sword in the other hand. Underneath the soldier are signs of poverty and distress, a woman clutching her baby and children sleeping in ruins. Viewers of the piece state that it appears to represent themes of future military oppression and a one world government. The artist of the piece, Leo Tanguma, however claims that the mural and others like it represent man made destruction of the environment and genocide while the people of the world come together to live in peace. The two large murals are entitled “In Peace and Harmony with Nature” and “The Children of the World Dream of Peace.”
Children buried in coffins underneath, while on top above ground a solar fire storm rages.
The most bizarre thing you will notice about the Denver International Airport is not just the fact that it’s filled with very freaky occultic symbols, it’s that they are so undeniably present wherever you look. Instead of trying to hide them, or be clever about it, these works of darkness are on bold display, daring you to figure them out.
Within the Denver International Airport there is a dedication marker which is inscribed with the compasses and square associated with the Freemasons. Additionally this marker lists two of the grand lodges of Freemasonry located in Colorado. This marker reads:
- New World Airport Commission
- Contributors: Martin Marietta Aeronautics, Fentress Bradburn Architects, Zimmerman Metals
Interestingly enough, according to multiple sources the “New World Airport Commission” does not exist.
In addition to the mysterious capstone and what seem to be foreshadowing murals, those who pull up to Denver International Airport will note a giant blue mustang. While many will make the connection with the Denver Broncos and the wild looking horse that is reared up on its hind legs, conspiracy theorists see something else entirely. The blue cast-fiberglass sculpture is 32 feet tall and weighs 9,000 pounds and was sculpted by New Mexico artist Luis Jimenez. This giant horse rears up with red fiery eyes and resembles one of the horses of the apocalypse as lights from below highlight its bony ribcage and contrast its terrifying eyes.
The post Conspiracy Theorist Assemble! There’s Some Fu*kery Going On At The Denver Airport appeared first on Caveman Circus.