When I forgot my phone but I’m already running late
That girl WAS actually hitting on me the other night
When I realize I have an assignment due tomorrow
Checking my finals grades on the internet
When my 14 year old German Shepherd, who barely moves anymore, comes up to me with his leash in his mouth, asking to go for a walk
When multiple drivers arrive simultaneously at a four way stop
Watching the tow truck take the car that’s been in my parking spot for 3 weeks
When I tried google fiber for the first time
When I’m drunk at a bar and a friend asks a cute girl if she’s met me yet
When I play my last card in Uno
The first time I woke up to a blowjob
When I accidentally open Internet Explorer
The guy ahead of me in line at Starbucks tipped the employee really well, the employee said, “Thanks a Latte”. This is how the guy looked at me as he was sitting down.
When she said I could finish inside her
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