When a hot girl comes on the bus, and the only free spot is next to me.
When my GF and I get paid on the same day
When I tell my friends I am going to get another drink, while already drunk…
When a program I pirated wants to update
When I learned Mexico has passed the US as the fattest country
When im hanging with my best friend and his gf and get third wheel status
When I saw that Miley Cyrus was Maxim’s 2013 #1 hottest girl…
When a girl asks me to dance at a club
When I try to get my friend to watch a show I love
When my wife says we are having another kid
When I wake up, look at the clock, and realize I am 2 hours late for work
When the hot girl in yoga pants decides to get on the treadmill directly in front of you.
The moment when you’re all done, but the porn is still playing
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