Hey guys.
This is an important topic that I believe is a sticking point for many of you guys. I’m here to share a simple hack that you can do to help you qualify women, and help them see you as a potential sexual partner and not just a friend.
Conveying Sexual Intent
If you can convey that you are interested in her physically early on, you can establish a sexual frame. Think of a sexual frame as the lens that she sees all further communication through. It makes it clear that you are looking for a sexual partner and not just a friend.
Direct game is one way of doing this. You guys probably have heard this before.
Example: "Hi, I had to stop you. You’re absolutely stunning. What’s your name?"
But I want to show you a simple hack that you can work into your approach, no matter what style of game you run, to set a sexual frame and build sexual tension.
I have two versions I use that work well.
Version 1: "You’re My Type"
This one is simple. Just mention off the cuff that one of the girls you’re talking to is your type. I like, "I’m really glad you’re cool because you’re totally my type." This plants the idea of you two ending up together in her mind. Make sure to say it slowly, deliberately, with strong eye context. Touch the small of her back if you can. Make sure she sees you’re not just saying it randomly, but that you actually mean it. Afterwards, continue with your conversation like normal.
Version 2: Physical Compliment
After you’ve opened, but within the first few minutes of conversation, give her a compliment on her looks. (It’s important to note, do not do this as the opener unless you plan to run direct game and know what you’re doing.)
I like to hold her hand for a bit during the introduction handshake, look her in the eye and say "You’ve got such soft skin." Pause for effect. Resume conversation like normal.
You can say anything that conveys that you find her physically hot. "Your eyes are absolutely stunning." or I even have been using "It has to be said, I fucking love your cleavage."
Honestly, it doesn’t matter as long as you make it clear you see her as a potential sexual mate.
I know this seems redundant because YOU already know you have sexual intent, but girls decide early on whether you’re going into the friend pile or the sexual mate pile. Make sure she knows which pile you’re going into.
There it is. Simple as pie. Convey sexual intent no more than a few minutes into your approach and watch your friendzone/flake rate drop dramatically.
Good luck out there, guys!