The concept – design an environment in which to read and contemplate. Equally crucial – be incredibly modern in aesthetic. The library moves. The underside is curved, allowing steady rocking, controlled by the occupant, as you would an old rocking chair. Each of the 15 box units are bolted back to back, the largest fitting through any domestic aperture. Assembly takes around two hours. Oh, and no, the library will not roll over. No matter how hard you try! Enjoy.
Designer: Thomas Mills (United Kingdom)
Manufacturer: ifsodoso (United Kingdom)
Inspired By: Ron Arad, Martino Gamper, Chris Burden, Helio Oiticica, Le Corbusier, Bauhaus, De Stijl
Material: Plywood, Flourescent Tubes, Bolts, Cord, Polycarbonate, Piano Hinge
Colours: Blonde Varnished Plywood, Red/Orange/Yellow/Fluorescent Lime Panels
Dimension: 246cm in diameter x 100cm wide at base.
Price: £6000 + postage