(photo: @nooryounis)
“Pretend your time is worth $1,000/hr. Would you spend five of them doing extra work for free? Would you waste one on being angry?” – Niklas Göke
You have very few hours here on on this earth.
Still, many people waste much of their time on pointless, low-quality activities that don’t help them reach their true goals — their mission.
The truth is, most people value their time at far, far less than it’s worth.
They say yes to things they have no business doing. They give away their talents, attention, and effort to others who take, take, take.
They spend hours watching low-quality television and social media when they should be productive and effective.
See, many people could be making a fortune (if they used their time well)…but instead, they give away their time in unproductive ways that leave them broke, unhappy, and stuck.
But what if you placed a high value on your time?
How would that change you? Your life? Your family? Your future?
Imagine that an hour of your time is worth $1,000.
What would your life look like?
What people would you stop putting up with?
What problems would you stop wasting time on?
What things would you stop — and start — doing?
Your results would be incredible. You’d become exponentially more productive, focused, and effective.
“Most people have no clue what they are doing with their time but still complain that they don’t have enough.” -Grant Cardone, NYT best-selling author
“Busyness” Isn’t a Badge of Honor; It’s a Sign of Weakness
“Being busy is a form of mental laziness.” -Tim Ferriss
It takes discipline to not become “busy.”
If you let it, your world and the people around you will take all your time. Your time is not unlike your paycheck; if you don’t budget for things, you’ll have nothing left over by the end of the month.
This is how lives are wasted — by doing thankless work for ungrateful takers that didn’t deserve your time in the first place.
We’re all busy — with work, our families, our friends. It’s not bad to be “busy.” But in the words of best-selling author Jeff Goins:
“The most successful people I know are not busy. They’re focused.”
Are you focused, making tangible action steps towards what truly matters?
…Or are you just “busy?”
Check out the rest of the article here
The post The Daily Man-Up appeared first on Caveman Circus.