A Ku Klux Klan member dangles a hangman’s noose from a car as a warning to blacks to stay away from polling places in the municipal primary in Miami on May 3, 1939. Despite the threats, 616 black men and women voted
Shasta Gorene was the lone survivor of a serial killer who murdered her entire family. She was arrested last year for leaving meth near her two infant children and was rearrested this year for violating her probation (article)
In Afghanistan 5 US Soldier formed a “Kill Team” to deliberately murder civilians; they posed with the bodies of their victims and took parts as trophies
Autistic children strapped to a radiator in a mental hospital, 1982
In 2004, 16 year old Atefeh Sahaaleh was executed in Iran for adultery and “crimes against chastity” after she confessed, under torture, to being raped repeatedly by a 51 year old man
Man raped and stabbed 20+ times in prison for raping and killing his 1 1/2 year old step son
A Navajo Indian, Tom Torlino, before and after his assimilation at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, PA, circa 1882
Just before he entered the gas chamber,John Graham (pictured here just before his execution for the mass murder of 43 people), said “As far as feeling remorse for those people, I don’t. I can’t help it. Everybody pays their way and they take and they take their chances. That’s just the way it goes.”
A soviet woman who lost 7 brothers during WW2 baked 7 loads of bread as a sign for love for eternity
One of Charles Bell’s paintings of a casualty from the Battle of Corunna. It depicts a soldier suffering muscle contractions during the final stages of tetanus. The image was composed after Bell watched 3 soldiers suffer with the same condition.
A regional boss of the Zetas laughed as he used an axe to chop up a 6-year-old girl in front of her bawling parents, telling the father it was “so you can remember me” (article)
A regional boss of the Zetas laughed as he used an axe to chop up a 6-year-old girl in front of her bawling parents, telling the father it was “so you can remember me,” an eyewitness testified Wednesday at the San Antonio trial of the accused cartel figure.
Marciano “Chano” Millan Vasquez then ordered the girl’s parents hacked to death, said the witness, a 39-year-old convicted marijuana trafficker.
Keeping your Valentine’s Day tradition no matter what
You know? We are all guilty of taking our other half for granted from time to time. We may forget to give a goodbye…
Posted by Chasidy Gwaltney on Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Convicted murderer of 13 year old Mary Phagan Leo Frank after he was kidnapped from prison and lynched by several Atlanta higher-ups in 1915
Pencil Factory Superintendent Leo Frank, 31 confessed murderer and rape of Mary Phagan in 1913. The jury unanimously voted that he was guilty. The jury included several Jewish jurors. Not a single one of them voted that he was not guilty. His wife, Lucille Selig, refused to be buried next to her husband in her passing. Many of the factory girls employed at his factory testified that his character for lasciviousness was bad. In his attempts at getting away with the murder, Leo Frank tried to pin the blame on two black employees, Newt Lee, the night watchman, and James ”Jim” Conley, the janitor, who admitted he was an accomplice to the murder by disposing of Mary Phagan’s body by dragging it from the metal room to the basement.
Leo Frank infamously broke his only alibi on August of 1913, where in prior he stated he’d never left his office at the time of Mary Phagan’s slaying. On August of 1913, Leo Frank unknowingly stated what amounted to a murder confession where he admitted he may have had an ”unconscious visit to the men’s bathroom” at the exact time and place Mary Phagan died (the men’s bathroom was located right next to Mary Phagan’s workstation, and there were no other people on Frank’s floor that day, as everyone else was well accounted for. Leo Frank’s house maid also testified that she heard Leo Frank confess to his wife that he murdered Mary Phagan on the night of the murder.
Every legal jurisdiction in Atlanta and the Supreme Court ruled Leo Frank had a very fair trial, despite his constant appeals. When he was about to be lynched and asked if he was guilty of murdering Mary Phagan, Leo Frank ”hung his head in shame” and then stated ”I care more about my mother and my wife than I do my own life”.
Mother finds baby dead, screams at father for killing her (News clip with 9/11 call)
Note from a Chinese prisoner
This clothes is made and processed by the Chinese Xuzhou (徐州) Prison. Prisoners’ work hours: 300 hours/month, compensation: 90 dollars/month. Processing electronic and informatics related products. [The prison] uses the disciplinary team at prison area #11 to brutally physically torture and abuse the prisoners, causing deaths and disability. Send this message to internal and humanity organizations including UN, EU, TWO, USCC, MERICS, AICHR, HK, France, Germany, and Japan etc. to investigate how Chinese prisons achieve to have processed more than 10 billions of clothes and vast amount of electronics and IT products through illegal means. Collaborators with prisons include national brands: Huawei, ZTE, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Vina Sanxin, Bosideng, and Double Star. [A bunch of personal information including name and address that I am not translating here.] The Chinese lawyer who was supposed to defend the prisoners’ right has been oppressed by the extremist politicians, so I risk my life to ask for help from the international society. SOS, SOS, SOS.”
A letter written about Joy Stewart, a pregnant woman raped and murdered by Denis Mcguire who took 26 minutes to die by failed execution
The post Life Isn’t All Sunshine And Rainbows appeared first on Caveman Circus.