Channel shows arc of a man’s illness: old videos show him healthy/doing tattoo work, later he’s diagnosed with fatal insomnia (losing 100% capacity to sleep), getting no sleep for over a year, mentally unravels [videos about God, conspiracy theories, planetary diagrams, etc] before passing away
A Day in South America’s “Most Humane” Prison
Rare Footage Of Wrestlers In The 1980s Backstage And In Locker Rooms…Much Cocaine Was Consumed That Day
Tuna Master Kuniaki Yoshizawa Serves an Entire Omakase out of Bluefin Tuna
23 Year Old Woman Is A Full Time Slave To Her Sadist Boyfriend
Insightful podcast about why college kids nowadays are so triggered and need safe spaces….Recommended Reading: The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure
The post The Dumping Grounds appeared first on Caveman Circus.