When my parents tell me they looked through my internet history at the diner table
After much time had passed and realizing that girl was totally trying to flirt with me.
When I’m about to fall asleep
When you don’t understand a joke but your friends do
When I finally got my crush’s phone number
When I get to the top of a roller coaster
When I’m in a single-toilet restroom and I hear someone try the door, putting all my faith in the lock
When my slow work computer freezes after important unsaved progress
After i heard that justin beiber called himself the kurt kobain of this generation
When my cat won’t leave the room during ‘private time’
After getting laid for the first time in months
When I spot Super Smash Bros being played at a party
“Don’t move, there’s a wasp on you!”
“Hey man, you wanna get some Chipot…”
Whenever I tell a joke, waiting for someone to get it