A damn fine collection of bewbs and awesomeness – Leenks
I’m still here: back online after a year without the internet – The Verge
This is the ultimate in laziness, perfect for playing iPhone, iPad or Nintendo Switch in bed – Amazon
Accepting Alzheimer’s, One Lost Memory at a Time – NY Times
Where is the boundary between your phone and your mind? As our online existences become less distinct from ‘real life’, experts raise concern about the growing power of big tech – The Guardian
The Best Books of 2018 – Kottke
A rocker’s guide to management: Bands are known for drink, drugs and dust-ups. But beyond the debauchery lie four models for how to run a business. Ian Leslie explains – 1843
How to Love: Legendary Zen Buddhist Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh on Mastering the Art of “Interbeing” – Brain Pickings
Kid Rock Pays Off $81,000 in Layaways at Nashville Walmart – Maxim
Walk-off TD on laterals! Miami Dolphins shock New England Patriots – Sports Gossip
An exclusive look inside Google’s in-house incubator Area 120 – Fast Co
How Kareem Hunt’s Chiefs career crashed after a night out – ESPN
The 6 reasons why Huawei gives the US and its allies security nightmares – MIT
This cartoon explains why Elon Musk thinks we’re characters in a computer simulation – VOX
The Best Car Phone Mount Out There, Won’t Shake Or Wobble – Amazon
Olivia Munn Looks Different But Hot – Hollywood Tuna
How to Sleep: Should you drink more coffee? Should you take melatonin? Can you train yourself to need less sleep? A physician’s guide to sleep in a stressful age
– The Atlantic
How to Choose Wisely From Yelping to dating, there’s a better way – Nautilus
What I Do When I Can’t Focus – Darius Foroux
Kendall Jenner Shows her Nipples of the Day – Drunken Stepfather
I Am 37 Years Old And I Live Paycheck To Paycheck – Huffpost
We Asked Couples Why They Opened Up Their Relationship From having a micropenis to living on different continents, non-monogamous couples answer the questions friends are too afraid to ask – VICE
The 20 most unhealthy countries in the world – Insider
Substitute teacher convicted for sexually assaulting boy she met at detention – Trending Views
The post Linkage appeared first on Caveman Circus.