Girlfriend gives heartwarming surprise to Marine at his graduation
Student Surprises Special Needs Classmate Who Loves Cement Trucks With A Present
Preschoolers who vowed to wed each other in 1995 tie the knot almost 20 years later
Taught my dog to be “gentle” when biting toys and treats
Santa signs to a deaf child
Kid receiving his adoption papers for Christmas
“This is my dog Bruce and my cat Jim. Bruce went blind from being diabetic 2.5 years ago. Jim is about a year and a half old and has been Bruce’s buddy ever since he was a tiny kitten. He figured out pretty fast that Bruce couldn’t see him but could smell him. He loves to lead Bruce around the yard and play hide and go seek. It keeps his buddy sharp, as most blind animals develop dementia.”
The Dog Is ALWAYS Watching!
Guy surprises his mom after being gone for months
I hadn’t seen my mom in 4 months and with the help of family and friends I was able to come home for break, she was a little surprised
— Tommy Cha (@Cha1Tommy) December 5, 2018
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