Anyone can talk the talk.
Not many people can walk the walk.
A terrible habit quite a few people fall into is believing that “one day” it’ll all come together. What does that even mean, “one day”? What are you going to do, wake up and find yourself in a $5-million mansion with two Ferraris parked outside? What, is it just going to “appear” out of nowhere?
“One day” is today. “One day” is right now.
You’re not going to “be patient one day.” You’re going to be patient NOW. You’re not going to “start doing things differently one day.” You’re going to start doing things differently NOW. You’re not going to “finally make it work one day.” You’re going to make it work right NOW.
Big leaps happen by adding lots of tiny steps up over a long period of time.
If you think you can skip that process, you’re wrong.
Whatever it is you want to become, become that to the best of your ability right now. Whatever it is you want to do, do that to the best of your ability right now. In weightlifting we would call this “training until failure.”
Every day, everything you do, train until failure.
Check out the rest of the article here
The post The Daily Man-Up: Small, Daily Habits Are More Important Than Big, Infrequent Home Runs appeared first on Caveman Circus.