(photo: @tegan)
What is MGTOW?
Men Going Their Own Way are guys who’ve decided to forgo relationships due to a perceived imbalance of power between men and women, and have modified their lifestyle and outlook on life to continue without women.
I’m a red pill man (red pill is the umbrella that MGTOW falls under), but may or not be mgtow. I’ll wait until they define what is or isn’t mgtow before I say, since it fluctuates. Either way, I’ve had some tragic and rather traumatic experiences with women, or have seen it in close friends.
- Actually had a woman in college say to my face that she would never date me unless absolutely no one else wanted her and she’d need a man to take care of her. The female friends I had said nothing as she insulted me for nothing.
- An incident in college where I was guilt-tripped into escorting two female friends to a campus event that I did not wish to attend (due to a rape scare that was going on at the time). The guy they were both crushing on didn’t want to take them. I had to walk all the way across campus to get them, and all the way back to the event. When it was announced the event was cancelled, both girls got on the phone and called the guy who refused to escort them. All I got for my trouble was a rude goodbye…not even a thank you or an acknowledgment.
- Was beaten by my ex-mom when I was 10 and accidentally hit her in self-defense (she was slapping me and I was trying to stop her from hitting me…hitting her by accident in the process). For years afterwards, my family claimed that I attacked her.
- Was accused of molesting a girl in college. Later found out from a mutual friend that she actually liked black men, but came from a racist family. I was one of many that she’d shown sexual interest in then tried to say she’d been molested. Even years later, she was so remorseless that she couldn’t understand why I never spoke to her again.
- An incident where a girl had a crush on a friend of mine. He didn’t return her advances, so she took out her frustration on me (since I’m ugly to her).
- The realization that everything I’d been taught about being good to women gives them a free pass to walk all over me.
- Seeing how my ex-mom treated my ex-dad, especially in recent years. When he was poor and she had money, he had to give her money “for the kids”. Now that the shoe is on the opposite foot, he has to pay for her crap while she not only spends needlessly, she costs him more money by being super wasteful and buying the most expensive items she can…putting him in debt.
- Seeing the attitude women have when a man doesn’t let her run his life.
- Blatant sexism I’ve seen women commit on men, but yet they’ll blow up if a man says something small like “women spend money.”
- Seeing NAWALTS (not all women are like that) who actually ARE like that when push comes to shove.
- Having my ex-grandmother say to my face that she’d always take my mom’s side over mine if we were ever in a confrontation, even if my mother was in the wrong and I was in the right.
- Having a good friend from High School have his heart utterly broken by a woman he dated making him believe their son was his until after she’d spent his entire nest egg.
- Having two of my 4 exes leave me for other men (remnant of hypergamy).
- Paternity fraud is not illegal in the United States, and men not only have to pay for the women and children in the event of a divorce/break-up, they have to give her the house, the car, and continue to support her. Women largely don’t find this unfair or appalling. I think it’s absolutely disgraceful!
- Times I got in trouble as an adult since I refused to placate to my ex-mom or ex-baby sister’s whims.
- Seeing incidences where women lie and say a man did something horrible to him to keep from getting in trouble herself.
- Saw a case on the news where a woman tried to have a hit man kill her husband, then pretended to be hysterically upset when he was “killed”. When it turned out one of the men she asked to kill him notified the police and her husband, she pretended she did nothing of the sort…despite there being audio and video evidence of her talking to the alleged hit man.
- Ex-mom called the police on me over a verbal altercation. Lied and said that I had threatened and intimidated her in an attempt to have me thrown from ex-dad’s house (a place she did not own).
- Many instances where men have given up or postponed their dreams for a woman.
These are just a few incidences in my lifetime that I’ve experienced or witnessed, but there are many more. I do not believe all women are mean-spirited and evil, but I believe that many of the women who claim they’d never do such horrible things actually would if given the opportunity.
My movement towards being red pill came when I read an article about why nice guys never get the girl back in college. It was very disheartening to find…it described my relationship with women TO A T! Since then, I’ve seen many examples of what happened to men like me who never wisened up to what women were doing to them. Most of them had their lives destroyed, and I didn’t want that to be me. I still like women and date, but I will probably never get married due to the reasons above.
Honestly, I hate the fact that people (especially women) think I need to have a woman in my life for it to be happy. They think it’s impossible for a man to be an utter success or find happiness without a woman by his side. I started listening to Tom Leykis and have found many instances where being with a woman killed a man’s dream. So, I decided that I would never get into a serious relationship until I’ve achieved my dream.
Being a red pill/mgtow is just the better choice when so many women are running around messing life up for us.
– Paulie
The post Confessions Of A Dude Who Is Pursuing The MGTOW Lifestyle appeared first on Caveman Circus.