How many times have you seen a friend get into a relationship and you just don’t understand why he is with her?
You think to yourself….why her?
Other than her looks….what does he see in her?
How does he stand her attitude, the way she spends his money or the way she treats other people?
Maybe your friends even said this about you at some point.
We’ve all been there.
Usually, it will take a few bad or even mediocre relationships before you find someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with.
During those trials, you may want to consider letting go of something that is “okay” to create space for something that is remarkable.
When you start to see the signs that you need to break up with your girlfriend it can be awkward, scary and sometimes life-changing.
But sometimes, it’s a necessary and a painful step on your path towards growth and happiness.
Here are the seven signs to lookout for that you shouldn’t ignore…
1. She Doesn’t Get Along with Your Friends and Family
There is nothing worse than being with a girl who just can’t seem to get along with your family and friends.
Or even worse, takes you away from seeing all of them.
If your family and friends think you have been kidnapped like Liam Neeson’s daughter in Taken, you might have a problem.
I’ve been in those relationships and seen friends in them as well…the worst part is that you often can’t see it because you are in too deep. Often times you don’t want to hear what your friends and family are telling you if they say anything negative about her.
Guys, if your parents, friends, or someone close in your life tells you they can’t stand your girlfriend maybe it’s time to take a step back and evaluate the relationship.
2. You’re Different When You Are With Her or You Change to Make Her Happy
How awful is it when you see a friend do a complete 180-degree turn once he gets a new girlfriend?
It is a horrible feeling to watch one of your friends succumb to the pressures and b.s. of his toxic girlfriend that you barely even recognize him when the two of you spend time together.
I’ve watched my friends that are funny, carefree, and loud become very quiet and boring quickly.
It’s natural to behave slightly different with your different social circles. But ask yourself these questions:
- Is she draining your energy or giving you energy?
- Are you able to be yourself when you are around her?
- If you’re outgoing, positive and talkative are you the same with her?
- Does she feel like you steal the show and have to be mellow, quiet, and unassertive?
And the most important question that you can ask yourself while going through this process is simple.
What Do You Do Without Her?
She finally has to go on a work trip or visit her family for the weekend, what do you do with your time alone?
Do you let loose and act like you just escaped prison like Andy Dufresne or do things barely change at all?
If it feels like you escaped Alcatraz then you should probably ask yourself…. why is it so different when she is in town?
I’ve witnessed friends that go crazy when their girlfriends head out of town, others too scared to do anything, and some just do what they want to do…like always.
While it’s totally normal to have a guys night out when she’s away if you countdown to when she leaves like the world depends on it that might be a red flag.
It’s okay to look forward to guys night out but you shouldn’t be scared to do the same when she’s in town.
Another important factor to consider is whether or not you want to include your girlfriend in the most important facets of your life.
Do you actually want her to be involved in your day to day?
You should want to show off your girlfriend to the people that matter most to you. She should be a part of your life and be involved with your friends, family, and coworkers.
You shouldn’t think twice about inviting her to any part of your life. It could be a happy hour with a college friend in town, dinner with your folks, or a work party.
Hopefully, she introduces herself with confidence and doesn’t become a stage 5 clinger attached to your arm and secluding herself from others.
Check out the rest of the article here
The post The Daily Man-Up: 7 Surefire Signs That You Need To Consider Breaking Up with Your Girlfriend appeared first on Caveman Circus.