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Probably the biggest obstacle that keeps guys from learning how to approach a girl they like is approach anxiety. But the amazing thing is that there is absolutely no logical reason for approach anxiety to even exist in the first place. Here are 5 (though I could go on) of the top reasons why approach anxiety makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Women want to meet you
One of the things that stops a guy from learning how to approach a girl he likes is he will look at a girl and assume she doesn’t want to meet him. He immediately thinks she’s “out of his league”, or that by approaching her he would just be a bother.
Both those thoughts are utter nonsense. If you are a fun, positive, high-value guy (the kind of guy who would add value to her life) then most women will be more than happy to meet you. It doesn’t matter what you look like or how much you have in your bank account. If you can make a girl feel good (make her laugh, feel appreciated, connected, provide her with exciting new experiences, etc.) then she will be glad you walked into her life. (And for all you guys worrying you’ll just wind up in the friend-zone, click here and learn how to ensure that won’t happen).
The halo effect
Another thing that stops guys from learning how to approach a girl they like is putting attractive women up on a pedestal. This is often caused by a “halo effect”. A guy will see an attractive girl and then attribute all these other positive qualities to her because of the way she looks. Just because she’s pretty he’ll assume everything else about her and her life must be perfect.
But to assume a girl has a perfect life just because she’s pretty is outrageous. Everyone has flaws, insecurities, fears, and struggles in their life regardless of how they look. Remember that, and you will have an easier time connecting with these “flawless” women.
There is nothing to be afraid of
So many of the fears that pop up in guy’s head when thinking about how to approach a girl he likes have no basis in reality. Guys have these stories and beliefs that if he approaches a girl then everything will go horribly wrong. She’ll fly off the handle (or turn ice-cold), humiliate him, and everyone around will point and laugh and he’ll feel like a loser. Then the girl will spend the rest of her life remembering that lame guy who had the nerve to try and start a conversation with her at a bar.
But the reality is the fear of rejection is way worse than rejection itself. You know what actually happens after a girl turns you down? Nothing. Not a damn thing. The world keeps spinning and everyone just moves on. Besides it’s not like women hate being approached (it’s a flattering boost to the ego) or are out to humiliate guys. In fact the vast majority of women will go way out of their way to avoid coming across as cold or harsh.
Check out the rest of the article here
The post The Daily Man-Up: Approach Anxiety is Illogical appeared first on Caveman Circus.