When a black guys say I can dance
When I check my bank account after the weekend
When I successfully call in sick for work
Seeing people headed to the beach during my morning commute.
Anytime I manage to get my arm around a woman
My Girlfriend Said She Wanted To Try Anal
My mom, walking in on my “private time” when I was a teen
When I’m getting ready for bed but my roommate wants to go out drinking.
When I win an eBay item by sniping in the last second
When someone tries to wake me up…
When I hear two people talking about me, and they don’t know I’m there.
After you finally finish the season finale of your favourite show…
When I’m in a mostly empty movie theater and someone sits in the seat in front of me.
When someone tells an inappropriate joke at work
When I’m having a bad day and someone asks what’s wrong.