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What It’s Like To Get In A Prison Fight


prison fight

A prison fight is nothing like the UFC or boxing. It’s straight-up bedlam. Anything that can happen, will happen. Locks in a sock, shanks and mop wringers are all game. You can’t get a fair fight, but you can get a square one. You just have to know the rules. And the rules vary.

The universal rule is that fighting is part of prison life. You either fight or lose everything. Heart checks are mandatory. It’s called being “on the count” and if you aren’t present, you’ll get checked into the hole by your own boys.

“Whenever you are going to do any type of fighting in a penal institution what rules you go by are determined by where you are at,” said Kevin Smith, a 47-year-old penitentiary veteran from Fort Worth, Texas who has done 10 years in federal institutions, three stints in the Texas Department of Corrections (TDC) and multiple stays in county jail for a variety of charges including meth distribution and manufacture, gun possession, conspiracy to rob a bank and assault.

The TDC is one of the more notorious prison systems in the country. They got a saying when you walk into a Texas prison, “You gotta fight, fuck or bust a 60.” The first two are self-explanatory, the third means paying someone off for protection.

“In TDC they make you fight right when you get there.” said Smith. “It’s a heart check. They want to make sure you’re going to fight because when you go to TDC you’re going to war, just like in the feds when you get to the higher levels. When you’re in a constant state of war you want to make sure your fighters will fight.”

If you have a problem with another prisoner there’s no time to talk about it. Convicts will tell you straight-up, ‘I don’t argue.’ It doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong. It just matters who wins.

“When you have a problem they tell you to ‘Lace up or catch a square,’” said Smith. “When they tell you that it means you go and get boots and your gloves on and you go toe-to-toe, usually in the bathroom. If it’s between races the different groups will go together and let the two guys fight one on one.”

The etiquette in TDC takes on its own nuances from there.

“Once you get your fight on, after a guy drops or he’s bloody, he doesn’t get stomped out,” said Smith. “They pretty much pick him up and ask the guy that just got dropped if he wants to continue and he generally does, giving up too quickly means you lose face. But if he gets dropped again then it’s over.”

Fighting can get you your respect, even if you get your ass beat. Assuming you follow the rules. Everything is regulated because in prison your flag is your skin color and race riots can jump off over any violation of the rules. That’s why when you take it to the bathroom, you leave it in there.

Either way, simple disagreements aren’t the only reason why prison fights happen.

“I’m from Texas and when I got to USP Beaumont the shot-caller told me I’m on the launching pad,” said Smith. “That means that the first guy that shows up dirty from Texas I get.”

Smith didn’t have to wait long to put in work.

“There was a guy that showed up and he was dirty, he told on somebody,” Smith remembers. “I saw the paperwork and we were drinking. I ran up in his cell while my homeboy held the door and I hit that snitch with three shots to the head and he fell down like a bitch. I stomped him a couple times for good measure and told him to check in. Then I sat back down in the dayroom like nothing happened and continued drinking.”

In the penitentiary, convict justice is swift and brutal. A snitch can get respect if he fights, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a snitch. He can just be a tough snitch. A lot of fights in prison are over paperwork, but convicts also fight over drugs, money and even a seat in the TV room.

“In FCI El Reno there was this dude Rebel, he was one of those Aryan dudes,” said Smith. “He thought he was running the TV room. He was just a big 6-foot-5, weightlifting, 26-year-old kid that had been picking his marks and beating people up for sitting in his seat.

“He tried that with me one time and I told him he could go fuck himself. I had been drinking of course and he tried to sneak me. I saw it out of the corner of my eye as he threw a right. I ducked that weak shit because I’m from Fort Worth, Texas and we box all the time. You never throw a right first.

“When he threw it he was way over extended so I hit him with a left jab right in the jaw and he was already doing the dance. I hit him twice more and he fell down on his chair knocking it over. He got up, came at me again and threw another right. I ducked that again and threw a left hook and he fell into some other guys sitting there watching. He got up and didn’t want no more and everybody was looking at me all astonished because this 40-year-old man had blood all over his shirt, but none of it was his.”

Rebel didn’t want any more problems with Smith after that.

– Seth Ferranti


Related Viewing: The Prison Code – Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail


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How Cults Recruit And Indoctrinate Their Members


by Michael Bluejay

Ever wonder how someone becomes a cult member?  How exactly do they get sucked in?  The process is actually remarkably similar from cult to cult, and here I’m going to explain the basic recipe.  But before detailing the specific mind-control tricks, one thing to realize is that the indoctrination is typically a series of small steps.  No one goes from rational person to brainwashed devotee overnight; instead, they’re gently led through the process, one step at a time, each step being not very far from the old step, so it doesn’t seem like a big change.  Of course, once you take enough steps you’re a mile from where you started.  It reminds me of that old idea that a frog in a pot of water that’s slowly heated from room temperature to boiling never realizes it.  While I doubt that’s actually true, it illustrates the concept.  Anyway, with that in mind, let’s follow the path of a new recruit into a mind-control group.

1. Invitation to a non-threatening event

Cult recruiters never give you the hard sell right off the bat.  After all, if the pitch were, “Come be a part of our group, have it control most to all aspects of your life, possibly cut off ties with those you can’t recruit into the group, and make the group the focal point of your life until you die,” then most of us would run the other way screaming.  So instead, a potential recruit is invited to a workshop, a poetry reading, a “party”, a peformance, or some other seemingly innocuous event.

The invitation might incorporate some other tricks.  For example, famed ex-cult member Steve Hassan originally accepted the invitation from the Moonies because the Moonies used attractive young women as the recruiters.

2. Love-bombing

At the event, cult members shower the potential recruit with attention and praise.  Psychologists call this “love-bombing”.  The cult people are trying to create a positive association in your mind between attending the event and having a good feeling.  So when you’re invited to the next event, you’ll be more likely to accept because of the good feeling they instilled in you on your first visit.

The love-bombing might continue for a while.  As one recruit later said, “Those first months, all my new friends from the *** Foundation were unusually kind to me….Little did I realize, that within a short time, I would cave in to their pressure to be outwardly expressive of a gratitude that I just didn’t feel and they didn’t deserve.”  Another ex-member, commenting on that story, said, “You really got it right as you explained how warm and friendly everyone can seem when they’re in recruitment mode…”

3. Dangling “The Prize” in front of you

At some point, cult members will suggest that if you join or study with them, you can attain something special, such as, depending on the cult, happiness (most cults), the answer’s to the world’s mysteries, a “cure” for homosexuality, or fantastic wealth (various multi-level marketing groups).  This offer could come before, during, or after that initial event you were invited to, but it’ll be there, because they need you to want something from them, otherwise they have no leverage over you.

At the event, the members will all seem very happy, and you’ll probably be introduced to some “success stories”, people whose lives have supposedly been totally turned around since joining the group, maybe either attaining the prize or being close to doing so.  Now, so these success stories say, they’re finally really happy, or they understand how the world works, or they’re no longer gay/alcoholic/whatever, or they’ve made lots and lots of money, etc.  You’re supposed to look at them and imagine yourself attaining that same prize.

4. Extracting an agreement from you that you want the prize

After introducing the prize, they get you to agree that you want it.  This is actually pretty easy, because the prize is usually attractive (who wouldn’t want it?), and because admitting your interest in it seems safe because you don’t see any obligation attached.  The pitch might sound like any of these:

“You do want to become financially independent, don’t you?”

“Wouldn’t it be exciting to really know the secrets of the meaning of life?”

“Would your life be better if you were no longer [gay/addicted to alcohol/etc.]?”

“Is it one of your goals to find a way to truly help the world?”

“What have you got to lose?  Isn’t it worth [$x or y action] to find out whether this can really change your life?”

Once you agree, the cultists have sunk an important hook into you, and they’ll use it.  By the way, notice some of the psychology here:  They don’t tell you what you should want, they get you to articulate it.  They’re trying to get you to feel that the idea came from you.  In the future, you’ll be less likely to argue, because you’d feel like you’d be arguing with yourself.  Once you say what you feel out loud, that becomes part of your identity.  Unfortunately, that means you’ve taken the first big step into identifying with the cult.

5. Shutting down your dissent by threatening to withhold the prize

By this point, the sell becomes a little harder.  You’ll be encouraged to do things that you might rather not, like devote more of your time to the group, start recruiting for them, pay for expensive programs or study materials, or adopt more extreme beliefs.  Naturally, you might protest.  But the cultists are ready for that.  When you show any resistance, they simply threaten you that you’ll never attain the prize if you keep up that kind of attitude.

This tactic is shown quite plainly in the transcript of an *** consultation.  The cult leaders shoot down the student’s questions by suggesting that he’s doomed to a life of homosexuality if he doesn’t stop being “difficult”.

Teacher:  Did you study the tape of your last lesson? I’ll be direct. Did you actually listen to it?

Student:  Yes.

Teacher:  Did you like yourself for the way you talked, the way you listened?  As you listened to yourself did you like the way you answered questions and even the way you asked questions?  Did you, do you think…you were being argumentative for the purpose of not seeing what is true, and in fact thwarting?

Student:  Well, I guess, maybe it would be, if I tried to, I guess I would have to say I was disappointed in myself for not catching on quicker.

Teacher:  Yeah, but do you think there was anything argumentative?  When I began to study Aesthetic Realism I wanted to see, but I also made a mistake in wanting to be superior…I did not know Aesthetic Realism and the tremendous knowledge that Eli Siegel had came to — on one hand I was grateful that Aesthetic Realism was so big there was something for me to learn — and it was true about me, I was grateful for that. But on the other hand, I made the stupid mistake of resenting the, the size of Aesthetic Realism and the fact that there was something new for me to learn. And do you think anything like that is going on in you?

Student:  Yes.

Teacher:  Because think about it this way: If Aesthetic Realism was something you already knew…your life, you’ve got a situation in your life you want to change, homosexuality…

Student:  Right.

Teacher:  Right? So if what you know already, what you’ve met all these years, had helped you in this field, you wouldn’t be homosexual, right?

Student:  Right.

Teacher:  So what’s your hope? Does your hope lie in Aesthetic Realism being just what you already knew, or Aesthetic Realism being new, and big, and explaining things you haven’t understood, though you’ve been troubled by them?

Student:  I want it to be new and big and explain things…

Threatening to withhold the prize isn’t the only way the leaders shoot down objections, though.  Notice that they used another one in the transcript above:  They say that anyone who questions the teachings is simply trying to feel superior.

Actress Sarah Fazeli relates how the leaders threatened her with not getting the prize when she raised an objection.  Early on she tried to get her money back, and the rep came back with, “Let’s talk about this. Why do you feel this way? What could you be resisting in your life? What if ‘I want my money back’ is just a story you are telling yourself?”

Sarah then talked to another rep, who said, “Sarah, can you honestly say you are where you want to be in your life?”  That’s exactly out of the playbook.  He followed up with, “What is really going on here? What are you resisting?”  Resisting, trying to feel superior, whatever, it’s just always turned around as a criticism ofthe questioner.  And then back to threatening non-attainment of the prize:  “I hear you, Sarah, but I want you to be open to the possibilities that lay ahead for you….”

But maybe the most direct example of holding back the prize was at the seminar that Sarah attended, when a leader chastised attendees for taking unauthorized bathroom breaks:  “You get up and take a break? Don’t blame me if come Sunday everyone else ‘gets it’ and you don’t. I can’t guarantee the transformation that will happen Sunday at 5pm unless you are here and present every second.”

6. Establishment of guilt

Okay, so the recruit is in the door, and no longer asking difficult questions.  The next step is to make the recruit feel guilty.  Yale professor Robert Lifton called this shaming the establishment of guilt in the landmark book about the brainwashing of prisoners of war.  The prisoners had so successfully been made to feel guilty that they came to blame themselves for their own incarceration.

Cult leaders shame their recruits because that makes the recruits feel vulnerable and more susceptible to further manipulation.  It’s also used to guilt-trip recruits into getting more involved with the group. 

For the already-indoctrinated, playing the shame game ensures that they remain committed to The Cause.   As one ex-*** member said:

“We would sit, thirty or so people, listening to the leader tell us how much good he had done in our lives, and how we would never be happy until we acknowledged to the entire world our debt of gratitude to him.  I would sit as far to the back of the room as possible, tears of shame running down my face, bending my head down behind the person in front of me so I wouldn’t be called on to speak, and vowing inwardly to be ‘honest’ from now on.”


The *** actually blew a third of a million dollars on a double-page ad in the New York Times to tell the world about ***, and in that ad they talked about their guilt for not having respected their cult enough:  “We ourselves, we say with shame, resented *** and *** because we respected them so much.”  Another ex-member explains where that kind of thinking comes from:

“In almost any situation, one of the most surefire crowd pleasers was to ‘express one’s regret’ for where one had been ‘unfair’ to the leaders or the group. The more eloquent and heartfelt one could be on this subject, the better. The people with the highest standing in the organization were those who were most adept at not only praising *** extravagantly yet convincingly, but also expressing, often with tears, their ‘everlasting, searing regret’ for having, in the past, been unfair to them.”

An ex-member of *** had this to say:  “For me, the creepiest element of ***was the way that shame was used as a control mechanism…if the ***didn’t like something about you, they could shame you into submission by making your private shit a matter of public disapproval.”

7. Carrot/Stick

Behavior is reinforced by rewarding “good” behavior and punishing “bad” behavior.  Since we naturally seek to minimize pain, this is a pretty powerful tool.  An ex-member of Zendik explains this clearly:

“[I was a vegetarian, but] I was pressured to eat meat by the Zendik Health Admininstrator and others in the community. I resisted for maybe a year. When I finally did eat some meat (chicken, I think) I received much praise. Other ***took notice and gave me approving looks as I walked past with my plate of dead bird (or whatever it was). Vegetarianism was just another corrupting remnant of my old life (like my Led Zeppelin t-shirt and my name), something I needed to let go of in order to achieve happiness and enlightenment. Of course I felt better after eating the meat– I was being smiled at for a change.”

8. Control of identity, information, environment

The above explains how a recruit gets sucked in.  Once a recruit is firmly in, more advanced techniques can be used to keep them in.  One of the most powerful is getting members to disassociate from the previous family and friends.  Not all cults do this, but those which do are able to hold a tighter rein on the members.  However, these and other methods are a bit beyond the scope of this article, which was to explain how even rational, intelligent people can slowly get sucked into a cult group.  Now you know.

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The Dumping Grounds


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Driver outsmarts news anchor during police chase


How Social Media Makes You Depressed


Casually Explained: First Dates


Backstage at a professional wrestling event in 1988. So much cocaine.


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Pretty Girls Make The World Go Round

A Heavy Metal Dose Of AWESOME To Help You Celebrate Friday

Hot New Music Of The Day


The homie sent over this hot new track from garage pop band Pet Fangs called Bitch, Baby.  It’s funky as hell and is dedicated to one of the member’s Joe Stark’s wife who was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Great track to roll into summer with.


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The Daily Man-Up


I fucking hate Friday. I really do. I’m blown away by people celebrating the end of the week.

Like the weekend is your escape from your reality.

At its basic form, if you genuinely celebrate Friday, you need to rethink your entire fucking game. You need to rethink life. I mean, it’s super simple.

Right now, there’s so many people debating the pedestal of workaholics and hustle and grind. I think it’s actually an interesting conversation about work-life balance. But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about if you genuinely dislike what you do so much that you beg for Friday. This has to stop.

I know that it’s July 4th weekend and it’s the biggest weekend of the year. But if you’re upset to be at work on Wednesday than you have lost. Please take this time to reflect. Are you happy? Are you doing what you want to be doing? Are you on the right track? Are you in control?

Maybe it’s time to break the pattern. Do something different. Change.

Listen, I lived this for 12 years. Definitely nine at least. I used to run to Friday when I was in school, and I hated Sunday night with my entire heart.

The thought that this is so many people’s work lives, which will be the disproportionate percentage of how they live breaks my heart. It breaks my heart. I’m not writing this article to explain how lucky I am or how cool it is that I love what I’m doing. I’m writing this article so that I can get one person to be like, “Fuck, he’s right. Like what the hell am I doing here?”

If I can get one person to do that, I’ve won.

Friday cannot be the best day of the week, because if it is, you’ve already lost and you need to figure out how to fix that. Whether that’s your side hustle from 7 p.m. to midnight, or whether that’s networking from 7 to 9 p.m. with other job opportunities, and whether that’s taking a financial step backwards to take a job that you love that you can grow up into, please do not waste the next 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 years of your life and allocate 30, 40, 50, 60% of your time to doing something that you actually hate.

Don’t cheer for the weekend. Cheer that you actually have it figured out.

– Gary Vaynerchuk

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A Few Photos To Remind You That Life Is Beautiful

A Few Clips Guaranteed To Make You Feel Better About Life


Everyday Camus waits patiently for his friend Peter to get home and then runs as fast as he can to greet him.


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Dad’s Surprise Reaction To Becoming Grandparents


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The Dumping Grounds


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Venezuela – On The Edge Of Ruin


High Ranking Mexican Mafia dropout gives candid interview


Bruce Lee -‘The Stare’


Tom got mad game!


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These side-by-side photos of stars and their stunt doubles are less smoke, much mirrors – OMG Blog

People Sharing What They Think Everyone Should Accomplish by Age 35 – Sad And Useless

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13 Amazing Gift Ideas For Father’s Day


With a finely-honed, stainless steel folding blade, and a hard beechwood handle, the classic Opinel knife has been a popular pocket option for anyone from vinters to farmers to cheesemongers across Europe.This Opinel Knife is an excellent choice for an everyday carry

gift ideas for fathers day


This palm-sized projector fits anywhere, travels well and has surprisingly good image quality. RIF6 CUBE Mobile Pico Projector

gift ideas for fathers day


Iron Out Any Wrinkle With This Portable Tool. Collar Perfect

A compact and quick ironing solution that works by clamping onto collars, cuffs, creases, between buttons, and other parts to smooth out wrinkles. What makes it Perfect is the ability to transform by opening to flatten the wings for use like a regular iron.

gift ideas for fathers day


This Tool Makes Skinning Fish Super Easy. SKINZIT Electric Fish Skinner

This device removes rib bones and skin from the fillet in two simple steps.  The first pass rolls out the rib bones, the second pass removes the skin with full meat retention.  It’s really that easy!

skinzit fish skinner


For The Whiskey Loving Dad. Don’t let your dad water down his expensive whiskey with ice! These Whiskey Stones will chill your selection and save all the notes, intricacies and flavors that the distiller worked so hard to produce. 

whiskey stones



The Bug-A-Salt Shoots A Shotgun Spray Of Table Salt And Decimates Flies On Contact


This unique device provides the best massaging experience that your feet can ever have. Belmint Shiatsu Foot Massager

gift ideas for fathers day


Does dad like to work out? Travel a lot? Then this will be his new favorite gift. The most packable and portable home gym around, the TRX System maximizes your workout while minimizing your equipment needs.

gift ideas for fathers day


For The Dad Who Loves Coffee. The Aeropress Makes The Best Damn Cup Of Coffee

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Best Pair of Socks You And Your Father Will Ever Own. Socks, with a lifetime guarantee? Yes. Darn Tough Hiker Micro Crew Socks

gift ideas for fathers day


This Bulletproof Stanley Classic Thermos That’s Just Like The One Your Grandfather Used. It’s a classic for a reason. It just works. Forever

gift ideas for fathers day


The California Car Duster does a great job for what I call “tune up” cleaning. It takes me just a couple of minutes to clean the whole car and it looks beautiful again. It will not remove bugs or rain streaks, but if you use your car only on sunny days, this brush does an amazingly quick job to make it sparkle just as if you had it just polished. 

gift ideas for fathers day


This is the last razor your dad will ever need. The blades cost 9¢ each and last a week. For $4.50, I get a year’s worth of shaves. How much do you spend on Fusion cartridges in a year? 

The Merkur Futur provides an excellent shave quality because you are really able to experiment with how aggressive your razor should be for the type of facial hair that you have. And unlike most other adjustable razors that I’ve tried, this razor was built with tons of love. The craftsmanship of merkur always impresses me. This safety razor has a decently long handle and weighs a good amount. The balance is very good if you in place your fingers on the handle where the indentation is. The grip is subpar but that is the sacrifice you need to make for a beautiful chrome specimen. This is a fantastic razor for all levels of wet shavers

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Memorial Day Is Upon Us. Let Us Not Forget The Sacrifice That Was Made For Our Freedom

Get This Motivation And CONQUER Your Week!

Hotness Galore!

Your Weekly Dose Of All Things Jiu-Jitsu


This officer needs to work on his Jiu Jitsu

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Armbar from under side control 

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Armbar from the back

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Nice drop seoi-nage setup

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A post shared by Shokunin (@_shokunin_) on


Great details on the armbar/triangle from mount

A post shared by Shokunin (@_shokunin_) on




A heel hook vs. a much larger opponent


Amazing grappling on display from  Davi Ramos


Officer Craig Hanaumi getting some grappling training in

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The Daily Man-Up


If you want to do something of value and be someone of value you have to come to the understanding that life isn’t easy. It hasn’t been easy for anyone, at least anyone wanting to leave a fingerprint on the planet before they leave.

Your days shouldn’t be easy, otherwise you’re not doing the things you need to do.

Even the simple things like keeping a clean house and a tidy yard. Working. Working harder today than you did yesterday. Learning. Training your body. Acquiring and developing toughness and grit.

All good things require work and they ask us to do things that we don’t necessarily want to do.

Life is tougher for some than others, we can all agree with that. And that’s just the way it is and the way it will always be.

The key is, within your own life, accepting that life is hard and it can be brutal at times. It can bring you to your knees. It seems to throw a shit storm your way at the worst possible moment.

Bad things happen and to think that they won’t even when you’re on top of the world is to be unprepared.

Accept that life isn’t easy. It’s the first step to making it GOOD.

From that launching point you’re willing to do more work and endure more hardship.

Winners in life persist. Losers quit.

To think that life will at any point be easy is to set yourself up to quit and whine and wish things were different.

Don’t fall into that trap.

Check out more awesome articles at Chad Howse

The post The Daily Man-Up appeared first on Caveman Circus.

A Damn Fine Collection Of Fascinating Photos And Videos


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This poster outside Seoul city hall


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A police dog with its new ‘body cam’


Very true 



2018 Audi A8 reacts to a potential side collision by lifting the side to protect the passengers 


The post A Damn Fine Collection Of Fascinating Photos And Videos appeared first on Caveman Circus.

Know Your Rights. What To Do If You Get Pulled Over By The Police


So let’s start from the top, with the most basic insight – do not get pulled over. For the sake of obviousness, let’s rundown how to make this happen (many of these are common sense, but well worth reiterating). Two most important rules: 1) Do not break the law in any fashion while driving, and 2) be aware of your surroundings and vehicle at all times.

Let’s elaborate on 1) – Do not speed. Use your turn signals. Drive in the right lane, and avoid passing unless absolutely necessary. Do not text, etc. – if you drive a car and are in any way self aware about doing so, you’ve got these down. Do not carry drugs in your car 2) – Download and use Waze, but remember that it is not infallible, and certainly not a guarantee to keep you safe. Keep your eyes up at all times, always scanning for places that a police officer would sit. Do not have any obstructions to your visibility, including all of your mirrors. Your registrations tags must be current and able to be viewed without obstruction. If you believe that you can manage these to the point that you won’t get pulled over then you can stop reading my sure to be incessant further ramblings after this paragraph, but just remember – you’re a fool. You can control everything I’ve discussed, but you can’t control others, you can’t control your car with surety, and you damn sure can’t control the police.

Now, to the legal issues. If you get pulled over, do not panic. Do not turn around to look at the police vehicle or officer as he approaches. Do not make any fast, jerking movements – just sit still and wait for him to approach. Do not rummage for your license and insurance – wait until he reaches the window and asks for them. Once the officer is at your window, BE RESPECTFUL. I cannot overstate this enough, no matter what your personal opinions or experiences may be, or how you may feel about the police – none of that matters. Every sentence ends with “sir” or “ma’am”. Be calm, and do not raise your voice for any reason. If the officer asks if you know why he pulled you over say “no sir”, and make him tell you. An officer must have probable cause that you were committing a crime in order to pull you over. Once the officer tells you what that crime is do not argue with him, just say “oh, I was unaware”. Do not say you weren’t doing it, do not say you were doing it; just acknowledge it.

If the officer asks to search your car, say “No, I do not consent to a search”. Say “no” confidently and clearly. If he asks you why not, say “Your probable cause for pulling me over was dispelled when you stopped me for (insert offense), and you have no probable cause to conduct a search of my vehicle”. Of note, if the officer has already written you a ticket then say “cited me for” instead of “stopped me for”, and ask him you are free to leave. Speak calmly and clearly, and remember – if you reach the point where an officer asks to search your car, YOU are in control of the situation, not him. It may seem counter-intuitive, but you are the citizen – you have rights, and the full backing of the Constitution. All you need is the knowledge, which you’ll have by the end of this read, and the approach, which will come naturally if you remember that you’re in control of the situation. The officer has to have a reason (probable cause) to search your car – you don’t have to have a reason to deny his request; it’s that simple. If the officer continues to banter you after you deny a search, then say “You do not have a search warrant or probable cause for a search warrant to be issued. Any search of my vehicle without probable cause or a warrant would be a violation of my Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure”.

If the officer asks you to step out of your car, do it. This does not change anything. An officer is allowed, by law, to ask the driver and any passengers to exit the vehicle for his protection. Before you get out of the car roll up all the windows, turn the car off, and take the keys out of the ignition. Once you’re out immediately close all of the doors and lock the car. The officer can make you stand there and question you, but he cannot open your car without your consent or further probable cause for a search. If he asks to search it again, say no again – you have the same rights regarding a search of your vehicle when you’re outside of the car as you do when you’re inside the car. Of note, once you’ve stepped out, the officer can subject you to brief, cursory pat-down. Just keep your cool and let it happen. The officer cannot take your keys out of your pocket during this pat-down and use them to open your car. If he tries to do so, repeat the statement above, reminding him that he is clearly violating your Fourth Amendment rights. Once he’s finished patting you down, ask if you’re free to leave – an officer cannot hold you without a warrant or probable cause for a search, neither of which he will have.

Now a fun, but educational anecdote. I was pulled over by a Michigan State Police officer on my way to a festival a couple of years ago while driving in my car with four friends. The reason? My license plate frame was covering up part of my registration tags. Remember paragraph two of this novella? This is a specific example of why I took the time to remind you of even the most obvious of pointers. The officer came to the window, went back to his patrol car, wrote up the ticket, and then came back to my window, but he refused to hand me the ticket. The officer then asked to search my car; I said no, and we had the conversations as regurgitated above. The officer then asked us to exit the vehicle, so we did. I rolled up the windows, turned the car off, and took the keys out. We all exited, and I closed the doors and locked the car. The officer was very perturbed by all of this, as we had foiled his certain plot to poke around through a door or window if one was left open. As recourse, the officer then says “I smelled weed when you exited the vehicle”. He proceeds to put us all in handcuffs, and then sits us down on the side of the highway next to my locked car. The officer goes back to his cruiser, and we wait, and wait, and wonder as hordes of gawking Forest goers drive by in solidarity. All of a sudden another officer pulls up behind the already present patrol car. Then another, and another, until there are no less than five police vehicles and seven troopers on the scene surrounding my vehicle. The door of the unmarked SUV swings open, and here comes ol’ Fido. We watched the officer walk the drug dog around my car twice – nothing. On the third time around, as he reaches the trunk, the officer very obviously tugs on the dog’s leash, and consequently the dog barks. All of the officers standing around go “oo, ah, yeah, that’s a hit”. One officer comes over to me and tells me that I can give him the keys or they can break the window, but either way they’re now allowed to search my vehicle because the drug dog hit, which at that moment was technically (if not legally or ethically) correct.

With what I believed to be nothing to hide, I gave the officer my keys. Seven officers spent the next half an hour tearing my car apart. They pulled out dash panels, threw all of our gear and equipment to the curb, and unpacked all of our supplies. Just as I thought we were home free, an officer walked over with my friend’s bag and pulled out a small piece that was clearly filled with resin. Fuck, goes my brain. I had no idea that the piece was in the car, and had received repeated reassurances that no contraband of any kind was in the car before we departed. The officer then reached back into the bag and took out a small baggy filled with little white crystals. I felt the life leave my body – past, present, and future, all unwittingly disposed of in this single moment. The officer picked my friend up by his cuffs and took him to a patrol car. The two of them sat inside of the patrol car for what seemed like forever. After the passing of an unbearably long amount of time the officer brought my friend back to the roadside and sat him down once again. The officer then picked me up by the cuffs and walked me down the road a short way. I will never forget the moment that he removed my handcuffs, handed me the piece and the baggy, and said “I want you to walk these down the road and get rid of them. I don’t care how, I don’t care where, and I don’t want to know.” So, of course, I did as he asked. When I got back to my car the other officers had already removed the handcuffs from my friends’ wrists. One officer walked over to me, removed my handcuffs, handed me the keys to my car, and said “Sorry for all the hassle, we really expected this to be a mule car. You guys weren’t assholes, and you seem to know the law, so just get in your car and get out of here. And tell everyone you meet that Michigan State Troopers are the nicest out there.” We loaded our gear back into my car, and that was it. Or should have been, anyway, except that one of my friends had left his laptop charger plugged into my AC/DC adapter for the entirety of the stop. After finally getting our belongings repacked and everyone back into the car I turned the key and, you guessed it…the car battery was dead. I had to go back to the officer, the same one that originally pulled us over, and ask him to jump my car. He did so only after releasing a multitude of sighs and utterances. And then that was it. We drove away into the sunset, and had the most magical Forest to date knowing how close we came to missing it all.

Now, this is a fun little tale, but I did not spend half an hour typing this post just so we could all have a good chuckle at my harrowing experience – there is some good information and knowledge embedded in my recanting. 1) And again, most important, is BE NICE AND KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. After all of that turmoil, after utilizing a ton of their valuable resources, after finding drugs in the car, the officers let us go because we were nice and informed. 90% of the time it’s just that simple. Really. 2) Technically speaking, the law requires that an officer release you once their probable cause for stopping you is dispelled (e.g. you get pulled over for speeding, as soon as you receive the ticket then you are legally free to go). Practically speaking, if an officer wants to hold you and quiz you/patronize you/etc., he or she will do so unless you assert your knowledge regarding your rights and that you are free to leave. 3) As far as a search goes, if an officer has probable cause that you were committing a crime then they can search your car whenever, wherever. But, establishing probable cause to search a vehicle requires illegal things in plain sight, the smell of drugs, evidence of crime, or your consent. If an officer does not have probable cause via any of these mechanisms then they cannot legally search your car. Know this, and be ready to state it if confronted with an unreasonable search request. 4) The smell of marijuana gives an officer the right to conduct a warrantless search that would otherwise be in violation of your Fourth Amendment rights. All an officer needs is the smell, and a “fear that evidence is being destroyed”. This “fear” is a bullshit standard, which is left completely up to an officer’s judgment. If confronted with this situation, be ready to be subjected to a search. This loophole is just one gallon of fuel for the raging fire of reasons why you should not have drugs in your car. If an officer is unyielding in his determination to search your car they will very likely do so, and you will be left to hire an attorney and pay legal fees to fight it out in court. This is why courtesy and knowledge are the two most powerful tools in your arsenal in these situations, even more powerful than the law itself; they can often diffuse the situation long before it escalates the point of an overzealous and angry officer that is willing to violate your Constitutional rights just to smite you. 5) A recent Supreme Court decision, Rodriguez v. United States, 135 S.Ct. 1609, now prevents an officer from doing what was done to us. An officer can no longer hold you after their probable cause for a traffic stop has been dispelled in order to allow for time to get a drug dog on the scene. Be prepared to cite the name of this case if you find yourself in such a situation.

– MrBSPrestonEsq

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